

单词 reduplication


Brit. /rᵻˌdjuːplᵻˈkeɪʃn/, /rᵻˌdʒuːplᵻˈkeɪʃn/, U.S. /ˈˌriˌd(j)upləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/, /rəˌd(j)upləˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: late Middle English reduplicacioun, 1500s– reduplication.
Origin: A borrowing from Latin. Etymons: Latin reduplication-, reduplicatio.
Etymology: < post-classical Latin reduplication-, reduplicatio (in rhetoric) repetition (of a word) (3rd cent.), action of doubling over or folding (1363 in Chauliac) < classical Latin reduplicāt- , past participial stem of reduplicāre reduplicate v. + -iō -ion suffix1; compare -ation suffix. Compare Middle French, French réduplication (in anatomy) instance of doubling over or folding (mid 15th cent. or earlier), (in rhetoric) repetition of one or more words (1501), (in grammar) repetition of a syllable (1718). Compare later reduplicate v.In sense 5 perhaps < re- prefix + duplication n. In reduplication syllable at Compounds apparently after German Reduplicationssylbe (1837 in the passage translated in quot. 1845 at Compounds; now Reduplikationssilbe).
a. Chiefly Anatomy and Zoology. The action of doubling over or folding.
the world > space > relative position > folding or folded condition > [noun] > action of folding
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (N.Y. Acad. Med.) f. 150 Þe vesic..makeþ here reduplicacioun [?c1425 Paris doublynge ageyn; L. reduplicationeem].
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie iii. xix. 167 The Greekes name this figure Symploche, the Latins Complexio, perchaunce for that he seemes to hold in and to wrap vp the verses by reduplication, so as nothing can fall out.
?1780 S. Freeman New Ess. Venereal Dis. (ed. 2) 25 The preputium, or fore-skin..is framed of the reduplication of the skin.
1824 Edinb. Med. & Surg. Jrnl. 22 300 This reduplication or folding back of the fascia does not exist to the same extent all the way from ilium to pubes.
1893 J. Geikie Fragm. of Earth Lore iv. 70 Much folding, and lateral crushing and reduplication of strata may occur.
1989 A. Kurjak Ultrasound & Infertility ii. 46 Congenital abnormalities such as congenital absence of the tubes and reduplication are uncommon.
2005 C. Crispin Notes on Vet. Ophthalmol. iii. 111 Reduplication of Descemet's membrane can occur from production by the endothelial cells which slide in over the affected area.
b. Anatomy and Zoology. An instance of doubling over or folding; a fold.
the world > life > biology > physical aspects or shapes > shape > [noun] > bend or fold
1578 J. Banister Hist. Man vii. f. 90 This reduplication..of Pleura, is in this place, called Mediastinum, because it midmeasureth the brest.
1615 H. Crooke Μικροκοσμογραϕια vii. vii. 446 This Reduplication of the dura meninx is called the vpper processe and is likened by all the best Anatomists to a Mowers Sythe.
1698 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 20 115 A Reduplication of the Skin inwards, which forms a Bag.
1749 J. Barrow Dict. Medicum Universale at Generatio Its skin, which is thin, and without fat, has a reduplication, which makes a hood to the Glans..called Præputium.
1779 tr. A. von Haller First Lines Physiol. v. 47 Three semilunar valves arise, by a reduplication of the arterial membranes extended upwards.
1840 Lancet 25 Apr. 173/2 The teeth may be said to be formed by a reduplication of the mucous membranes of the mouth, called the pulp.
1876 Lancet 18 Mar. 446/2 It [sc. a gumma] could be traced to a fold or reduplication of the pia mater.
1903 tr. F. Riegel Dis. Stomach i. 284 The operation of Bircher consists in reducing the capacity of the stomach by constructing folds in the stomach-wall and sewing these reduplications together (gastroplication).
1970 Amer. Jrnl. Cardiol. 26 341/2 For centuries the valves of the heart have been thought to be endothelial reduplications with fibrocollagenous supportive stroma.
1983 Amer. Jrnl. Cardiol. 52 343/1 In some cases these reduplications simply produced folds in the posterosuperior and posteroinferior quadrants of the [ventricular septal] defect.
2. Linguistics.
a. Exact or partial repetition of a word, phrase, etc. In quot. 1656: a rhetorical device whereby the last word of a verse or sentence is repeated in the next verse or sentence.
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > figure of speech > figures of structure or thought > [noun] > repetition
society > leisure > the arts > literature > style of language or writing > figure of speech > figures of structure or thought > [noun] > repetition > at end of one clause and start of next
1588 A. Fraunce Arcadian Rhetorike i. xviii. sig. C7v Climax, gradation, is a reduplication continued by diuers degrees and steps, as it were, of the same word or sound.
a1620 M. Fotherby Atheomastix (1622) Pref. sig. A8v Marke heere againe, how the Prophet resumeth his first admiration, by a Poeticall Epanalepsis or reduplication.
1656 T. Blount Glossographia Reduplication..is a figure in Rhetoric, when the same word that ends one part of a verse or sentence, is repeated in that which follows.
a1680 S. Charnock Several Disc. Attrib. God (1834) II. 685 Intimating the greatness of their sins by the reduplication of the word.
1729 A. Pope Dunciad (new ed.) iii. 272 (note) Which reduplication of the word gives a much stronger emphasis to Violante's concern.
1750 W. Hodges Elihu (1755) 240 But the words of the son of Barachel have force and weight enough to forbid any attempt towards answering, or any reduplication.
1860 E. B. Pusey Minor Prophets 537/2 What meaneth that reduplication, ‘and He shall rule on His Throne’, but that [etc.].
1901 E. L. Baldwin & J. M. Baldwin tr. K. Groos Play of Man i. i. 38 Rhyme is often mere reduplication, its agreeableness being due to the actual musical quality to which identity and variety contribute.
1957 French Rev. 30 363 The rhetorical figure of reduplication for emphasis or for clarity is an ancient one.
1993 Eng. Today Apr. 14/2 Reduplication: The repetition of a word to denote special semantic effects like intensity, frequency, duration and multitude is common to many languages across the world.
2000 L. J. Brinton Structure of Mod. Eng. iv. 91 In English, reduplication is often used in children's language (e.g., boo-boo, putt-putt)..or for humorous or ironic effect (e.g., goody-goody, rah-rah).
b. spec. Repetition of a syllable or letter that expresses a grammatical feature, as in the formation of certain tenses in Greek and other Indo-European languages.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of speech sound > speech sound > [noun] > repetition of sound
1650 E. Reeve Introd. Greeke Tongue 14 (margin) That some Verbs in μι are without Reduplication. That those of the fourth Conjugation have no Reduplication.
1774 J. Bryant New Syst. (new ed.) I. 36 They seem to have sometimes used this term with a reduplication: for we read of a city in Canaan called Sansanah.
1839 Penny Cycl. XIII. 314/1 The third conjugation..is characterized by the reduplication of the first letter of the verb with a short vowel.
1870 F. W. Farrar Families of Speech ii. 100 It also retained the reduplication of the perfect.
1946 L. Bloomfield in C. Hockett Bloomfield Anthol. (1970) 480 The regular type of reduplication prefixes the initial nonsyllabic plus aa.
1980 Eng. World-Wide 1 i. 113 In Chinese, a plural classifier may be used and in Malay reduplication occurs where necessary.
2007 C. A. E. Luschnig Introd. Anc. Greek 163 The perfect stem of these verbs is also formed by reduplication.
c. A word form produced by repetition of a word or syllable.
the mind > language > linguistics > study of grammar > morphology > word-formation > [noun] > reduplicated word
ricochet word1876
1774 E. Long Hist. Jamaica II. 427 The Negroes seem very fond of reduplications..as..tie-tie, lilly-lilly, fum-fum.
1865 D. Wilson Prehist. Man (ed. 2) iv. 65 They [sc. inarticulate cries] are traceable in many reduplications, and influence the choice of vowel-sounds in a large class of words.
1886 J. Cuthbertson Compl. Gloss. Robert Burns 101 Burns applies this reduplication [sc. crinkum-crankum] to ‘Robin Adair’.
1946 W. Wolff Personality of Preschool Child i. 11 The language of children is full of such reduplications: tick-tick, sh-sh, and all the other phonetic imitations.
1993 Eng. Today Jan. 31/2 Reduplications: Usually of adverbs of haste, e.g. now-now denotes ‘immediately, at once’.
3. gen.
a. The action of making or becoming double; duplication, repetition. Also: an instance of this; a double, a counterpart.In quot. 1592: the repetition of a sound in the air, an echo.
the world > relative properties > relationship > imitation > [noun] > an imitation
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > two > multiplication by two > [noun]
1592 A. Fraunce 3rd Pt. Countesse of Pembrokes Yuychurch 16 Eccho is Iunoes daughter, for she is nothing els, but the reuerberation and reduplication of the ayre.
1649 Bp. J. Taylor Great Exemplar ix. §2 When Jesus by reduplication of his desire, fortifying it with a Command [etc.].
1659 H. More Immortality of Soul i. ii. Ax. 9 To both these may be apply'd the termes of Reduplication and Saturation: The former, when Essence or Substance is but once redoubled into it self, or into another.
1764 tr. T. de Bordeu Inq. Varieties Pulse v. 27 It is always remarkable by a precipitate reduplication in the pulsations of the arteries.
1812 G. Chalmers Hist. View Domest. Econ. Great Brit. & Ireland 475 We have seen the reduplications of populousness, in both our Isles.
1841 L. Hunt Seer (1864) 86 A crowd is but the reduplication of ourselves.
1876 J. S. Bristowe Treat. Theory & Pract. Med. ii. iv. 506 There is frequently a tendency,..either to disregard the true second sound, or to look upon it as a mere reduplication.
1929 H. J. Spinden Anc. Civilizations Mexico (ed. 3) iii. 171 There is confusion and reduplication in the lists of Toltec rulers and only three great names in succession can be regarded as certain.
1988 Jrnl. Design Hist. 1 132/1 Metaphor..seeks to actualize the relation between humans and that which they make: through the reduplication of signifying elements to form an environment which can reflect back in full the subject's sense of self.
2007 Grand Forks (N. Dakota) Herald (Nexis) 15 Sept. Casey Ryan..said he doesn't believe the region needs a second hospital... ‘This is a reduplication of health services in Grand Forks that is unnecessary.’
b. Medicine. The occurrence of double paroxysms in a fever, esp. in malaria (where they result from infection with two generations or species of parasite). Obsolete.
1634 ‘Philiatreus’ Gen. Pract. Med. sig. D v As also one must not be affraighted of the evills that befalls without, or rather contrare reason, as difficultie of breathing, raverie, shiviring reduplication of the fever, seing they are not constant nor of long last.
1704 tr. G. Baglivi Pract. Physick 156 The exacerbation and reduplication of the fever.
1765 tr. G. van Swieten Comm. Aphorisms Boerhaave (ed. 2) VII. 224 These intermitting fevers in the beginning of autumn frequently resemble very exactly the nature of such as are continual, from the length and reduplication of their fits.
1803 A. P. Wilson Treat. Febrile Dis. (ed. 2) ii. 181 The tertian, we have seen, is apt to suffer a reduplication of its paroxysms.
1858 R. G. Mayne Expos. Lexicon Med. Sci. (1860) 1075/1 Reduplication,..applied to the paroxysms of ague of a double type.
c. Medicine and Biology. The formation or development of a supernumerary part or set of parts; an instance of this; a supernumerary part. Also: the inclusion of additional copies of all or part of a chromosome or gene in a genome.
1905 W. Bateson et al. Rep. to Evol. Comm. Royal Soc. No. 2. 30 There is apparently petalody of both male and female organs, accompanied by reduplication or pleiomorphy.
1914 Biometrika 10 12 Complete reduplication of the set of teeth in an adult, the second set lying on the palatal side of what appeared to be the normal set.
1932 C. D. Darlington Rec. Adv. in Cytol. iii. 59 Reduplication of some of the chromosomes of a set beyond the normal diploid number is called polysomy.
1937 Nature 30 Oct. 761/2 The primary structural change of inversion gives rise to secondary changes such as reduplication and deficiency.
1978 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 18 Feb. 412 (title) Unilateral short thumb associated with bleeding duodenal reduplication.
2004 Genome Res. 14 287 Combining the genotype and copy number analyses gives greater insight into the underlying genetic alterations in cancer cells with identification of complex events including loss and reduplication of loci.
4. Logic. The repetition of a term with a limiting or defining force; the addition of some limiting term to one already used; the sense of a term thus limited.
the mind > mental capacity > philosophy > logic > logical proposition > term of a proposition > [noun] > use of same term twice
1620 T. Granger Syntagma Logicum 279 Euery good thing is to be desired, as it is good. [margin] This is called reduplication, or the redoubling of a terme.
1656 H. Jeanes Treat. Fulnesse of Christ 149 in Mixture Scholasticall Divinity Yet the word considered, as Christ, as incarnate, as subsisting in two natures, may under this reduplication be said to be after the manhood, and to depend upon it.
1678 T. Gale Court of Gentiles: Pt. IV 101 God doth not deliver up men to judicial hardnesse simply as hardnesse, under that reduplication.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. Reduplication, in Logick, is a Kind of Condition express'd in a Proposition, indicating or assigning the Manner wherein the Predicate is attributed to the Subject.
1964 L. H. Kendzierski & F. C. Wade tr. T. de Vio Cajetan Comm. on Being & Essence 152 The second cause is the diversity between a negative and an affirmative proposition concerning an infinite predicate, when reduplication is present.
1996 A. Bäck (title) On reduplication: logical theories of qualification.
5. The action of doubling a second time. Obsolete. rare.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > two > multiplication by two > [noun] > again
a1690 S. Jeake Λογιστικηλογία (1696) 24 Reduplication..or Multiplication by 4 is to double the Duplication.
6. Exact reproduction. Obsolete. rare.
1798 T. J. Mathias Pursuits of Lit.: Pt. II (ed. 7) 137 The uniform and constant reduplication of the old spelling of every word in Mr. Ireland's new Volume by Shakspeare.


General attributive (in sense 2b) as reduplication syllable, reduplication vowel, etc.
1845 E. B. Eastwick tr. F. Bopp Compar. Gram. II. 672 In the Latin, Sclavonic and Lithuanian.. has also lost the original length of its vowel and the reduplication syllable [Ger. Reduplicationssylbe].
1894 W. M. Lindsay Lat. Lang. viii. §43. 503 The older writers used ĕ in the Reduplication-syllable.
1914 Classical Q. 8 14 In this complex I define gurg- by ‘swallowing,’ a broken reduplication form.
1946 R. Thurneysen Gram. Old Irish 401 The original reduplication vowel was clearly i.
1997 Jrnl. Amer. Oriental Soc. 117 558 The Vedic speakers presumably considered this heavy reduplication essential..so that this n was reintroduced into the reduplication syllable.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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