

单词 stratiform


Brit. /ˈstratᵻfɔːm/, U.S. /ˈstrædəˌfɔrm/
Origin: Formed within English, by compounding; perhaps partly modelled on an Italian lexical item. Etymons: stratum n., -form comb. form2.
Etymology: < stratum n. + -form comb. form2 (compare -i- connective), perhaps partly after Italian stratiforme (1754 or earlier in the specific anatomical use in sense 2, 1777 or earlier in sense 1). Compare French stratiforme (1801 or earlier in geology).In sense 3 probably influenced by stratus n. (compare strato- comb. form1); compare post-classical Latin stratiformis (1896 or earlier in the names of cloud subtypes).
1. Geology and Mineralogy. Arranged or composed in the form of more or less flat layers; showing (apparent) stratification.In the early 19th cent., often used in relation to strata formed by sedimentary deposition, but in later use generally applied to layered structures of a different origin.
the world > the earth > structure of the earth > structural features > sedimentary formation > [adjective] > of or belonging to a stratum > stratified
1791 W. Nicholson tr. J. A. C. Chaptal Elements Chem. II. 23 These [alabasters] in general possess a certain transparency, with a stratiform texture variously coloured [Fr. présentent des couches diversement colorées].
1805 S. Weston Werneria I. 8 Concrete carbonate of lime..is fistular, or in pipes or cylinders, or strati-form in layers.
1811 J. Pinkerton Petralogy I. 91 The other formation belongs to his [sc. Werner's] Floetz, horizontal, or stratiform rocks.
1883 R. D. Irving in 3rd Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. 1881–2 118 Seven layers of stratiform amygdaloid running from 3 to 20 feet in thickness.
1937 S. W. Wooldridge & R. S. Morgan Physical Basis Geogr. viii. 110 Laccolites are closely related in manner of origin to the stratiform intrusions of igneous rock..termed ‘sills’.
1987 R. L. Atkinson Copper & Copper Mining (Shire Album 201) 4/2 Stratiform, or bedded, copper deposits are found in some sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
2011 T. J. Bornhorst & R. J. Barron in J. D. Miller et al. Archean to Anthropocene 92/1 The best section showing stratiform mineralization cannot be accessed without crossing the river.
2. In wider use (esp. in anatomy and medicine). Forming or formed into a layer or layers; consisting of strata, stratified; (Anatomy) designating a form of fibrocartilage formed in the grooves through which certain tendons pass.
the world > life > biology > substance > [adjective] > layered
1809 B. Clark Series of Exper. on Foot Living Horse 52 This portion or process of the cartilage is of considerable thickness and substance, more so than any other part of it;..we have applied the name of The Stratiform Process of the Cartilage to it.
1834 Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. 28 431 The stratiform deposit [sc. of a carcinoma] is more frequently found in the sub-serous cellular membrane.
1852 T. H. Ledwich & E. Ledwich Pract. & Descriptive Anat. Human Body ii. 145 This tissue also lines those osseous grooves, through or over which tendons play (stratiform cartilage).
1871 T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. & Morbid Anat. ii. 12 The punctiform and stratiform redness of hyperæmia.
1921 Amer. Jrnl. Med. Sci. 162 218 Note the stratiform ciliated cylindrical columnar epithelium with goblet cells interspersed.
1953 Sewage & Industr. Wastes 25 1000/1 A fair amount of growth along the line of inoculation at 20° C. and a heavier stratiform growth at 35° C.
1983 S. Golubic in P. Westbroek & E. W. de Jong Biomineralization & Biol. Metal Accumulation 314 Domal stromatolites and stratiform algal mats are growing today on the sublittoral platform and on tidal flats along the coasts of Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, W. Australia.
2007 J. E. Kelly et al. in A. King Southeastern Ceremonial Complex iv. 86 The construction of the initial stage of the mound as a stratiform deposit implies a prolonged accumulation of scattered and broadcast soil rather than a perfunctory deposit of discrete material.
3. Chiefly Meteorology. Of clouds: having a generally horizontal or layered form; laminar. Also: designating rain or other precipitation produced in a horizontal cloud layer; relating to or characterized by such precipitation.Stratiform clouds include members of all the accepted cloud types except cumulus and cumulonimbus (whose formation involves vertical convective processes).
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > weather > cloud > [adjective] > other specific shapes or formations
1843 Sydney Morning Herald 25 Nov. The canopy of stratiform cirri cleared away, leaving a cloudless sky.
1853 E. K. Kane U.S. Grinnell Exped. (1856) xxxv. 321 Long, stratiform illuminated clouds.
1934 A. H. R. Goldie Abercromby's Weather (rev. ed.) ii. 22 The weather and sky over the whole front of the cyclone..is characterized by a muggy, oppressive feel of the air, and a dirty, gloomy sky of a stratiform type, whether it is actually raining or only cloudy.
1978 Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc. 59 518 (heading) An analytical model of snowflake growth in stratiform clouds.
2014 R. A. Houze Cloud Dynamics (ed. 2) ix. 268/1 In the squall line with trailing stratiform precipitation, the dynamics of the leading convective region are intimately tied to the trailing stratiform region.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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