

单词 reason will

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reason will (also would)
a. reason will (also would): it is or would be reasonable (that). Obsolete.
1387–8 Petition London Mercers in R. W. Chambers & M. Daunt Bk. London Eng. (1931) 36 (MED) The which wyth yowre ryghtful lordeship ygraunted for moost pryncipal remedye, as goddes lawe & al resoun wole, that no domesman stonde togidre Juge & partye.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. x. 112 (MED) Whi shulde we..now ben for þe werkes of Adam Roten and to-rende? resoun wolde it neuere.
1423 Rolls of Parl. IV. 257/2 Hit semeth resoun wolde he shuld have the disavaille therof, and not the Marchant.
a1450 Castle Perseverance (1969) l. 2570 Resun wyl excusyn us alle.
a1500 (a1400) Ipomedon (Chetham) (1889) 1031 (MED) Ressone wille, it is not to layne, He shuld not love, but he be lovyd agayne.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Acts xviii. 14 Yf it were a matter of wronge,..reason wolde that I shuld heare you. [So Coverdale and King James]
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 iv. i. 155 Our cause [is] the best: Then Reason will our hearts should be as good. View more context for this quotation
a1628 J. Carmichaell Coll. Prov. in Scots (1957) 97 Reason wald, that reasoun sould reule the congregation.
1765 W. Stevenson Orig. Poems II. 293 Reason would here all mankind should be taught.
1810 G. Crabbe Borough iii. 37 Still Reason wills that we our Pastor pay, And Custom does it on a certain day.
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