

单词 sorriness


Brit. /ˈsɒrɪnᵻs/, U.S. /ˈsɔrinᵻs/, /ˈsɑrinᵻs/

α. Old English sarignys, Old English sarinys, late Old English sarignes, late Old English sarines, Middle English særinæsse, Middle English særinesse, Middle English sarignesse, Middle English sarinesse, Middle English sarynes.

β. Middle English sorinisse, Middle English sorinysche, Middle English sorynes, Middle English–1500s sorinesse, Middle English–1500s sorynesse, 1500s sorines, 1500s– sorriness, 1600s–1700s sorryness.

Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: sorry adj., -ness suffix.
Etymology: < sorry adj. + -ness suffix.In Middle English the β. forms are difficult to distinguish from forms of sorrowness n. in which the base reflects Old English inflected forms with palatalized g (see discussion at sorrow n.); for convenience all such examples have been retained here, although some of them may properly belong at sorrowness n. Compare also ζ. forms at sorrowful adj., n., and adv.
1. Grief, sadness, sorrow; disappointment; sympathy, pity. Also: an instance of this, a sorrow.
the mind > emotion > suffering > sorrow or grief > [noun] > state or condition of
OE Seven Sleepers (Julius) (1994) 36 Hwæt mæg beon wop oððe sarignys, gyf þæt næs se mæsta ægðres.., þa siðþan man þus þa halgan hæfte?
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Domitian A.viii) anno 616 Far þare sarinesse ðe he hæfde far þes cinges ungeleauon he hæfde gemynt eal þis land farlætan.
a1225 ( Ælfric's Homily De Duodecim Abusivis (Lamb. 487) in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 103 Þeo fifte sunne is Tristicia, þet is þissere worlde sarinesse [OE Corpus Cambr. 178 unrotnyss].
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 13756 Þer wes sarinesse [c1300 Otho sorinisse] sorreȝen inoȝe.
1483 Catholicon Anglicum (BL Add. 89074) (1881) 318 A Sarynes, tristicia.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) iv. §1. 15 Fra anguys and sarynes þou has broght me.
β. a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 71 Fele sorinesses swo ich haue on min herte for mine sinnes.a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 35 Hwile mid sorinesse, hwile mid werinesse.a1225 ( Ælfric's Homily De Duodecim Abusivis (Lamb. 487) in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 105 Þe fifte mihte is..gastliche blisse, þet þe mon on god blissie bitwuxe þa sorinessen [OE Corpus Cambr. 178 unrotnyssum] þissere sterke worlde.a1300 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 76 In eche sorinesse His saule he may brynge.c1300 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Otho) (1963) l. 6807 Ich ȝou telle rouþliche spelles of mochele sorinesse.c1330 (?c1300) Guy of Warwick (Auch.) l. 372 Þe heuinisse, Þe sorwe and þe sorinisse, Þat me is on. Promptorium Parvulorum (Harl. 221) 465 Sorynesse, or hevynesse, tristicia.1532 (c1385) Usk's Test. Loue in Wks. G. Chaucer ii. f. cccxlixv Trewly this is the sorynesse of fayned loue. 1855 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Daily Times 21 Sept. 2/4 Humanity..shakes off its heavy load of sorriness, and gladly swings to its shoulders the light burden of love and kindness.1899 A. D. Sedgwick Confounding of Camelia iii. 24 I am afraid I shall often give you cause for sorriness.1904 Harper's Mag. Dec. 87/1 I can't pretend to any particular sorriness.1919 E. M. Kelly Why Joan? xl. 282 An odd feeling of sorriness for her step-mother came over Joan.2006 D. Long Inhabited World (2007) 68 Grief seemed too bold a word. It was more like a pervasive sorriness, a disappointment with how the world was.
2. The state or quality of being sorry or apologetic; remorse, repentance. Also: an instance of this.
the mind > emotion > suffering > regret > [noun] > instance of
lOE tr. Alcuin De Virtutibus et Vitiis (Vesp.) in R. D.-N. Warner Early Eng. Homilies (1917) 102 Seo soðe dædbote ne byð na æfter geara gerime gescrifen, ac beo þæs synfulles mannes modes sarignysse.
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 87 (MED) He ðe frieureð of ðine sarinesse for ðine sennes.
a1325 Lent (Corpus Cambr.) l. 92 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 131 (MED) A mon were betere for is sunne be[o] sori and vnssriue Þanne issriue wiþoute sorinesse.
1548 R. Hutten tr. J. Spangenberg Sum of Diuinitie sig. Gijv It is feare and sorines of conscience which perceiveth yt god is angry with syn.
1571 A. Golding tr. J. Calvin Psalmes of Dauid with Comm. (li. 11) So as the sorynesse may settle itself deep in our harts.
1587 Sir P. Sidney & A. Golding tr. P. de Mornay Trewnesse Christian Relig. xxix. 541 For the very repentance of the best men, is but a sorynesse that they cannot be sory enough.
1683 J. Crowne City Politiques ii. 16 Sorry? what does your sorryness signifie?
1837 S. Dunn tr. J. Calvin Christian Theol. ix. 182 Acknowledging the evil that is in us, which by and by causes a sorriness, and hatred of ourselves, for that we have been so unhappy as to displease God.
1868 J. H. Mathews Bessie among Mountains (1869) xii. 230 ‘And she said she was sorry about the gardens,’ said Bessie; ‘maybe it was her sorriness that made her tell where my cup was.’
1906 C. G. Montefiore Truth in Relig. ix. 124 Such regret, such repentance,..must seem to God no more than that sorriness of the child who treads upon our toes, and repeats the offence at the next opportunity.
1983 W. McIlvanney Papers Tony Veitch x. 88 You're sorry, but sorriness is no substitute for common sense.
2001 S. Brownrigg Pages for You (2002) 232 ‘I'm sorry, she hasn't come in yet,’ she said.., her high note of service-job sorriness cracking to reveal the sour undertone of What are you, some kind of stalker?
3. The state or quality of being mean, poor, or paltry; wretchedness.
the mind > goodness and badness > inferiority or baseness > wretchedness > [noun]
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > unimportance > [noun] > paltriness, meanness, or contempt
1668 Bp. J. Wilkins Ess. Real Char. ii. i. 32 Indifferency,..Excellency,..Sorriness.
1727 N. Bailey Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. II Sorryness,..Paltriness, Meanness, Lowness of Value.
1788 World 6 Sept. Thou wilt weep thyself into Laughter, at the Sorriness of this Sight!
1844 R. H. Horne New Spirit of Age xi. 178 When Mr. Wordsworth first stood before the world as a poet, he might as well, for the sorriness of his reception, have stood before the world as a prophet.
1891 T. Hardy Tess of the D'Urbervilles II. xxxix. 277 The figure near at hand suffers..because it shows up its sorriness without shade.
1937 San Antonio (Texas) Light 16 Nov. b1/1 So many Texans persist in dashing off to some other clime, only to write back about the cold-heartedness of the people and the sorriness of their surroundings.
1953 Times 24 Sept. 7/6 The sorriness of the plight of Brazil's under-privileged cannot be denied.
1999 A. Nelson In Land of Men 20 Donald shakes his head at the sorriness of Les's logic.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2011; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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