

单词 superdoctor

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(a) Prefixed to the names of officials or people in authority, or to corresponding offices or functions, as super-arbiter, superdoctor, super-minister, superquaestor, supersovereign, etc.
1625 J. Donne First Serm. King Charles 38 Where there is an inducing of a super-Soueraigne, and a super-Supremacie,..this is..an vndermining, a destroying of Foundations.
1673 H. Stubbe Further Iustification War against Netherlands To Rdr. 13 To decide emergent differences a new expedient of Arbiters and Super-arbiters was found out.
1675 T. Tully Let. to R. Baxter 30 He had need to have a very competent measure of abilities himselfe, who is to give his verdict of anothers, even so farr as to make him his super-Doctor of the Chaire.
1710 D. Manley Mem. Europe II. 30 As long as Cajus Emilius is Super-Questor.
1762 P. Murdoch tr. A. F. Büsching New Syst. Geogr. I. 109 He..ordered that a super-inspector and super-administrator..should be elected.
1821 Champion 20 Oct. 661/1 The super-sovereignty of corporation faction was to be again asserted by its new organ.
1868 Punch 28 Nov. 226/1 A sub-King and a super-King cannot, with any congruity, be imagined smelling at the same rose.
1919 Hist. Outlook Jan. 17/2 Strong efforts have been made to bring about a federal union, with a super-parliament and a super-ministry for imperial affairs.
1946 Nature 24 Aug. 247/2 What the Haldane Report recommended, however, was, not placing responsible ministers under a super-minister, but the consolidation or grouping of departments into a small number of super-ministries with one responsible minister for each.
1975 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 25 Nov. 5/3 Liberal leader Robert Nixon also pledged to end the three super-ministries if his party were elected.
2007 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 29 Nov. 27 I do not believe..that the EU Reform Treaty makes no provision for the creation of a European ‘super-president’.
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