

单词 yellow camomile

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yellow camomile
(a) In names of plants or varieties of plant having yellow flowers, fruit, wood, etc., as yellow bugle, yellow camomile, yellow daffodil, yellow gilliflower, yellow lady's bedstraw, yellow marigold, yellow medick, yellow pearmain, yellow rose, yellow sedge, yellow succory, yellow sultan, yellow thistle, yellow vetch, yellow vetchling, etc. Also in names of products derived from such plants or their parts.yellow adder's tongue, yellow bothen, yellow devil's-bit, yellow heartsease, yellow monotropa, etc.: see the second element. See also yellow flag n.1, yellow gold n.1, yellowroot n., etc. [In some formations after post-classical Latin or scientific Latin plant names containing luteus yellow (already in classical Latin as lūteus , sometimes used to designate plants: see luteous adj.1) as either a general adjective or specific epithet.]
c1405 (c1385) G. Chaucer Knight's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 1071 Ialousye That wered of yelowe gooldes a gerland.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. E.vi Plenie maketh mention of a kynde called Narcissus herbaceus, whiche is after my iudgement our yealowe daffodyl.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. B.i The secund [kind of Camomile] is called in greke chrysanthemon..it maye be called in englishe yealowe camomyle.
1562 W. Turner 2nd Pt. Herball f. 14 It [sc. Hieracium magnum] may be called in Englishe greate hawkewede, or yealow succory.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §482 There be certain Corn-flowers which come seldome or never in other places..but onely amongst Corn: As the blew Bottle, a kind of Yellow Mary-Gold, Wilde Poppy and Fumitory.
1674 J. Blagrave Suppl. to Culpeppers Eng. Physitian 86 The Yellow-Gillow-flower plentifully groweth upon the old ruined Stones of the walls of Monasteries, Castles, and such old buildings.
1725 R. Bradley Chomel's Dictionaire Œconomique at Rose-tree The Yellow Rose has broad Leaves of a yellow Lemon Colour, and has no smell.
1736 N. Bailey Dict. Domesticum 502 Among several things that will coagulate milk..the plant call'd Cheeserening, or Yellow Ladies Bed-straw, is used commonly about Nantwich.
1753 Chambers's Cycl. Suppl. at Aphaca There is only one known species of Aphaca, which is the yellow vetchling, called by some the bind-weed-leaved vetch.
1776 W. Withering Bot. Arrangem. Veg. Great Brit. II. 461 Yellow Medick. Butterjags.
1804 J. E. Smith Flora Britannica (new ed.) II. 913 [Centaurea solstitialis.] Yellow thistle.
1835 Weekly Visitor 30 June 237/1 These pods in the yellow medick, (medicago falcata,) are bent like a sickle.
1873 W. B. Hemsley Handbk. Hardy Trees 266 C[entaurea] moschata, Sweet Sultan, and C. Amberboï, Yellow Sultan, are Eastern species, the latter with pale yellow and the former with purple or white agreeably scented flower-heads.
1905 Western Fruit Grower Aug. 10/3 The yellow Pearmain is what is known as Clark's Pearmain.
1924 W. H. Fitch et al. Illustr. Brit. Flora (ed. 5) 286 Carex flava L. Yellow sedge.
1971 R. S. R. Fitter Finding Wild Flowers 144 Yellow Vetch Vicia lutea..is our only yellow peaflower whose tendrilled pinnate leaves have several pairs of leaflets.
2001 A. Solomon Noonday Demon (2002) viii. 290 This was a liquid compounded of colocynth, yellow bugle, germander, cassia, agaric, [etc.].
extracted from yellowadj.n.
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