

单词 sunday of the passion

> as lemmas

Sunday of the Passion
P1. Noun phrases with of as the names of Christian festival and ceremonial days, as Sunday of the Passion, Sunday of Quinquagesima, Sunday of Refreshment, Sunday of the (Golden) Rose, Sunday of the Trinity, etc.: see Passion, Quinquagesima, Refreshment, Rose, Trinity Sunday, etc., at the first element.
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > specific Christian festivals > mid-Lent > [noun] > Sunday in
Sunday of RefreshmentlOE
midlenten Sunday1389
mid-Lent Sundayc1425
mid-fast Sunday1480
Mothering Sunday1783
Refreshment Sunday1825
Refection Sunday1852
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > specific Christian festivals > Holy Week > [noun] > Palm Sunday
Palm SundayOE
Sunday of the PassionlOE
Passion Sundayc1384
Hosanna Sunday1868
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough interpolation) anno 963 Þe arcebiscop of Cantwarbyrig Sancte Dunstan him gehalgod to biscop on þe fyrste Sunnondæg of Aduent.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 10178 (MED) Þe bissopes..þe sonenday of þe passion amansede alle þe Þat avilede so holichirche.
c1410 tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1879) VII. 143 Þe emperour comynge ones on þe Sonday of Quynquagesme to a chapel beside þe forest, þat he myȝte prively here a masse.
a1475 in A. Clark Eng. Reg. Godstow Nunnery (1905) i. 194 (MED) Yeldyng therof yerely to the same Abbesse and Covent of Godestow..the Sonday of Sexagesyme fyfty shillyngis..for all seculer seruyce and demaunde.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) I. 653/1 (heading) A Sermon no lesse godly than learned, preached at Paules crosse on the Sonday of Quinquagesima, an. 1389. by R. Wimbledon.
1675 W. Dugdale Baronage Eng. I. 246 He ordained three Masses every day to be sung;..the second without Note, of Requiem, viz. The Sunday of the Trinity.
1692 tr. J. Abudacnus True Hist. Jacobites of Egypt x. 17 Baptism is solemnly celebrated twice in the Year, first on the Sunday of the Pentecost, and then on the Sunday of the Passion.
1710 C. Wheatley Illustr. Bk. Common Prayer (1720) v. §12. 225 The fourth [Sunday in Lent] is with us generally called Midlent Sunday; tho' Bishop Sparrow, and some others, term it, Dominica Refectionis, the Sunday of Refreshment.
1821 J. Scott Sketches French Provinces, Switzerland, & Italy 280 In the sacristie, the blood of Christ is preserved in a phial, which is exposed on the Sunday of the passion.
1829 W. Irving Chron. Conq. Granada (1835) ii. 14 It was on Saturday, the eve of the Sunday of Palms.
1841 W. Burder Relig. Ceremonies & Customs iii. ii. 255 We must not omit that the Sunday of the golden rose is called Lætare.
1904 E. Noyes Story of Ferrara i. 18 On the Sunday of the Passion the citizens watched a pompous procession of galleys.
1995 Post-Standard (Syracuse, N.Y.) (Nexis) 25 May b14 It is symbolic of the martyrs, who often spilled their blood for their beliefs, and it is used on the Sunday of the Passion, Good Friday and Pentecost.
2004 M. Stroll Calixtus II, i. 71 Thereafter they traveled on to Vienne, where Calixtus was crowned on February 9, the Sunday of ‘quinquagesima’.
extracted from Sundayn.adv.
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