

单词 somato-

somato-comb. form

Stress is determined by a range of factors though some degree of stress is always maintained on at least one of the three syllables of this combining form.
Greek σωματο-, combining form of σῶμα, σώματ- body (see soma n.2), used in a number of scientific terms.Many similar compounds occur in special works or are recorded in dictionaries, as somatoblast, somatochrome, somatoderm, somatography, somatophyte, somatophytic, etc.
somatocœl n.
Brit. /ˈsəʊmətə(ʊ)siːl/
U.S. /səˈmædəˌsil/
[ < German somatocœl (K. Heider 1912, in Verhandl. d. deutsch. zool. Ges. XXII. 241), < Greek κοιλία cavity of the body] Zoology each of a pair of cavities in an echinoderm embryo that develop into the main body cavity of the adult.
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Triploblastica or Coelomata > phylum Echinodermata > [noun] > member of > parts of > cavity in embryo
1955 L. H. Hyman Invertebrates IV. xv. 692 The inner walls of the somatocoels meet above and below the intestine to form the primary mesentery.
1962 D. Nichols Echinoderms x. 120 Almost as soon as the primary coelomic sacs have been formed, they bud off posteriorly another pair of sacs, the somatocoels, later to form the main coelom of the adult body.
somatocœlic adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈsiːlɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈsilɪk/
the world > animals > invertebrates > subkingdom Metazoa > grade Triploblastica or Coelomata > phylum Echinodermata > [adjective] > belonging to or resembling echinoderms > of parts of > of or relating to cavity in embryo
1976 Nature 20 May 228/1 All this suggests that the new coelomocytes in the general body cavity can have come only from the somatocoelic epithelium.
somatocyst n.
Brit. /ˈsəʊmətə(ʊ)sɪst/
U.S. /səˈmædəˌsɪst/
a sac forming the proximal end of the hydrosoma in oceanic hydrozoa.
1859 T. H. Huxley Oceanic Hydrozoa 31 The somatocyst is narrow and subcylindrical.
1870 H. A. Nicholson Man. Zool. 79 The proximal end of the hydrosoma is modified into a peculiar cavity called the somato-cyst.
somatogenetic adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətəʊdʒᵻˈnɛtɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædədʒəˈnɛdɪk/
1905 G. A. Reid Princ. Heredity i. 6 Acquired characters take origin (as a rule) in the cell-descendants of the germ-cell; that is, they are somatogenetic in origin.
somatogenic adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊməˈtɒdʒᵻnɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈdʒɛnɪk/
(see quots.).
1889 in Rep. Brit. Assoc. 767 He [Weismann] uses the term somatogenic to express those characters which first appear in the body itself.
somaˈtognosy n. Obsolete somatology.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > branch of knowledge > systematic knowledge, science > [noun] > treatise
a1832 J. Bentham Ess. Logic in Wks. (1843) VIII. 284/1 Somatology, somatognosy, or somatics.
somatometric adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈmɛtrɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈmɛtrɪk/
the world > life > the body > bodily shape or physique > [adjective] > relating to measurement of the body
1939 Nature 11 Nov. 807/1 By what somatometric method, which is both reliable and convenient of application, is it possible to assess nutritional status?
1951 Proc. Sect. Sci. Koninkl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam C. LIV. 480 (heading) The quantitative expression of resemblance in the somatometric study of relationship.
somatometrical adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈmɛtrᵻkl/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈmɛtrək(ə)l/
of or pertaining to the measurement of the body.
the world > life > the body > bodily shape or physique > [adjective] > relating to measurement of the body
1951 Proc. Sect. Sci. Koninkl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam C. LIV. 480 Somatometrical data of different age-groups are not directly comparable.
somatometrically adv.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈmɛtrᵻkli/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈmɛtrək(ə)li/
the world > life > the body > bodily shape or physique > [adverb] > in manner relating to measurement of the body
1951 Proc. Sect. Sci. Koninkl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam C. LIV. 480 Training and interest will mostly induce the anthropologist to restrict himself to the study of properties than can be demonstrated somatometrically.
somatoplasm n.
Brit. /ˈsəʊmətəplaz(ə)m/
U.S. /səˈmædəˌplæz(ə)m/
1889 tr. A. Weismann Ess. Heredity 104 If the germ-plasm and the substance of the body, the somatoplasm, have always occupied different spheres.
1890 Weismann in Nature 6 Feb. 320/2 My germ-plasm or idioplasm of the first ontogenetic grade is not modified into the somatoplasm of Prof. Vines.
somatopleure n.
Brit. /ˈsəʊmətəplʊə/
U.S. /səˈmædəˌplʊ(ə)r/
(see quot. 1874).
1874 M. Foster & F. M. Balfour Elem. Embryol. 38 The upper (or outer) leaf of the blastoderm, from its giving rise to the body~walls, is called the somatopleure.
1888 Q. Jrnl. Microsc. Sci. 28 111 The lower end lies outside the angle.., between the somatopleure and splanchnopleure.
somatopleuric adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈplʊərɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈplʊrɪk/
of or belonging to the somatopleure.
1874 M. Foster & F. M. Balfour Elem. Embryol. 39 The somato~pleuric investment of the yolk sac.
1900 Nature 12 Apr. 560/2 Prior to the formation of the somatopleuric system represented by the cardinal veins, &c.
somatopsychic adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈsʌɪkɪk/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈsaɪkɪk/
[ < German somatopsychisch (C. Wernicke 1892, in Path. des Nervensystems (1893) 166] Psychology (a) of or pertaining to awareness of one's own body (? obsolete); (b) arising from or pertaining to the effects of bodily illness on the mind.
the world > health and disease > mental health > mental illness > [adjective] > insanity or madness > physical origin
1902 A. H. Buck Ref. Handbk. Med. Sci. (rev. ed.) V. 27/1 Consciousness is a function of the associative mechanism and may be considered in its threefold relationship to the outer world, the body and self—allopsychic, somatopsychic, and autopsychic.
1927 D. K. Henderson & R. D. Gillespie Text-bk. Psychiatry II. 13 His division of concepts into those of the outside world, of the personality, and of the body—‘allopsychic’, ‘autopsychic’, and ‘somatopsychic’.
1955 A.M.A. Arch. Neurol. & Psychiatry (Chicago) 73 403/2 With the increasing severity in the lesion and the growing disability of the patient, much may be learned about the somatopsychic problem, i.e., about the manner in which the increasingly morbid process affects the state of mind of the patient and his relation to himself and his environment.
1961 Guardian 17 May 8/5 We should not allow a preoccupation with psychosomatic illness..to blind us to the advances..in the treatment of somato-psychic disorders.
1978 F. Mann Acupuncture (ed. 3) x. 160 Modern medicine might use the word ‘psychosomatic’ to describe the diseases considered in this section, as they are physical results of uncontrolled emotion; those in the previous section might be given the label ‘somatopsychic’, being mental diseases resulting from outer or physical causes.
somato-sensory adj.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)ˈsɛns(ə)ri/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈsɛnsəri/
Physiology = somaesthetic adj.
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > [adjective] > of or relating to the senses > somaesthetic
1952 Federation Proc. (Federation Amer. Soc. Exper. Biol.) 11 5/2 Responses from stimulation of arm and leg subdivisions of somatosensory area I were similar in location but differed in shape.
1975 Nature 30 Oct. 738/1 Axons carrying visual, auditory and somatosensory information converge on the tectum and interlace with tectal neurones.
1978 Sci. Amer. Sept. 82/2 In the somatosensory area of the cortex the cells in a column respond to the same type of stimulus (pressure, touch, heat, cold) at the same point on the body surface.
somatotomy n.
Brit. /ˌsəʊməˈtɒtəmi/
U.S. /ˌsoʊməˈtɑdəmi/
the world > life > biology > study > [noun] > anatomy
1842 R. Dunglison Med. Lexicon (ed. 3) Somatotomy, anatomy.

Draft additions 1993

somatomammotrophin n.
Brit. /ˌsəʊmətə(ʊ)maməˈtrəʊfɪn/
U.S. /səˌmædəˌmæməˈtroʊfən/
Physiology any of several hormones having both growth-promoting and lactogenic properties; human chorionic somatomammotrophin, a hormone of this kind which is produced by the human placenta during pregnancy.
1968 C. H. Li et al. in Experientia 24 1288/1 In order to eliminate confusion by the use of different terms for the same hormone, we wish to propose that henceforth the hormone be called human chorionic somato-mammotropin... It has both growth hormone (somatotropin) and lactogenic hormone (mammotropin) activities.
1970 Jrnl. Obstetr. & Gynæcol. 77 747/1 The raised plasma levels of growth hormone (HGH) in radioimmunoassay are probably due to the presence in the blood of pregnant women of chorionic somato-mammotrophin.
1970 Ital. Jrnl. Biochem. 19 111 Human chorionic somatomammotropin (H.C.S.), a protein synthesized in the placenta from early pregnancy, shares some interesting features with human growth hormone.
1984 J. F. Lamb et al. Essent. Physiol. (ed. 2) xii. 392 These hormones are known as human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and human chorionic somatomammotrophin (HCS, also known as human placental lactogen).
1987 K. Murray in J. Bu'Lock & B. Kristiansen Basic Biotechnol. xix. 505 Insulin and chorionic somatomammotropin, a polypeptide hormone resembling Β-gonadotropin, have also been produced in E. coli.
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somatotropin n.
Brit. /sə(ʊ)ˌmatəˈtrəʊpɪn/
U.S. /səˌmædəˈtroʊp(ə)n/
Physiology = somatomammotrophin n.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1913; most recently modified version published online March 2022).
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