

单词 sadducee


Brit. /ˈsadjᵿsiː/, /ˈsadʒᵿsiː/, U.S. /ˈsædʒəˌsi/, /ˈsædjəˌsi/
Forms: early Old English Saducie (plural), Old English Sadcei (plural, transmission error), Old English Sadduceas (plural), Old English Saduceas (plural), Old English Saducei (plural), early Middle English Saduceow ( Ormulum), Middle English Sadaiceus (plural), Middle English Saduceis (plural), Middle English Saducese (plural), Middle English Saduceus (plural), Middle English Saducey (plural), Middle English (in a late copy)–1600s Saduce, Middle English– Sadducee, 1500s–1700s Sadduces (plural), 1600s Saduce, 1700s Saducee.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin Sadducaeus.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin Sadducaeus (Vulgate) < Hellenistic Greek Σαδδουκαῖος (New Testament) < late Hebrew Ṣaddūqī (apparently < the personal name Ṣaddūq (Hellenistic Greek Σαδδούκ (Septuagint, Ezekiel 40:46), post-classical Latin Sadduc (Vetus Latina, 3 Esdra 8:2)), in Masoretic vocalization Ṣāḏōq (Hellenistic Greek Σαδώκ (Septuagint, 2 Samuel 8:17, etc.), post-classical Latin Sadoc (Vulgate); English Bible Zadok)) + ancient Greek -αῖος, suffix forming adjectives.The prevailing modern view is that the Zadok referred to is the high priest of David's time, from whom the priesthood of the Captivity and later periods claimed to be descended, although Rabbinic tradition suggests that the party was connected instead with a later Zadok, a pupil of one of the Sages, Antigonus of Socho (early 2nd cent. b.c.), who was thought to have rejected belief in the resurrection of the dead. However, objections have been raised to deriving the name of the party ultimately from the personal name Zadok, including the argument that the Hasmonaean high-priestly family from which the party springs was not Zadokite (1 Maccabees 2:1, 14:29). T. W. Manson has argued (in Bull. John Rylands Libr. 22 (1938) 144–59) that the name of the party instead derives < ancient Greek σύνδικοι advocates (see syndic n.), perhaps influenced by a perceived folk-etymological connection with Hebrew ṣaddīq , righteous. The Old English and Middle English plural forms in -i and -y are after the Latin nominative plural. In Old English and early Middle English also occasionally used with Latin case inflections (compare quot. OE2 at sense A. 1).
A. n.
1. A member of a religious party within Judaism between the 2nd cent. b.c. and New Testament times, which, in opposition to the Pharisees, denied the resurrection of the dead, the immortality of the soul, the existence of angels, and the authority of the Mosaic oral tradition, emphasizing the primacy of the written Law.Knowledge of the Sadducees is largely based on information from the New Testament, Josephus, and Rabbinic texts; no writings have survived from the group itself, making it difficult to know how accurately they are portrayed. In origin the Sadducees seem to have been not so much a theological or philosophical sect or school, as a political party composed of the nobility, i.e. those belonging or connected to the high-priestly family.
society > faith > sect > Judaism > Jewish sects > [noun] > Sadducism > person
OE (Mercian) Rushw. Gospels: Matt. xvi. 1 Accesserunt ad eum farisaei et saducei temptantes : eodun to him fariseas & sadduceas costende.
OE West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xvi. 11 Hwi ne ongyte ge gyt þæt ic ne sæde be hlafe, warniað fram ðam beorman fariseorum & saduceorum.
OE West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xxii. 23 On þam dæge comon to him saducei þa secgeað þæt nan æryst ne sy.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 9719 Saduceow bitacneþþ uss Rihhtwis onn ennglissh spæche.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Deeds xxiii. 8 Saducees [a1425 L.V. Saduceis, 1534 Tyndale Saduces, 1557 Geneva Sadduces, 1582 Rheims Sadducees].
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 19123 (MED) Þa saduceis [a1400 Fairf. sadaiceus, a1400 Gött. saduceus, a1400 Trin. Cambr. saduces]..For þe vprising ner wald wede.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) II. 36 Þer weren in Cristis tyme Essey, Saducey, and Pharisey.
c1535 M. Nisbet New Test. in Scots (1901) I. Prol. 7 Christ confutis the opiniounn of the Saduces.
1572 C. Carlile Disc. Peter f. 48 The Sadduces..were most vnrightuous.
1605 J. Sylvester tr. G. de S. Du Bartas Triumph of Faith in tr. Deuine Weekes & Wks. 562 In foremost ranke, heere goe the Saduces, That doo denie Angels and Resurrection.
1635 T. Heywood Hierarchie Blessed Angells i. 3 The Atheist, Sadduce, and Mahumetan.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Saducees, a Sect among the ancient Jews, esteemed as Deists, or Free-Thinkers, rather than real Jews.
1744 S. Chandler Witnesses Resurrection Jesus Christ Re-examined iii. 14 The Scribes and Pharisees and Sadducees were all foretold of the Death and Burial and Resurrection of Christ, by our Lord himself.
1812 Ld. Byron Childe Harold: Cantos I & II ii. viii. 65 If..there be A land of souls beyond that sable shore, To shame the doctrine of the Sadducee.
1879 F. W. Farrar Life Christ (1881) 471 This wretched, dissolute Idumæan Sadducee.
1910 Catholic Encycl. IX. 398/1 Others..see in it the purpose..of raising charity above the low Materialism of the Sadducees or the formal Ritualism of the Pharisees.
1957 J. Bishop Day Christ Died (1959) 90 The cumulative power of Jesus would be sufficient..to usurp the power of the Sadducees.
2004 P. de Rosa Fatal Flaw Christianity vii. 202 Sadducees and Pharisees were at daggers-drawn over many things.
2. A person likened to a Sadducee; a materialist, a denier of the resurrection.
society > faith > sect > Christianity > other sects and movements > Saducean > [noun]
1597 Bp. J. King Lect. Ionas xliv. 605 I speake to those who are not vnskilled in the questions of Christianitye, and neither are Sadducees, nor Atheistes, nor Epicures, to denye the faith of these liuelye mysteries.
1678 J. Glanvill Let. 25 Jan. in R. Boyle Corr. (2001) V. 15 I have gott a collection very considerable, for plainess & strength of evidence, & I hope such, as will bee enough to shame all the Atheists, Scepticks, Sadduces, & Witch-Advocates.
1718 F. Hutchinson Hist. Ess. conc. Witchcraft xiv. 181 One side lays hold of them as Arguments of greater Faith, and Orthodoxy, and closer Adherence to Scripture, and calls the other Atheists, Sadducees, and Infidels.
1792 J. Maxwell Shunamite 15 The Sceptics, Deists, Atheists, Sadducees, Might all conjoin and do whate'er they please.
1884 Times 16 June 5 Two well-known Oxford dignitaries appeared; one rather a Sadducee, the other an earnest Pharisee.
2007 Irish News (Nexis) 8 Feb. 18 Peter Robinson..has condemned his glasses to a Sadducee's grave by undergoing laser surgery.
B. adj. (attributive).
= Sadducean adj.
society > faith > aspects of faith > spirituality > unspirituality > [adjective]
of the world?c1225
of hencec1384
this world1889
1746 W. Whiston Sacred Hist. V. v. 184 Wicked Ananias pretending to be the Sadducee High-Priest.
1765 ‘Rabby Shylock’ Jew Apologist i. i. 4 The zealous, stout Saducee sect.
1845 Christian Reformer Mar. 179 The hero of the story..who renounces his Sadducee notions and becomes a believer in the risen Jesus.
1857 W. Bagehot Lit. Stud. (1879) II. 282 The world is Sadducee itself; it cannot be anything else..without ceasing to be the world.
1926 D. L. Sayers Clouds of Witness ii. 55 You needn't overdo this Sadducee attitude, Charles.
1996 A. Falk Psychoanal. Hist. Jews xvi. 247 Fearing his military prowess and his Sadducee leanings.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2008; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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