

单词 stinking maythe

> as lemmas

stinking maythe
1. Any of various white-rayed species of camomile (genus Anthemis and perhaps allied genera), chiefly weeds of cultivated ground; esp. (also more fully stinking maythe) stinking camomile, Anthemis cotula. Also: any of several other white-rayed plants of the family Asteraceae ( Compositae); esp. ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare (also †white maythe).
the world > plants > particular plants > plants perceived as weeds or harmful plants > weed > [noun] > stinking camomile
dog fennel?a1425
Balder brae1847
hog's fennel1931
stinking camomile-
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) i. xxxiv. 80 Wiþ wearhbrædan, magoþan croppan wyl on buteran & sealt.
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii. xxii. 206 Wermod & wildre magþan wyrttruman.
OE Metrical Charm: Nine Herbs (Harl. 585) 23 Gemyne þu, mægðe, hwæt þu ameldodest..æt Alorforda; þæt næfre for gefloge feorh ne gesealde syþðan him mon mægðan to mete gegyrede.
OE Brussels Gloss. in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 296 Beneolentem, magaðe, uel camemellon.
OE Brussels Gloss. in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 297 Bucstalmum [read Buoftalmum], hwit mægeðe.
OE Brussels Gloss. in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 300 Obtalmon, mageðe.
OE Antwerp Gloss. (1955) 110 Herba putida, mægþa.
OE tr. Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarium (Vitell.) (1984) xxiv. 70 Ðas wyrte þe man camemelon & oðrum naman mageþe nemneð.
c1225 Worcester Glosses to Old Eng. Herbarium in Anglia (1928) 52 20 [Mageðe, camemelon] Meiðe.
a1300 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 557/2 (MED) Camomilla, i. camemille, i. maiwe.
a1400 Alphita (Selden) (1887) 45 Consolida media,..whit-bothel uel seynt Mary maythe.
?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh.) (1950) 129 Amarusca is an herbe þat men clepe Mawth or doggis fenkel or maydewode.
c1450 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 563/23 Amarusa, a mathge.
a1500 MS Sloane 5 f. 4v Amarusca calid...G. Ameroche. A. maithe.
1597 J. Gerard Herball Table Eng. Names Stinking Mayth, that is Maie weed.
1614 G. Markham Cheape & Good Husbandry i. Table of Hard Words Maythe, is a weede that growes amongst corne, and is called of some Hogs-Fennell.
1954 ‘Bryher’ Fourteenth of Oct. iii. 39 He would use Latin words for our many little worts and even called the fragrant maythe camomile!
β. 1276 in P. D. A. Harvey Manorial Rec. Cuxham (1976) 119 In cerculacione et tractare meithen viij s.a1300 in Bull. Mod. Humanities Res. Assoc. (1929) 3 136 La rascine de amerusche, coe est, mayeten en engleis.a1325 Gloss. W. de Bibbesworth (Cambr.) (1929) 666 Si vous trouvez au verger Ameroke [glossed] meythe [Koch maþen].1526 Grete Herball cxxxvii. sig. Hvi/2 Consolida media. Maythen.1597 J. Gerard Herball App. Mawthen is Cotula fœtida.1787 W. Withering Bot. Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 2) II. 939 Anthemis cotula... Stinking May-weed. [Mathen].1845 Jrnl. Royal Agric. Soc. 5 ii. 431 The mathen and crow-needles grow more thickly.1883 W. H. Cope Gloss. Hampshire Words Mathan, Anthemis Cotula.1886 W. Barnes Gloss. Dorset Dial. 81 Meaden, same as madders [sc. the stinking chamomile].1937 A. H. Wolley-Dod Flora Sussex 236 Stinking May-weed. ‘Morgan’. ‘Mavin’.1974 W. Leeds Herefordshire Speech 75 Mathon, wild camomile.γ. c1300 in T. Hunt Plant Names Medieval Eng. (1989) 19 [Amarusca] anglice hundefenil vel meythis.a1400 J. Mirfield Sinonoma Bartholomei (1882) 16 (MED) Cocula fetida, maythes. Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 319/2 Mayde wede, herbe, or maythys, melissa, amarusca.?1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Husbandry f. xiii Dogfenell and mathes is both one.1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. xxx. 186 I haue Englished it Unsauerie Camomill, foolish Mathes, and white Cotula without sauour.1670 J. Ray Catalogus Plantarum Angliæ 84 Cotula fœtida... Stinking Mayweed or Maithes.1864 All Year Round 30 Jan. 535/1 Maithes or maghet (Pyrethrum parthenium).1879 G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. 266 Maise, stinking Chamomile.1886 R. E. G. Cole Gloss. Words S.-W. Lincs. 89 They're them nasty mayses.a1903 C. Wordsworth in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1903) IV. 14/1 [Dorset] The corn was full of mazen.1995 J. M. Sims-Kimbrey Wodds & Doggerybaw: Lincs. Dial. Dict. 184/1 Maise, Mayse, (1) ox-eye daisy..; (2) stinking chamomile.δ. ?a1500 in G. Henslow Med. Wks. 14th Cent. (1899) 20 A plastur for þe festur..weybrede and wild tansi..white maþerne and ache and auenee [read auence].1677 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Oxford-shire ix. 241 This [land] never requires a double stirring, nor must be made too fine and light, for then it runs to May-weed, or Mathern, as they call it.1811 T. Davis Gen. View Agric. Wilts. (new ed.) 267 Maudlin, or Mathern, or Wild Chamomile.—These weeds usually prevail when the ground is over-worked and made too light.1842 J. Y. Akerman Gloss. Provinc. Words Wilts. Mauthern, the ox-eyed daisy.1879 G. F. Jackson Shropshire Word-bk. Maythern... Moithern.1880 R. Jefferies Round about Great Estate 155 Last year there had been nearly as much mathern (wild camomile)..as crop.ε. 1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball ii. xxx. 185 Cotula fœtida. Mathers or stinking Camomill.1609 C. Butler Feminine Monarchie vi. sig. H2 The most stinking and poysonful weeds, as redweed, marges [margin Mathers or May-weed Cotula fœtida], henbane, & the like.1886 W. Barnes Gloss. Dorset Dial. 81 Meaden, same as madders [sc. the stinking chamomile].ζ. 1839 G. C. Lewis Gloss. Words Herefordshire 63 Mather, (the first syllable pronounced like scathe)... The great ox-eyed daisy, a common weed in tillage-land.1888 F. A. Lees Flora W. Yorks. 287 Maither or Mather. Stinking Chamomile.a1903 E. Smith MS Coll. Warwicks. Words in Eng. Dial. Dict. (1903) IV. 53/1 Mather.
extracted from maythen.
as lemmas




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