

单词 recruiting


Brit. /rᵻˈkruːtɪŋ/, U.S. /rəˈkrudɪŋ/, /riˈkrudɪŋ/
Forms: see recruit v. and -ing suffix1.
Origin: Apparently formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: recruit v., -ing suffix1.
Etymology: Apparently < recruit v. (although this is first attested slightly later) + -ing suffix1. Compare slightly later recruital n.
The action of recruit v., in various senses, esp. the acquisition of new soldiers, employees, supporters, etc.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > governing or legislative body of a nation or community > procedure of parliament or national assembly > [noun] > adding members to a parliament
the world > physical sensation > sleeping and waking > refreshment or invigoration > [noun]
pepping up1916
1644 in Docqets Lett. Patent at Oxf. (1837) 140 By raising of horse and foote Souldiers for the compleating and forming of newe Companies of horse and foote and the recrewting of old Companies of either.
1645 C. Culpeper Let. 21 Jan. in Camden Misc. (1996) XXXIII. 211 A recruitinge regiment or nursery out of which the seuerall regimentes might be weekely supplied.
1670 Ld. North Narr. Long Parl. 60 Before this recruiting of the House of Commons (as it was then called).
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. vii. 211 A business which..would occasion some delay..was the recruiting of our water.
1773 H. Mackenzie Man of World I. xxiv. 267 Which sort of life he had followed uninterruptedly, without ever joining his regiment, till he was now obliged..to take some of the duty in his turn, and was ordered a recruiting.
1840 J. H. Newman Parochial Serm. (1842) V. xix. 315 Sleep is equally the comfort and recruiting of rich and poor.
1879 J. Burroughs Locusts & Wild Honey 94 The recruiting of a thunder-storm is often very marked.
1948 Jrnl. Royal United Service Inst. 93 470 To encourage recruiting and to make Army service more popular it would certainly seem very necessary to have a smart Walking-out dress.
1986 C. H. Berman Medieval Agric. iv. 78 Such evidence of the recruiting of peasants as conversi laborers is found in the many charters granting them rights to enter Cistercian houses.
2006 M. Wentzel & K. Tlabela in P. Kok Migration in S. & Southern Afr. i. iv. 79 Official recruiting of females was not allowed. Women from the neighbouring countries who worked in South Africa were regarded as ‘clandestine workers’.


C1. General attributive. Chiefly Military.
recruiting agent n.
1792 J. Martin Acct. to Trial S. G. Grant 54 The Prisoner therefore contends, that being only a Recruiting Agent, and not being actually a Soldier, he is not liable to be tried and punished by Martial Law.
1858 J. A. Froude Hist. Eng. (ed. 2) III. 423 Confederates who had acted under them as recruiting agents for Lord Exeter.
1910 Jrnl. Polit. Econ. 18 567 In the hinterland of Angola irresponsible Europeans and their native recruiting agents have been concerned in the gravest abuses.
2002 M. Wokeck in Coerced & Free Migration v. 167 Recruiting agents were an extraordinarily diverse group who differed in their goals as well as where and how they operated.
recruiting bill n.
1708 J. Addison Let. 24 Jan. (1941) 89 The next day,..they cramped the former Recruiting Bill by a new clause.
1879 tr. J. Simon Govt. M. Thiers II. i. 85 Pasquier, speaking of the army recruiting bill..stated that military service would be made compulsory.
1904 Polit. Sci. Q. 19 361 The obstructionists announced that..they would cease to oppose the recruiting bill and allow the business of parliament to proceed.
2008 Oxf. Dict. National Biogr. (Electronic ed.) 23 Jan. at St. John, Henry The secretary spoke regularly on military affairs in the Commons as he piloted recruiting bills and army estimates through the house.
recruiting campaign n.
1844 Cincinnati Weekly Herald 26 July 1/4 Operations, during the recruiting campaign, will be: first, to effect the overthrow of the apostasy, and purify the Republic. Secondly [etc.].
1976 Sunday Mail (Glasgow) 28 Nov. There have been recruiting campaigns for both police and teachers since regionalisation.
2003 C. Sterba Good Americans i. ii. 35 When America entered the war in the spring of 1917, colonia leaders and the city's Italian press threw their full support behind the company and its recruiting campaign.
recruiting corps n.
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > branch of army > [noun] > recruiting corps
recruiting service1745
recruiting corps1802
1802 C. James New Mil. Dict. at Recruits The recruiting corps, professedly so called, and having place in the army list.
1915 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Sentinel 14 Aug. 2/7 We had just completed the preliminary organization of an efficient recruiting corps when the war department ordered us out of service.
2006 Philadelphia Inquirer (Nexis) 22 Sept. a4 At the start of this recruiting year..many questioned whether the Army would reach 80,000. But a package of new financial incentives, new recruiting approaches, and a bigger recruiting corps did the trick.
recruiting district n.
1798 J. Williamson Treat. Mil. Finance (new ed.) i. 22 The pay-master of each recruiting district is to draw from the agents of regiments on foreign stations..the sums necessary for carrying on the different branches of that service.
1868 Debow's Rev. July 649 As each regiment and brigade of the militia embraces a well-defined region of country, in its recruiting district..it would have a distinctly marked territory from which to recruit its ranks.
1995 J. Maurer Outbreak First World War i. i. 9 This system, based on the model of the Prussian army's cantons, divided the Monarchy into recruiting districts, which supplied men for the armed forces.
2002 S. Ray Transformations on Bengal Frontier iv. 101 Under the system of recruitment in the Dooars a sardar or his deputy visited the recruiting district year after year and returned with new workers.
recruiting drive n.
1917 Evening Tribune (Albert Lea, Minnesota) 27 Mar. 1/6 There will be recruiting drives through the streets by bands and companies of Illinois national guard and the naval militia.
a1971 R. Whyatt in J. Burnett Useful Toil (1974) i. 126 A recruiting drive was on, and her brothers might have to go.
2007 R. Denniston 30 Secret Years 167 It would be hard to exaggerate the importance of this recruiting drive for the future development of GC & CS.
recruiting duty n.
a1737 R. Kane Syst. Camp-discipline, Mil. Honours (1757) 82 The Grenadier Officers take their Turn in the recruiting Duty.
1882 Times 3 Apr. 7/1 He will construct the whole of the recruiting duties for the Royal Artillery.
1998 C. R. Schuster Mil. Recruiting ii. 14 Not all of these screening methods ensure that personnel selected for recruiting duty possess the communication and interpersonal skills necessary.
recruiting expenses n.
1754 G. Washington Let. 11 Aug. in Writings (1931) I. 93 The officers suffered so much by having their Recruiting expenses withheld.
1876 Times 24 Feb. 9/1 The recruiting expenses of the Militia at the Brigade Depôts.
2001 T. A. Daniel & G. S. Metcalf Managem. People in Mergers & Acquisitions x. 166 You might..lose more employees..thereby increasing recruiting expenses.
recruiting market n.
1806 Cobbett's Polit. Reg. June 502 The real scarcity which I take it there is of the animal, man, in the recruiting market for any such demands.
1861 N.Y. Times 25 Aug. 4/6 The United States and England, then, figure in the recruiting market on a more equal footing than is generally supposed.
1901 Macmillan's Mag. Apr. 476/1 The recruiting-market is in direct competition with all other avenues of employment.
2003 C. Bourg in Recruiting Youth in College Market ii. 21 The armed services must recognize two- and four-year colleges as viable competitors in the recruiting market.
recruiting office n.
1793 Times 17 Oct. 4/2 (advt.) Apply at the recruiting office.
1848 J. R. Lowell Biglow Papers 1st Ser. viii. 115 He looked through the dirty pane of the recruiting-office window.
1905 in Westm. Gaz. 5 Oct. 12/1 All the young men of the Empire..[have] to appear at the recruiting offices and draw lots.
1939 M. Lowry Let. Sept. in Sursum Corda! (1995) I. 224 The Irish Fusiliers are playing recruiting songs by the recruiting office.
1990 A. Beevor Inside Brit. Army i. 4 A school-leaver or young man comes into one of the 180 odd recruiting offices around the country.
recruiting officer n.
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > leader or commander > officer according to function > [noun] > recruiting officer
recruiting officer1706
recruiting sergeant1706
1706 G. Farquhar (title) The recruiting officer; a comedy.
1834 Mail (Hagers-Town, Maryland) 4 Apr. 1/1 The other a lad of spirit, believing the soldier's life as fine as the recruiting officer had described it..likewise accepted the king's pictures; and was enrolled in the company.
1970 Times 28 May 7/7 The person they are likely to meet is the recruiting officer with his ‘re-up’ quota to fill.
2000 S. McKay Northern Protestants 236 I wouldn't have minded joining the army..but the recruiting officer said they couldn't take me because they didn't want people from families that had already been bereaved.
recruiting party n.
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > group with special function or duty > [noun] > recruiting party
recruiting party1752
1752 Acct. Life Miss M. Blandy 4/2 Mr. Cranstoun..had heard of this supposed Fortune, whilst he was in Henley with a recruiting Party.
1861 Amer. Law Reg. 9 263 He sent to say that there was a recruiting party in the town, and they might like perhaps to take the opportunity of enlisting.
1904 J. Conrad Nostromo i. viii. 82 Neither ran he much risk of being suddenly lassoed on the road by a recruiting party of lanceros.
2006 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 30 July 30 They've acted as the best recruiting party for the terrorists.
recruiting post n.
1794 Let. 13 Apr. in State Papers & Publick Documents U.S. (1815) I. 446 There is a recruiting post at Temple, eighteen miles up the river from this.
1888 Times 5 Jan. 5/3 The excessive New Year licence allowed at the United States army recruiting post.
2004 Christian Sci. Monitor (Electronic ed.) 12 Feb. 6 The news came of a blast outside an army recruiting post in Baghdad.
recruiting poster n.
1859 A. Walker Hours off & on Sentry 95 The idea of..leaving..to fight the battles of a distressed and beautiful Princess..made my heart respond to the tail-piece of the recruiting poster—‘Viva Donna Maria!’.
1909 Regul. Recruiting Regular Army & Special Reserve (War Office) i. 8 Illustrated recruiting posters may, with the concurrence of the local postmasters, be exhibited outside post offices.
2007 Canberra Times (Nexis) 8 Sept. b8 Remember that old recruiting poster, ‘Uncle Sam Wants You’?
recruiting schooner n.
1888 Times 6 Nov. 5/6 She reports that an affray has occurred in the islands between a recruiting schooner and the natives.
1923 ‘R. Daly’ Enchanted Island i. 16 But you'd have had a more comfortable trip if you'd let him send his recruiting-schooner for you.
1992 P. J. Imperato & E. M. Imperato They married Adventure vi. 77 Martin quickly changed plans and chartered three recruiting schooners he had met up with in Espiritu Santo.
recruiting sergeant n.
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > leader or commander > officer according to function > [noun] > recruiting officer
recruiting officer1706
recruiting sergeant1706
1706 G. Farquhar Recruiting Officer iii. 28 If your Worship pleases to cast up the whole Sum, viz. Canting, Lying, Impudence, Pimping, Bullying, Swearing..you will find the Sum Total will amount to a Recruiting Serjeant.
1814 W. Scott Waverley III. xiv. 191 Introducing Waverley to a recruiting-serjeant of his own regiment. View more context for this quotation
1993 ‘A. McNab’ Bravo Two Zero (1994) ii. 20 ‘There's no way you are going to become a helicopter pilot,’ the recruiting sergeant told me.
2007 Mute Jan. 75 This is the revolutionary potential of art and music, not as propaganda or recruiting sergeant but as offering a vision of a re-centred totality.
recruiting sergeantry n. Obsolete rare
1832 T. P. Thompson in Westm. Rev. Apr. 295 Let us have no recruiting-serjeantry.
recruiting service n.
society > armed hostility > armed forces > the Army > branch of army > [noun] > recruiting corps
recruiting service1745
recruiting corps1802
1745 R. Campbell Life Duke of Argyle & Greenwich 160 As the Officers..could be spared from Duty to the Recruiting Service, the Levies went on but slowly in this Manner.
1851 Jrnl. Statist. Soc. 24 136 Have you long been engaged in the recruiting service?
1917 A. G. Empey Over Top i. 10 You know a man on recruiting service gets a ‘bob’ or shilling for every recruit he entices into joining the army.
1996 J. Welsh Med. Hist. Union Gen. 45 During the Mexican War he was on recruiting service.
2004 J. Wentworth in N. C. Burkholder et al. On Staffing xvi. 115 In this case, you probably want to pay more and engage a managed recruiting service instead of an independent recruiter.
recruiting book n. (a) a book in which details of recruits to the armed forces are recorded; (b) a pamphlet or prospectus designed to advertise to potential new recruits the benefits of a military career or (in later use) a particular educational establishment.
1766 Advt. in J. Young Ess. Command Small Detachm. 2 Just published... Regimental and Recruiting Books.
1870 Edinb. Med. Jrnl. (1871) 16 i. 60 He supplemented his case by a nearly equal number obtained..from the recruiting books of the army.
1917 Lowell (Mass.) Sun 21 Dec. 1/5 Each member of the battalion must have at least one month's training before he can go. Therefore the recruiting books will soon be closed.
1942 Capital (Annapolis, Maryland) 24 Sept. 1/2 Navy recruiting book in demand... Navy enlistment interest is continuing to increase as evidence by the hundreds of request now being received for the new navy booklet entitled, ‘What kind of job can I get in the Navy’.
2005 Lexington (Kentucky) Herald-Leader (Nexis) 20 Nov. c3 Schools were limited to either a recruiting book or a media guide, either of no more than 208 pages.
recruiting drum n. Military a drum sounded as a signal when recruits are sought; frequently figurative.
1760 Clockmaker's Polit. Hum-bug 57 His recruiting drum refused to beat to that tone.
1876 J. J. Hogaboam Bean Creek Valley 79 Degoyler was..patriotic;..the first tap of the recruiting drum fired him for action.
1922 E. Paul & C. Paul tr. W. Oechsli Hist. Switzerland iii. 26 The recruiting drums were sounded in Chur.
2005 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 31 July 15 A..season worryingly dominated by the incessant sound of Chelsea's recruiting drum.
recruiting order n. Military (now historical) an instruction to enlist people for military service; (also) a notice calling for military recruits.
1708 A. Boyer Hist. Reign Queen Anne: Year the Sixth 328 Which Officers arrived in England about May and June 1707, and soon after had their Recruiting Orders, and have ever since been employ'd in that Service.
1782 A. Dick Diary 14 July in M. A. Forbes Curiosities Sc. Charta Chest (1897) xix. 302 My son Willie in the Guards arrived..with a recruiting order and yesterday went to Glasgow on that business.
1898 Idaho Daily Statesman 29 Apr. 1/4 The recruiting order for mounted riflemen will be published at Boise.
1931 Times 24 Nov. 11/2 Recruiting order modified...‘A unit may, at the discretion of its Association,’ says the letter, ‘recruit in excess of 97 per cent. of its strength on August 1st last.’
1974 Huntingdon Lib. Q. 37 261 It seems to have been this recruiting order which sent Farquhar's colleague..recruiting to Derbyshire.
recruiting station n. (a) a resting place (obsolete); (b) Military a place where people can enlist for military service.
1776 J. Bristow in Minutes Evid. Trial Warren Hastings (1788–95) X. App. 305. 1418 [I] also wrote to Colonel Stibbert, requesting of him to direct the Gentlemen to repair to their Recruiting Stations.
1841 Southern Literary Messenger 7 838/1 I made no resistance as they placed me before the commandant of the recruiting station.
1845 J. C. Frémont Rep. Exploring Exped. Rocky Mts. 160 The bottoms of this river..and of some of the creeks..form a natural resting and recruiting station for travellers.
1943 Billings (Montana) Gaz. 30 May 1/1 They rushed to the recruiting stations of the armed services demanding that they be sworn in.
1989 B. Spock & M. Morgan Spock on Spock iv. 54 All the older boys..began collecting American war posters. We haunted the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps recruiting stations.
2005 Afghanistan Security (U.S. Govt. Accountability Office) 11 Defense..is establishing recruiting stations in each of Afghanistan's 34 provinces.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2009; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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