

单词 returnable


Brit. /rᵻˈtəːnəbl/, U.S. /rəˈtərnəb(ə)l/, /riˈtərnəb(ə)l/
Forms: late Middle English retournabill, late Middle English reyturnable, late Middle English–1600s retournable, late Middle English–1700s retornable, late Middle English (in a late copy)– returnable, 1500s retourneable, 1600s returnaeble (transmission error).
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation; originally partly modelled on a Latin lexical item, and partly modelled on a French lexical item. Etymons: return v.1, -able suffix.
Etymology: < return v.1 + -able suffix, originally after post-classical Latin retornabile, retournabile, returnabile (from 13th cent. in British sources in breve retornabile returnable writ) and its probable model Anglo-Norman retornable, returnable, Anglo-Norman and Middle French retournable (French retournable) (of a writ of execution, etc.) appointed to be returned to the issuing court (end of the 13th cent. or earlier in Anglo-Norman, frequently in bref retornable returnable writ), (of a gift, etc.) required or intended to be returned (end of the 13th cent. or earlier). Compare Spanish retornable (late 14th cent.), Italian ritornabile (a1309).
a. Law. Of a writ of execution, etc.: appointed to be returned to the issuing court.
?a1424 in C. L. Kingsford Stonor Lett. & Papers (1919) I. 35 (MED) Our attorne of þe chapitre told me þat þe processe is at distresse now retournable at þe oeptes or þe quinzisme.
1467 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 394 (MED) That no citezen..be attached by his body for eny accusement or trespas yf he wolle comyn and appere at the day of the venire facias retornable.
1531–2 Act 23 Hen. VIII c. 12 Attachementes..again euerie suche collectour..to be returnable afore the saide Justices of peace.
1594 W. West Symbolæogr.: 2nd Pt. ii. Chancerie §45 When this or any other commission retournable in this Court is executed and retourned.
1648 W. Prynne Plea for Lords 38 They award two writs,..retornable in the Kings Bench.
1682 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) I. 199 The court of kings bench granted a habeas corpus.., which was returnable immediate.
1711 Boston News-let. 21 May 2/2 Writs are Issued forth.., returnable the 20th of June next.
1752 J. Louthian Form of Process (ed. 2) 280 The Powers of Sheriffs,..with the Nature and Import of the several Writs returnable by them.
1817 W. Selwyn Abridgem. Law Nisi Prius (ed. 4) II. 1097 But the writ of replevin was in the nature of a justicies, not returnable.
1894 Solicitors' Jrnl. 39 3/1 The defendant..offers, on the day before the summons is returnable, to pay the debt and costs.
1927 L. Whipple Story of Civil Liberty in U.S. i. 46 Jackson was informed that the writ was returnable on March 6, at 11 o'clock.
1966 Speculum 41 724 By 1176–77 there were the returnable writs of novel disseisin and mort d'ancestor.
2003 S. F. C. Milsom Nat. Hist. Common Law iv. 81 An administrative decision was taken, probably in the Chancery, to make writs for wrongs returnable in royal courts without mention of the king's peace.
b. Required or intended to be returned (in various senses of return v.1). Not always distinguishable from sense 2.
1616 F. Rous Medit. of Instr. 315 Now neglected wickednesse begetting pouertie makes him odious, whom wickednesse could not, and the robbed child [sc. his wife] is returnable to the parents wanting another portion for maintenance.
1658 E. Reynolds Rich Mans Charge 15 These riches are returnable into Heaven; to be rich in faith..will stand us in stead, when the World hath left us.
1758 J. Blake Plan Marine Syst. 14 The said letter..being..indorsed, returnable to the pay-office.
1816 Gentleman's Mag. Aug. 156/1 The sum to be advanced..from 50 to 500l. each, returnable in the event of their after-success.
1865 Jrnl. Inst. Actuaries 12 233 (heading) On the calculation of premiums returnable at death or withdrawal.
1885 Manch. Examiner 7 Oct. 4/7 All the electors in a Department were to vote for all the members returnable for that Department.
1917 G. Cave in Hansard Commons 22 May 2141 A candidate shall make a deposit, which will be returnable to him if he has not less than one-eighth of the votes.
1952 Changing Times Feb. 28/2 There is a difference, however, between a registration fee and a returnable advance fee.
1993 Holiday Which? Jan. 4/1 [He] got a rude shock when he reclaimed his £75 returnable damage deposit last October, eight weeks after his French gîte holiday.
2. Able to be returned (in various senses of return v.1).
the world > action or operation > behaviour > reciprocal treatment or return of an action > [adjective] > able to be
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [adjective] > to be returned
society > travel > transport > [adjective] > sent > back > able to be
the world > time > change > change to something else, transformation > change of direction, reversion > [adjective] > capable of being
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) ii. 4435 (MED) To a deceyuour deceit is retournable.
a1542 T. Wyatt Coll. Poems (1969) 14 Syns that disept is ay retourneable; Of very force it is aggreable; That therewithall be done the recompence.
1646 H. Hammond View Exceptions to Visct. Falkland's Disc. Infallibilitie 101 He must needs see there was more matter returnable than either could be gratefull, or they could justify.
1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iv. xxiii. 278 I my selfe but lately was inchanted, and I know not how soon returnable unto that condition.
1743 tr. L. Heister Gen. Syst. Surg. II. v. 37 Some of these Tumors are again distinguished by their Consistence, into hard or soft, returnable or not, painful or incarcerated, &c.
1807 S. Cooper First Lines Pract. Surg. I. ii. xxxiv. 387 The congenital hernia, when returnable, ought like all other ruptures to be reduced.
1861 Brit. & Foreign Medico-chirurg. Rev. 28 399 The foot was not returnable to a proper posture.
1891 ‘S. C. Scrivener’ Our Fields & Cities 99 That unearned increment is to be put along with the returnable empties.
1901 D. Cockerell Bookbinding i. ii. 34 This is very important, as imperfect books that have been ‘pulled’ are not returnable to the bookseller.
1949 Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 68 355 Material removed that is not returnable.
1973 Sat. Rev. Society (U.S.) May 70/3 Buy returnable bottles..participate in your local recycling program when you must use nonreturnable containers.
2002 Basic Electr. (Res. & Educ. Assoc.) (2004) xiii. 235/1 Most of the energy taken from the line is converted into mechanical energy and is not returnable to the electrical circuit.
3. Able to return. Obsolete. rare.
society > travel > aspects of travel > return > [adjective] > able to
a1500 Hymnal in R. S. Loomis Medieval Stud. in Memory G. S. Loomis (1927) 451 (MED) In owr nature be comene incarnate..In to thys world and eftsone reyturnable, Whane he hath putte the feendes to silence, Vnto þe fadyr by merveilows ascence.
1654 E. Gayton Pleasant Notes Don Quixot iii. iv. 91 His chiefe adversaries..were dislodg'd, and never returnable.
1784 W. Cowper Let. 20 Nov. (1981) II. 299 Lady A. is neither returned nor returnable. She has hired a house at Bristol and furnished it.
4. Admitting of return.
society > travel > aspects of travel > return > [adjective] > admitting of
1578 T. Blenerhasset 2nd Pt. Mirrour for Magistrates sig. * iii v I founde my selfe euen in the myddest of the matter, clapt close with Theseus, in a returnable Labarinth, to fight with Despayre that miserable Minotaur.
1853 Chambers's Jrnl. 20 280 Two longer trips.., both returnable in periods of about eight days.
1856 Bryden's Railw. Direct. 4 Return tickets at one fare..returnable by the 7.30, 8.20 and 8.55 a.m. trains only.
1953 Billboard 12 Dec. 16/2 Of these only six warranted a sale on a returnable basis.
2007 B. T. Batchelor Bk. Marketing Demystified iii. 27 Few are willing to carrying [sic] a book for which there is not a significant promotional budget attached, since they need to believe there will be enough sales ‘to make it all worthwhile’ in the returnable system.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2010; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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