

单词 some…

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a. A certain indeterminate part of something; a portion. (†In early use frequently following a noun or pronoun, or predicative.) Also some…, some.
c900 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Parker MS.) ann. 877 Þa..gefor se here on Miercna lond, & hit gedældon sum, & sum Ceolwulfe saldon.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Luke (Corpus Cambr.) viii. 5 Þa he þæt seow, sum feoll wið þæne weg..And sum feoll ofer þæne stan.
c1275 Prov. Hendyng 98 Ȝef thou hauest bred & ale,..Þou del hit sum aboute.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 98 He hadde þer to Scropssire som & aluendel of warewik ssire.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 151 Amazonia..is som in Asia, and som in Europa.
c1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 484/1 Sum, or sumwhat, or a part of a nowmyr or a noþer thynge.
1572 in A. Feuillerat Documents Office of Revels Queen Elizabeth (1908) 162 Sum in Bowltes and sum by lb.
1588 T. Kyd tr. T. Tasso Housholders Philos. f. 4v Some was roste, some was backt.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 Epil. 14 Bate me some, and I will pay you some. View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Luke viii. 6 And some fell vpon a rocke, and..it withered away. View more context for this quotation
1796 C. Marshall Gardening (1813) xix. 371 As it is a small flower, pot some.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
c. Also some…, other some. Obsolete.
1489 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (Adv.) i. 52 For sum wald haiff þe Balleoll king..And oþer sum nyt all þat cas.
1532 G. Hervet tr. Xenophon Treat. Househ. (1768) 74 For some haue gret plenty..and other some haue scantly so moche as they nede.
1585 T. Washington tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie ii. xvi. 50 b Cesternes.., supported some by vaultes, and othersom by..pillars.
1611 Bible (King James) Acts xvii. 18 Some said, What will this babbler say? Other some, He seemeth to bee a setter foorth of strange gods. View more context for this quotation
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 141 Some place it in the circle of the Moone..other some vnder the Circle of the Moone.
1700 S. L. tr. C. Frick Relation Voy. in tr. C. Frick & C. Schweitzer Relation Two Voy. E.-Indies 121 Some of 'em are far better than other some.
extracted from somepron.adj.1adv.n.1
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