

单词 special verdict

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special verdict
7. Law. Designating a particular or distinctive instance or case of the thing, action, or person specified, as special act, special bail, special bailiff, special bastard, special bastardy, special heir, special magistrate, special occupant, special prosecutor, special resolution, special tail, special term, special verdict, etc.See also special issue n. at Compounds 2, special jury n. at jury n. 2d, special plea n., special pleader n.1, special pleading n.In use designating legal officers partly overlapping with sense A. 6.
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > quality of being special or extraordinary > [adjective] > specific with legal terms
1422 in H. Nicolas Proc. & Ordinances Privy Council (1834) III. 17 (MED) A special act maad in parlement..and by auctoritee of parlement confermed.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 118 Vassallis ar behaldyn to thair baroun jn speciale jurisdictioun modifyit, and to the king jn generale.
c1523 J. Rastell Expos. Terminorum Legum Anglorum sig. B.1/2 Whan such specyall bastardy is aleggyd it shall be tried by the contrey and not by the byshop.
1579 T. North tr. Plutarch Liues 214 Declared openly to the people, that he made him his heire generall, if he dyed without heires speciall of his bodie.
1593 Act 35 Eliz. (single sheet) During the said Terme there shall not be any trialles by Iuries or any iudgements vpon Demurrers, or special Verdicts, or such like, in any of her Highnesse Courts of Kings Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer.
1623 T. Powell Attourneys Acad. 167 The Common-pleas enioynes speciall Bayle for 10. l.
1686 G. Mackenzie Observ. Acts Parl. 389 The 6 Act of this Parliament, annulling in special Terms the said Convention, 1643. was unnecessary.
1741 T. Robinson Common Law of Kent i. vi. 130 If the special Heirs should be vouched only, they should not deraign the Warranty over, which should be mischievous that they should lose the Benefit of the Warranty.
1759 Tryal J. Stevenson 17 I was a special Bailiff, for that time, appointed by the Sheriff.
1759 W. Blackstone Great Charter & Charter of Forest Introd. p. liv A special bastard, that is, one born before marriage of parents who intermarry afterwards, is for very good reasons not admitted to inherit lands by the laws of England.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. iv. 38 Over all presided one special magistrate, called the chief justiciar or capitalis justiciarius totius Angliæ.
1788 E. Pendleton Let. 18 June in Lett. & Papers (1967) II. 540 Appeals from the common-law courts involve the consideration of facts by the superior court, when there is a special verdict.
1806 Monthly Anthology Dec. 632/1 None of them [sc. the churches] have, until very lately, been incorporated into distinct religious communities by special acts of the government.
1828 E. Batty Rep. Cases King's Bench Ireland 705 The first count treats him as heir as well as special occupant.
1858 H. J. Stephen New Comm. Laws Eng. (ed. 4) III. 143 The company..passes a special resolution..founded on the votes of three-fourths of the shareholders assembled.
1884 Times 5 Dec. 3/4 It was found in the special verdict that probably the men would not have survived unless they had killed and eaten the boy.
1936 Panel Mar. 3/3 Several thousand additional witnesses have been examined in the office of Mr. Dewey, the Special Prosecutor.
1979 Internat. Jrnl. Sociol. of Law 7 279 The function of the Special Magistrate was ‘to represent in his own person the whole policy of Britain’.
2012 Times of India (Nexis) 22 Nov. He was hanged at 7.30 am in the presence of a special magistrate.
extracted from specialadj.adv.n.
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