

单词 reghel


Forms: Old English regel (Northumbrian), Old English regl (Northumbrian), Old English rego (transmission error), Old English regoll (rare), Old English regvl (Northumbrian), Old English reogol, Old English–early Middle English regol, Old English–early Middle English regul, early Middle English rægol, early Middle English reȝhell ( Ormulum), early Middle English reȝol, early Middle English reȝul, early Middle English reoȝel.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymon: Latin rēgula.
Etymology: < classical Latin rēgula rod for drawing straight lines or measuring, ruler, basic principle, rule (see regula n.). Compare Middle Dutch rēgele (Dutch regel ), Middle Low German rēgel , reggele , Old High German regula , regile (Middle High German regele , regel , German Regel ), which either show parallel borrowing of the Latin word, or show reflexes of a common borrowing in West Germanic. Compare regula n. and later regle n.The Old English form reogol (which shows non-West Saxon back mutation) provides evidence that borrowing occurred after the post-classical Latin shortening of the vowel of the first syllable (see A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §547 note 1). In Old English usually a strong masculine; however, a strong feminine is also occasionally attested.
1. A rule, a regulation; a principle, a precept.
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) i. xvi. 64 Þin broðorlicnes is in mynstres regolum getyd & gelæred.
OE Guthlac A 489 Setton me in edwit þæt ic eaðe forbær rume regulas ond reþe mod geongra monna in godes templum.
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xxvi. 393 Se hælend him tæhte þone regol þæt hi sceoldon yfel mid gode forgyldan.
OE Ælfric De Temporibus Anni (Cambr. Gg.3.28) vii. §9. 56 Gif ðu nelt hine tellan eac to ðam monan swa swa to þære sunnan, ðonne awægst ðu þone easterlican regol, & ælces niwan monan gerim ealles þæs geares.
c1175 ( Ælfric Homily (Bodl. 343) in S. Irvine Old Eng. Homilies (1993) 40 Nu sette God sylf us þesne reȝol..þæt we þam forȝifan þe wið us aȝyltæð, þæt God us forȝife ure gyltæs wið him.
2. The code of discipline or body of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation; = rule n.1 1.
society > faith > church government > monasticism > [noun] > monastic rule
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iv. iv. 274 Æðele weorod..muneca, þa..to bysene arwyrðra fædra under regole & abbude in micelre forhæfdnesse & clænnisse lifes bi heora agnum hondgewinne lifgað.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1086 Eac þis land wæs swiðe afylled mid munecan, & þa leofodan heora lif æfter Sanctus Benedictus regule.
a1225 ( Rule St. Benet (Winteney) (1888) lxxiii. 145 Þas regole we ewrite [OE Corpus Cambr. ðisne regul..we awriton; L. regulam..hanc descripsimus], þæt we þurh hyre ȝehealsumnesse on mynstre sumne del sceawie, þæt we habbað arwyrdnesse on þeawe.
a1225 (c1200) Vices & Virtues (1888) 73 (MED) Eremite ne owh on wilderne te wunien, bute he arst bie ȝefanded ðurh regule and ðurh maistre.


reghel-book n. a book of monastic rules.
society > faith > artefacts > book (general) > service book (general) > [noun] > containing directions for worship > monastic
lOE Rule St. Benet (Faust.) 133 (rubric) Her geendaþ þæs regules bec federys healices and þæs eadigan abbodes Benedictes.]
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) Ded. l. 8 Witt hafenn takenn ba. An reȝhell boc to follȝhenn.
reghel-stick n. = ruler n.1 3a.In quot. OE1 in figurative context.
society > communication > representation > a plastic or graphic representation > graphic representation > drawing lines > [noun] > with ruler > ruler
OE Ælfric Catholic Homilies: 1st Ser. (Royal) (1997) xxv. 386 Ðwyrnyssa beoð gerihte þonne ðwyrlicra manna heortan þe beoð þurh unrihtwisnysse hocum awegde; eft þurh regolsticcan þære soþan rihtwisnysse beoð geemnode.
OE Monasteriales Indicia (1996) cxv. 44 Gyf þu reogolsticcan næbbe, þonne strece þu þine hand upweard and stric mid þinum scytefingre andlang þinre wynstran hande swilce þu regolige.
c1225 ( Ælfric Gloss. (Worcester) in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 547 Regula, regolsticke [OE St. John's Oxf. regolsticca].
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2009; most recently modified version published online September 2021).




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