

单词 superscribe


Brit. /ˌsuːpəˈskrʌɪb/, /ˌsjuːpəˈskrʌɪb/, /ˈsuːpəskrʌɪb/, /ˈsjuːpəskrʌɪb/, U.S. /ˌsupərˈskraɪb/
Forms: late Middle English superscrybe, 1500s– superscribe.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin superscrībere.
Etymology: < classical Latin superscrībere to write over or on top of something, to write over as a correction < super- super- prefix + scrībere to write (see scribe n.1). Compare Spanish sobrescribir (15th cent. as sobrescrivir ), Portuguese sobrescrever (15th cent.), Italian soprascrivere (1370). Compare earlier superscription n. Compare also earlier subscribe v.Also sometimes used to translate classical Latin inscrībere inscribe v.
a. transitive. To write a name, address, or direction on the outside or cover of; to address (a letter, etc.) to a person. Also with the words written as complement.
society > communication > correspondence > sending items > send items [verb (transitive)] > address letter
1472 J. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 453 I have opteyned letterys from the Kynge to my lorde off Norffolke, to my lady off Norffolke, and to ther concell, whyche letter to there concell is nott superscrybyd for cawse we wyst nott serteyn whyche off the councell sholde be present when the massengere cowme.
1580 [implied in: A. Saker Narbonus i. 26 The seruant after deliuerie made of his superscribed Letter, wente to dispatch some businesse in the Towne.].
a1631 J. Donne Serm. (1953) I. 232 There is Gospel, but not preached to them; there are Epistles, but not superscribed to them.
1665 T. Manley tr. H. Grotius De Rebus Belgicis 374 The Emperour sent Letters soon after, superscribed to the States of Holland.
1738 in 10th Rep. Royal Comm. Hist. MSS (1885) App. i. 516 You forgot to superscribe your Letter to me, which puzzled Mr. Waters a little how to send it.
1799 C. Brockden Arthur Mervyn xii. 119 The letter was signed, and folded, and superscribed, but unsealed.
1825 T. B. Macaulay Milton in Edinb. Rev. Aug. 304 The whole was wrapped up in an envelope, superscribedTo Mr Skinner, Merchant’.
1864 J. T. Trowbridge Cudjo's Cave i. 8 He returned to his desk, but it was now too dark to write. He could barely see to sign his name and superscribe the envelope.
1906 E. A. Abbott Silanus xxxiii. 323 Scaurus usually superscribed his letters to me with his own hand.
2009 S. M. Harris in T. S. Gaul & S. M. Harris Lett. & Cultural Transformations in United States iii. 184 Hasbrouck's supportive commentary introduced and framed the letters, most of which were superscribed directly to her.
b. transitive. To write (a name or address) as a direction on a letter, etc. Obsolete.Quot. 1728, placed here in N.E.D., may represent sense 4.
1728 H. Fielding Love in Several Masques iv. iv. 52 This Letter, I did, indeed, write, but not to you... His Name to whom I designed it is erased, and yours superscribed.
1781 S. Huntington Let. 9 Jan. in G. L. Lint et al. Papers J. Adams (2003) II. 27 You will please to observe the Cover of each is unsealed, that you may take them off and superscribe the Address on each of the enclosed Letters that are sealed.
1866 ‘B. Gray’ Out of Town xxxv. 222 I once wrote him a letter of inquiry concerning it, but when I came to superscribe his name, I could not, for the life of me, tell his place of residence.
2. To write one's name at the head of a document, esp. to signify assent or authority. Opposed to subscribe v. 1.
a. transitive. With the document as object. Also with the words written as complement.
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [verb (transitive)] > write at top
1572 J. Bridges tr. R. Gwalther Hundred, Threescore & Fiftene Homelyes vppon Actes Apostles cli. 815 But returne we to Lysias, the Captaynes letter, whiche after he had superscribed it [L. post inscriptionem], begynneth the narration, with Paules greate commendation.
1637 Abp. J. Williams Holy Table 12 Now the true Copy of this Letter or Notes (for without all question they were neither superscribed nor subscribed) here ensueth.
1702 W. Smythies Vindic. from Foul Calumnies Dr. Harison 4 The said Schedule..was, and is totally wrote, subscrib'd, and superscrib'd by..Mr. Benjamin Smyth.
1775 L. Shaw Hist. Moray iv. 179 Our Kings never did subscribe their charters..and of late they superscribe them.
1826 W. Scott Woodstock III. xiv. 356 The lines forwarded by..Dr. Rochcliffe, superscribed in small letters, c.r., and subscribed Louis Kerneguy.
1845 Ld. Campbell Lives Chancellors I. Introd. 25 This [bill of proposed patent]..is superscribed by the sovereign, and sealed with the Privy Signet.
1863 H. Cox Inst. Eng. Govt. iii. vi. 669 The King's signet, used in sealing all grants superscribed by the Royal sign-manual.
1906 W. A. Ellis Life Wagner V. 374 The bare handwriting..simply confirms the belief held heretofore—not to mention the improbability of Bülow's practised eye having deceived him when he attributed both sides of the ‘Blatt’ to the early 'forties, still more, of Wagner's having placed the cart before the horse when he superscribed it.
1963 in J. Butt Poems A. Pope 15 Frank'd] Superscribed with a privileged signature, e.g. of a Member of Parliament, and so free from postage dues.
2010 A. R. MacDonald in P. Seaward Speakers & Speakership 57 In superscribing parliament's ratification of the treaty of London,..he [sc. King Charles I] was signing an agreement with his own parliament.
b. transitive. With the name, etc., as object. Also reflexive with the name, etc., as complement.
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [verb (transitive)] > write one's name alone
1611 J. Speed Hist. Great Brit. ix. xxi. 765/1 The aforesaid Noble Prince hath superscribed his name; and the witnesses..haue subscribed their names.
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) Surrey 78 I perceive that Princes, when writing to Princes subscribe their names, and generally superscribe them to subjects.
1667 T. Sprat Hist. Royal-Soc. 148 When these Statutes were presented to his Majesty, he was pleas'd to superscribe himself, their Founder, and Patron.
1762 Treat. Prerogatives Queen Consort of Eng. 6 The Queen-Wife of England also hath of later Time (as the Kings) superscribed their Names over their Warrants or Letters of public Direction or Command.
1863 Chambers's Encycl. V. at Hamilton He signed or superscribed his name as ‘James G.’, or simply ‘James’, and wrote himself ‘James, by the grace of God, Earl of Arran and Lord Hamilton’.
1866 H. Alford New Test. for Eng. Readers II. ii. xv. 169 Why then not superscribe himself ‘a servant of Jesus Christ’, or the like, as in Phil. i. 1, Philem. 1, or simply ‘Paul’, as in 1 and 2 Thess.?
1985 Times 24 July 8/4 The Signature was superscribed by the royal sign manual.
1994 M. Thiébaux Writings of Medieval Women (ed. 2) iv. 75 After Amalasuintha lost her son, she superscribed herself Amalasuintha regina when she asked for approval from the emperor Justinian to name Theodahad co-ruler..with her.
2005 E. M. Heen & P. D. W. Krey Hebrews 2/1 The heretics say that this epistle is not Paul's, and they offer as their first proof of this that his name is not superscribed as in the other epistles.
3. gen.
a. transitive. To inscribe or mark with writing on the surface or upper part; to write or print at the head of or on; to put an inscription on or over. Also with with, and with the words written as complement. Usually in passive.
1582 Bible (Rheims) Mark xv. 26 It was the third houre, and they crucified him..And the title of his cause was superscribed [L. inscriptus], King Of The Iewes.
1605 R. Carew in H. Ellis Orig. Lett. Eminent Literary Men (1843) 99 A Booke..which was by the Statyoner superscribed on the backe..to Mr. Camden.
1624 Bp. J. Hall True Peace-maker 39 He who hath graciously said all this while, Da pacem, Domine, Giue peace in our time, O Lord, may superscribe at the last his iust Trophees, with, Blessed bee the Lord which teacheth my hands to warre, and my fingers to fight.
1705 J. Addison Remarks Italy 77 A Stone superscrib'd Lapis Vituperii.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 423. ⁋4 He received a Message..superscribed With Speed.
1796 E. Hamilton Lett. Hindoo Rajah I. (Gloss.) Every temple has the image of Ganesa..placed over its gate; and the door of every dwelling-house is superscribed with his name.
1828 W. Taylor Hist. Surv. German Poetry I. 107 A deistical creed..superscribed Pœtæ azungali; that is, The Poet's Preachery.
a1901 W. Bright Age of Fathers (1903) I. ii. 19 A sealed packet with a leather covering, superscribed, ‘Statement of the Catholic Church [etc.]’.
a1985 S. D. Goitein Mediterranean Society (1999) V. x. 12 A summons to the court of the Nagid superscribed ‘It is time to act for the Lord’ (Psalm 118:126) invites persons claiming to have seen Jews swimming on Saturday to appear and deposit their testimony. The reverse side, headed by the same verse, contains a list of the culprits.
1991 D. L. Dodds C. Williams ii. 159 Williams..played with his Arthurian ‘myth’ in his correspondence and his daily life. He could superscribe a letter ‘Oxford/or Camelot’.
2004 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 14 May 6 The 40th Foot fought in the French Revolutionary War from 1793 to 1802, in the Mediterranean and Egypt, for which they were awarded a Sphinx, superscribed ‘Egypt’, in the subsequent Napoleonic and Peninsular Wars.
b. transitive. To be marked or written on or over (a surface). Obsolete. rare.
1647 J. Cleveland Poems in Char. London-diurnall (Wing C4662) 27 No Fellon is more letter'd, though the brand Both superscribes his shoulder and his hand.
4. transitive. To write (a letter, word, or other text) above something, esp. another word or the line of writing.See note at sense 1b.
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [verb (transitive)] > write above line
1776 [implied in: J. Richardson Gram. Arabick Lang. iv. 14 They assume..the sound of such superscribed vowels.].
1800 Parl. Reg. 1797–1802 X. 646 A man of the name of Patterson, who had a shop at Manchester, kept a tilted cart, over which he superscribed the names of Pitt and Patterson.
1861 F. A. Paley Æschylus' Persians (ed. 2) 757 (note) Hermann has edited ἐξερήμωσεν πέσος... He explains a various reading πεσσὸν by supposing σ was superscribed to correct the final ν.
1887 C. Horstmann Early S. Eng. Leg. 93 Soule. note1 superscribed later.
1955 T. B. Haber Manuscript Poems A. E. Housman v. 136 Above this poem Housman wrote a title from Heine, Die Armesuenderblume, then crossed it out with a heavy pen and superscribed Sinner's rue.
2006 Cultural Critique No. 62. 12 A ‘“Third World” protagonist’, in San Juan's phrase, first crossed out the ‘imperialism’ in the original graffito; later the same or another hand superscribed the ‘anti’.


superˈscribed adj.
society > communication > correspondence > sending items > [adjective] > addressed
society > communication > writing > written text > layout > [adjective] > written above the line
1580 A. Saker Narbonus i. 26 The seruant after deliuerie made of his superscribed Letter, wente to dispatch some businesse in the Towne.
1598 J. Marston Certaine Satyres in Metamorph. Pigmalions Image 27 Why..Lett'st thou a superscribed Letter fall?
1683 R. Dixon Canidia i. iv. 17 He that enters Trophonius's Grotto, Must read the superscribed Motto.
1776 J. Richardson Gram. Arabick Lang. iv. 14 They assume..the sound of such superscribed vowels.
1807 Monthly Rev. 52 App. 526 If we write Mr. Porson's corrections in contractions,..[it] differs from the reading of Aldus & Robortellus only by the superscribed sigma.
1896 Harvard Stud. Classical Philol. 7 164 In Ag. 45, 47 the correct form is indeed restored in M, as it is in 1570 in h, but the superscribed α in M in Cho. 377, 403 is as faulty as it is in f, g in Ag. 1477.
1973 R. D. Dawe Stud. Text Sophocles I. ii. vii. 246 Some scribes interpreted the correction rightly, others added it to a wrong place in the line, and a third category misunderstood the superscribed correction as a gloss.
2006 G. J. K. Campbell-Dunn Who were Minoans? x. 179 Chadwick believed the superscribed words were names of vessels, not contents.
superˈscribing n.
society > communication > writing > [noun] > act of writing one's name on document
a1631 J. Donne Valediction my Name in Poems (1633) 217 In superscribing, this name flow Into thy fancy, from the pane.
1748 H. Scougal New Acad. Compliments (title page) Instructions for Directing, Superscribing, and Subscribing of Letters.
1855 Mass. Teacher Mar. 87 Look at the handwriting, the superscribing, the punctuation, and the order and neatness of the letters.
1981 P. D. Fairweather Symbolic Regression Psychol. iii. 94 The introject is a painting over or a superscribing of foreign and inferior images (contents of awareness) over a part of the original full and freely playing spectrum of the individual's psychic energies.
2009 K. C. John Engin. Graphics for Diploma b. v. 50 The following examples explain the methods of inscribing or superscribing of circles.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2012; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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