

单词 second house

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second house
c. A place for public entertainment; (originally) a theatre or playhouse; (later also) a cinema, concert hall, or other venue. Hence: the audience or attendance at this. Also: a (specified) performance, esp. one that closely follows another, as first house, second house, etc.movie, opera, picture, play, playing, etc.: see the first element; cf. also full house n.
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > the theatre or the stage > a theatre > [noun]
show hall1562
show house1674
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > the theatre or the stage > theatre-going > theatregoer > [noun] > theatre audience
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > [noun] > a performance > performance at specific time
morning performance1827
first house1930
midnight matinée1952
society > leisure > the arts > performance arts > cinematography > film show > [noun] > first or second house
first house1930
OE Ælfric Lives of Saints (Julius) (1900) II. 56 Se dema..lædde hi syððan to ðam wæferhuse, þær ða deor wunodon, beran and leon, þe hi abitan sceoldon.
OE Aldhelm Glosses (Brussels 1650) in L. Goossens Old Eng. Glosses of MS Brussels, Royal Libr. 1650 (1974) 260 Cęlestis theatri : þæs heofenlican pleghuses.
1589 ‘Marphoreus’ Martins Months Minde sig. F1 The other..for a penie, may haue farre better by oddes at the Theater and Curtaine, and any blind playing house euerie day.
1663 S. Pepys Diary 8 Jan. (1971) IV. 8 The famous new play acted..‘The Adventures of five houres’, at the Duke's house... We..were forced to sit..at the end of one of the lower formes, so full was the house..The house, by its frequent plaudites, did show their sufficient approbacion.
1740 C. Cibber Apol. Life C. Cibber xiv. 268 Acted every day for a month, to constantly crowded houses.
1756 Connoisseur No. 133. ⁋4 He..seldom or never misses appearing at one house or the other, in the green boxes.
1815 W. Irving in Life & Lett. (1864) I. 344 In consequence of acting so often before indifferent houses.
1870 Galaxy July 123/2 Good actors..will set the house on a roar, simply by the infection of their laughter.
1886 Stage Gossip 70 A door..which..prevents the actor being seen by the ‘house’.
1924 in L. Warwick Death of Theatre (1960) vi. 62 The management have long felt that many first-class productions have been spoilt by the rush of two houses.
1930 J. B. Priestley Angel Pavement vii. 358 If I can get two seats for the first house tomorrow night, will you come with me?
1940 H. G. Wells Babes in Darkling Wood ii. i. 137 He might go into some cinema... Or he might get in for the second house at the Holborn or Pavilion?
1992 Metal Edge Mar. 50/3 We played to an empty house but still kicked butt.
2010 N.Y. Post (Nexis) 2 Apr. 43 The Roundabout..‘postponed’ the production—which left a gaping hole at its flagship Broadway house.
extracted from housen.1int.
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