

单词 strawberry-wise

> as lemmas

b. In allusion to Latimer's condemnation of preachers who preach only once a year (see quots. below), as strawberry preacher, strawberry preaching, strawberry sermon; strawberry-wise adv.
the world > time > period > year > [adverb]
by yeara1382
year by yeara1393
from year to yearc1400
per annum1531
per ann.1610
the world > time > frequency > infrequency > [noun] > rare or occasional thing
strawberry preaching1548
hen's teeth1700
blue moon1821
gold dust1840
a sometime thing1935
society > faith > worship > preaching > [noun] > once a year
strawberry preaching1548
society > faith > worship > preaching > [adverb] > once a year
society > faith > church government > member of the clergy > preacher > [noun] > only once a year
strawberry preacher1548
society > faith > worship > preaching > [noun] > instance of > preached once a year
strawberry sermon1548
1548 H. Latimer Notable Serm. sig. A.vi The preachyng of the woorde of God vnto the people is called meat... Not strawberies, that come but once a yeare and tarye not longe... The people muste haue meate that muste be familier and continuall, and dayly geuen vnto them to fede vpon. Many make a strauberye of it, ministrynge it but once a yeare, but suche do not thoffice of good prelates.
1566 in Latimer's Serm. (1844) 62 (note) A pitious case it is, that now in all Oxford there is not past five or six preachers, I except strawberry preachers.1606 S. Gardiner Bk. Angling 107 Then would not Sermons bee so daintie as they are, which come from some strawberre-wise, that is, once a yeere.1607 F. Mason Authoritie of Church 24 Wherefore that in stead of strawberie Sermons there might bee a more plentifull prouision in the house of God, our Church hath decreed, that [etc.].1615 S. Hieron Dignitie of Preaching 14 That, which old Latimer..once blamed vnder the witty terme of strawbery-preaching.1649 E. Sparke in J. Shute Sarah & Hagar To Rdr. sig. bv These are no strawberry-Sermons, pick'd and cull'd out with long vagaries.
extracted from strawberryn.
as lemmas




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