

单词 quartered


Brit. /ˈkwɔːtəd/, U.S. /ˈkwɔrdərd/
Forms: see quarter v. and -ed suffix1; also 1500s–1600s quartred.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: quarter v., -ed suffix1.
Etymology: < quarter v. + -ed suffix1.
a. That has been cut into quarters; divided or divisible in four; spec. (a) (of a body, esp. that of a traitor or criminal) divided into four parts; (b) (of timber) sawn radially into quarters and then into planks in order to show the grain to advantage.
the world > relative properties > number > specific numbers > four > [adjective] > divided into four
society > authority > punishment > capital punishment > [adjective] > quartered
a1425 (a1399) Forme of Cury (BL Add.) 175 in C. B. Hieatt & S. Butler Curye on Inglysch (1985) 137 Plaunt it above with prunes damysyns..and wiþ dates quarterede and piked clene.
1502 in N. H. Nicolas Privy Purse Expenses Elizabeth of York (1830) 74 For twoo quartred bourdes with vysys.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. 806/2 Iackets of crimsin and purple sattin, with long quartered sleeues.
1601 R. Yarington Two Lamentable Trag. sig. G Bull alwayes strips all quartered traitors quite.
1626 J. Smith Accidence Young Sea-men 32 Musquet shot, Colyuer shot, quartred shot.
1674 Arch. Maryland in C. R. Lounsbury Illustr. Gloss. Early Southern Archit. & Landscape (1994) 301 [Stairs at the statehouse in St Mary's City] to be made of good white Oke quartered Planck.
1719 G. London & H. Wise J. de la Quintinie's Compl. Gard'ner (ed. 7) 187 The most convenient..is a Lattice of quarter'd Wood, or Heart of Oak.
a1807 W. Wordsworth Prelude (1959) ii. 46 Through three divisions of the quarter'd year.
1854 P. B. St. John Amy Moss 21 These palisades were formed of quartered oak.
1907 G. A. Escoffier Guide Mod. Cookery ii. xvii. 621 Take equal quantities of French beans, potato dice, and quartered tomatoes.
1925 M. A. Best Rebel Saints i. 11 A ghastly picket fence, ornamented with the heads and quartered bodies of the opponents.
1994 Ontario Out of Doors Sept. 46/2 This canoe was not only a dream to paddle, it could safely transport me and a quartered moose.
b. Heraldry. Of a shield or arms: divided or arranged quarterly. Of a cross: quarterly-pierced.
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > [adjective] > quartered
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > lines or edges > [adjective] > divided in two > quartered
per or in cross1562
1486 Blasyng of Armys sig. d ii/b, in Bk. St. Albans (MED) Certan armys ther be quarterit and irrasit..for the colouris be rasit owt.
1572 J. Bossewell Wks. Armorie f. 27 v These be called quartered Armes, rassed, for ye twoo colours be rassed, as thoughe the one were rente from the other.
1610 J. Guillim Display of Heraldrie v. i. 253 If he haue a fourth wife, she must participate the one half of the Base with the third wife; and so will they seeme to be so many Coats quartered.
1688 R. Holme Acad. Armory i. v. 43 Morgan..terms it in one place, a Cross quartered, and in another place, a Cross quarter voided.
1762 P. Murdoch tr. A. F. Büsching New Syst. Geogr. IV. 544 The constant arms of this archbishop are..a shield quartered in whose upper dexter field..is a lamb argent.
1781 M. J. Armstrong Hist. & Antiq. Norfolk VII. i. 7 In the church was the quartered coat of the earl of Shrewsbury.
1864 C. Boutell Heraldry Hist. & Pop. (ed. 3) xvi. 235 He assumed the quartered arms on his accession to the ducal dignity.
1869 J. E. Cussans Handbk. Heraldry (rev. ed.) xii. 152 The earliest known example of a quartered shield occurs on the monument of Eleanor..wife of Edward the First.
1937 H. Jennings et al. May 12th Mass-observ. Day-surv. i. i. 29 The quartered arms of the King will not be displayed, as this is only correct where the King is in residence.
1988 T. Woodcock & J. M. Robinson Oxf. Guide to Heraldry vii. 121 For four wives the sinister impalement should be quartered. This is clearly unsatisfactory, as it is indistinguishable from a single wife with quartered arms.
c. Of a building: cruciform. Obsolete. rare.
society > inhabiting and dwelling > inhabited place > a building > building of specific shape > [adjective]
1591 R. Percyvall Bibliotheca Hispanica Dict. at Cruzero en edeficio A kinde of quartered building, Structura quadrivialis.
2. With modifying adverb: that has quarters of a specified kind or character; spec. (a) (of an animal) having quarters of a certain quality or type (see quarter n. 9c); (b) (of shoes) having quarters of a specified height or cut (see quarter n. 22c).Recorded earliest in well-quartered adj.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Siege & Conqueste Jerusalem (1893) 286 His armes grete and wel quartred.
a1642 H. Best Farming & Memorandum Bks. (1984) 6 The lambs that forbeare grasse the longest prove..the straightest and best quartered.
1677 London Gaz. No. 1233/4 A bright bay Nag, very strong quartered.
1742 tr. P. Lambert de Saumery Devil Turn'd Hermit I. i. v. 75 The neat stitches of a long-quartered pump.
1835 C. Dickens Sketches by Boz (1836) 1st Ser. II. 163 A pair of the regular seven-and sixpenny, long-quartered, town-mades [sc. dancing pumps].
1861 G. W. Thornbury Brit. Artists I. 25 High-quartered shoes and diamond buckles.
1891 Cent. Dict. (at cited word) A short-quartered horse.
1919 A. Hornblow Hist. Theatre Amer. I. 118 The bucks of the town..with their powdered wigs,..short quartered shoes, and silver or paste buckles.
1971 Times 22 July 11/2 Stilvi is such a high-quartered filly that one could be forgiven for thinking that she might be growing.
1999 Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram (Nexis) 6 Oct. (Food) 1 It is the only place..where crushed-straw cowboy hats can be worn with low-quartered shoes.
3. Belonging to or lodged in quarters (quarter n. 16a).
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) iv. iv. 18 When they heare their Roman horses neigh, Behold their quarter'd Fires. View more context for this quotation
1768 J. O'Brien Focalóir Gaoidhilge-Sax-bhéarla 68/1 A quartered soldier in every house.
1824 J. H. Wiffen tr. T. Tasso Jerusalem Delivered i. vi To breme winter's wing The quartered hosts give place.
1991 Amer. Jrnl. Legal Hist. 35 414 Other colonies..also recorded problems related to quartered soldiers during the seventeenth century.
4. Belonging to a quarter or part of the horizon. Obsolete. rare.
the world > the earth > region of the earth > horizon > [adjective] > part
1671 J. Milton Paradise Regain'd iv. 202 And on the earth Nations besides from all the quarter'd winds. View more context for this quotation
5. Building. Esp. of a partition: made of or with quarters (quarter n. 19).
society > occupation and work > industry > building or constructing > building or providing with specific parts > specific parts built or constructed > [adjective] > of the nature of a wall > types of wall
1752 W. Halfpenny Useful Archit. 12 5 Square of quartered partitions, at 12s. 6d.
1842 J. Gwilt Encycl. Archit. ii. iii. 543 The framework of timber used for dividing the internal parts of a house into rooms is called a partition or quartered partition.
1904 Notes Building Constr. (rev. ed.) I. viii. 151 Quartered Partitions consist of framings filled in with light scantlings or ‘quarterings’, upon the sides of which laths are nailed and plastered.
1940 Chambers's Techn. Dict. 693/1 Quartered partition,..a partition built with quarterings.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2007; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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