

单词 such other

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such other
25. such other (archaic), †other such; as pronoun such others, archaic other such. †and such other: and the like, and such like.
c888 Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. xxiv. §3 On swilcum & on oðrum swelcum lænum & hreosendum weorðscipum.
c1000 Ælfric Exodus vii. 11 Hig worhton oðer swilc þing þurh hira dry~cræft.
a1250 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Nero) (1952) 108 Þeos & oðer swuche dredfule þouhtes.
a1425 W. Langland Piers Plowman A. i. 104 (MS. U) [Cherubin and Seraphin] and siche mo oþere.
c1450 Brut. ii. ccxxvii. 299 Ploghmen, & such oþer laborers.
?1482 J. Kay tr. G. Caoursin Siege of Rhodes Bombardes, gownes, culuerynes, serpentines & suche other.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 463/2 I brede a chylde, or brede yonge, as a woman or any other suche beest dothe.
1531 St. German's Secunde Dyaloge Doctour & Student (new ed.) xlii. f. cvi A Captayne..shall be bounde for the offence of hys squyers. And an hoste for his ghest and such other.
1588 T. Kyd tr. T. Tasso Housholders Philos. f. 18v By fires, tempests, inundations, & other such.
1600 J. Pory tr. J. Leo Africanus Geogr. Hist. Afr. ii. 94 Either cheese, butter, milk, or any other such commoditie.
1707 J. Freind Acct. Earl of Peterborow's Conduct in Spain 131 Such other place as shall be judged proper.
1725 D. Defoe New Voy. round World i. 94 Roots, Yams, Mangoes, and such Stuff.
1762 Ld. Kames Elements Crit. II. xviii. 386 Observance, opponent,..and such others of three syllables.
1868 A. C. Swinburne W. Blake 150 Behmen, Swedenborg, or such others.
1871 J. Ruskin Fors Clavigera I. x. 15 There are, indeed, other such in the world.
extracted from suchadj.pron.
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