

单词 provided


Brit. /prəˈvʌɪdᵻd/, U.S. /prəˈvaɪdᵻd/, /proʊˈvaɪdᵻd/
Forms: see provide v. and -ed suffix1; also late Middle English prouide, late Middle English provyd; Scottish pre-1700 provideit.
Origin: Formed within English, by derivation. Etymons: provide v., -ed suffix1.
Etymology: < provide v. + -ed suffix1. Compare earlier purveyed conj., purveyed adj.Originally as participle in non-finite clauses (compare provide v. 1a), probably after post-classical Latin proviso, proviso quod (see proviso conj. and n.1). With use as adjective compare earlier unprovided adj.
A. conj.
Originally in legal and formal use: with the provision or condition (that); it being provided, stipulated, or arranged (that). In later use more generally: on the condition, supposition, or understanding (that).
a. With that, forming a compound conjunction.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > on condition that [conjunction]
on condition thatc1369
for why thata1400
moyenant that?1473
on, upon (under, up, in, by, of, with) the (this, that, such, a) condition1535
so as1585
1430 in H. M. Flasdieck Mittelengl. Originalurkunden (1926) 94 (MED) The remayndre of hem to the seid Erle and to heirs for ever, provyded ever, that, ȝif it better plese the seid Thomas Chaucer..thei shall enfeffe other persones.
a1475 J. Fortescue Governance of Eng. (Laud) (1885) 143 Provided alway that no man be harmyd be reason off such resumpcion.
1488 Act 4 Hen. VII c. 3 Provided alwey that this present Acte begyn to take effecte at the fest of Annunciacion of oure Lady next coming, and not afore.
1562 W. Bullein Bk. Compoundes f. 35 v, in Bulwarke of Defence Mustard, Uynegar, Pepper and Hony myngled together, doe make a good ready Gargarizme. Prouided that you mynister your Gargarizmes warme, to draw humours.
1583 P. Stubbes Second Pt. Anat. Abuses 82 What we withdrawe from them (prouided that they be diligent preachers of the gospell) we withdraw if from God, and ferrie it to the deuil.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Two Gentlemen of Verona (1623) iv. i. 69 I take your offer, and will liue with you, Prouided that you do no outrages On silly women, or poore passengers. View more context for this quotation
1637 Decree Starre-Chamber conc. Printing xv. sig. E3 Prouided that they exceed not the number of Twentie.
1677 R. Cary Palæologia Chronica ii. ii. Concl. 270 Provided that he..do first Dilucidely answer those Objections.
a1716 O. Blackall Wks. (1723) I. xlvii. 487 I can see no Reason why we may not as well use the Lord's Prayer (provided that we do it devoutly and affectionately) twice, thrice, or oftener.
1788 J. Wesley Let. 7 June (1931) VIII. 63 You will have peace, provided that none of you return railing for railing.
1806 W. Cruise Digest Laws Eng. Real Prop. VI. 558 Provided that, if such child should die before 21..the reversion should go to other persons named.
1879 A. Bain Higher Eng. Gram. 113 Provided that all is safe, you may go.
1911 J. H. Rose Pitt & Great War v. 125 Dundas requested that he should have the first claim for the Privy Seal for Scotland, provided that Lord Chatham did not take the Stole.
1933 R. C. Hutchinson Unforgotten Prisoner vii. 137 The older boys were allowed..to talk to each other, provided that they did not raise their voices.
2003 G. A. Dariaux Guide to Elegance (new ed.) 89 Chunky gold bracelets..are amusing and chic, provided that you remove all your other jewellery.
b. Without that.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > qualification > on condition that [conjunction]
on condition thatc1369
for why thata1400
moyenant that?1473
on, upon (under, up, in, by, of, with) the (this, that, such, a) condition1535
so as1585
1463–5 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Apr. 1463 §40. m. 28 Provided alwey this acte..extende not..unto oure oratrice and true bedewoman Petronille Mounferant.
1592 R. Greene Quip for Vpstart Courtier sig. C2v I am a seuere sensor to such as offend the law, prouided there bee a penaltie annexed that may bring in some profit.
1622 R. Hawkins Observ. Voiage South Sea xlv. 110 If one happen vpon a bag of Gold, Silver, Pearle, or precious Stones, it is held well gotten; provided it be cleanly stolne.
1687 A. Lovell tr. J. de Thévenot Trav. into Levant i. 60 For the common sort of People, provided you'll give them Drink enough, they are wholly at your service.
1716 J. Addison Freeholder No. 30. ⁋4 Provided there be a Pudding upon the Table, no matter what are the other Dishes.
1765 L. Sterne Life Tristram Shandy VII. xxi. 76 The muleteer..thought not of to-morrow.., provided he got but his scantling of Burgundy.
1825 H. Wilson Mem. iii. 168 Lord Frederic Beauclerc..declares himself willing to..marry us, privately, by special licence, provided you agree to grant him les droits du seigneur.
1857 H. T. Buckle Hist. Civilisation Eng. I. xiv. 761 The circumstances..may always be known, provided the evidence is ample and authentic.
1871 B. Stewart Heat (ed. 2) §60 Provided the temperature remain the same the volume which a gas occupies is inversely proportional [etc.].
1900 J. K. Jerome Three Men on Bummel xii. 261 We shall be there a little before one o'clock, provided we don't dawdle.
1934 ‘M. J. Farrell’ Devoted Ladies ii. 42 Jane did not mind expense provided she got what she wanted.
2001 N. Jones Rough Guide Trav. Health ii. 313 Provided you have been immunized, the risk of contracting polio..is almost non-existent.
B. adj.
1. Furnished or equipped (with what is needed). Frequently with modifying word.Recorded earliest in well-provided adj.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. f. ccxcv/2 Our towne is stronge inough and well prouyded, we may byde a siege longe ynogh if nedebe.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1593) i. sig. F5v A sword by his side, a forrest-bill on his neck, and a chopping-knife vnder his girdle: in which well prouided sort he had euer gone.
1627 G. Ogilvy Let. 17 July in W. Fraser Bk. Carlaverock (1873) II. 103 The mariners and sojoures complaines that they war so bad prouidet that if the wind had anie wayes contraried they had bene jn great daunger of famishinge.
1662 G. Torriano 2nd Alphabet Proverbial Phrases 12/1 Haver buon battisteo, to have a good yard, to be well provided, or well hung.
1674 in J. Cameron Argyll Justiciary Rec. (1949) I. 39 That the said hous should be weill maned and provided.
1704 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion III. xiv. 438 He associated himself most with the good-fellows, and eat in their company, being well provided for the expence.
1790 W. Bligh Narr. Mutiny on Bounty 66 The chart I have given, is by no means meant to supersede that made by Captain Cook, who..was in every respect properly provided for surveying.
1819 Times 14 Apr. 1/5 The village..is well provided with tradespeople of every description, and within 1 hour's drive of two market towns.
1873 H. B. Tristram Land of Moab xii. 217 Offering an easy opportunity for a rightly provided collector.
1880 J. E. Watt Poet. Sketches 45 (E.D.D.) I was ance weel providit, an' deemed mysel' thrang, A-boukin' an' bleachin' haill wabs o' new sheetin'.
1912 G. O. B. Trevelyan George III & Fox I. v. 143 Ships..in far superior condition to his own short-handed and woefully provided vessels.
1991 Hist. Workshop Spring 215 The well-provided widows acted in the medieval world with degrees of freedom unknown by married or cloistered sisters.
2. Prepared, ready; in a state of readiness. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > undertaking > preparation > [adjective] > prepared or ready
in (a) case to (also for)1523
in procinct1540
(ready) in one's gears1664
(to be) all set1949
1533 in tr. Erasmus Enchiridion Militis Christiani xii. sig. Gviiv Ȝupyter sent Pandora..with a boxe full of al kindes of diseses..but Prometheus was prouided and refus'd it.
c1550 Complaynt Scotl. (1979) xv. 107 He of ane prouidit mynde dissimilit his prudens.
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 54v Demosthenes beeing sent for to declaime amyddest the multitude, staide and sayd I am not yet prouided.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III iii. i. 132 With what a sharpe prouided wit he reasons. View more context for this quotation
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 89 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) Hawlaffe came in the night..hee hasted to Adelstanes Tent, but he was provided, and in armes.
1617 in B. Cusack Everyday Eng. 1500–1700 (1998) 211 I am not yet prouided ase I wold bee.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 369 The company was..well arm'd and provided for all Events.
3. That is supplied or afforded.
the mind > possession > supply > [adjective] > that is provided
1561 in Stanley Papers (Chetham Soc.) (1853) II. 2 In muttons expendit this yere provyded and spent.
1668 F. Kirkman Eng. Rogue II. xxxvi. 345 I put on the provided habit.
1738 S. Boyse Transl. & Poems 6 When the provided Day is done, And Night with sable Train comes on.
1836 Times 3 Oct. 5/1 A convention is the provided machinery of peaceful revolution.
1878 R. Browning La Saisiaz 446 Man..makes for the provided room Where the old friends want their fellow.
1891 Pall Mall Gaz. 21 Sept. 3/2 Heligoland..was not..an average tourist's haunt. It was less..in the matter of ‘provided’ amusements.
1943 Triumphs of Engin. 161/2 It was customary for switchmen to be stationed at the more perilous points, ready to switch an oncoming train into a specially provided siding.
1962 Rep. Comm. Broadcasting 1960 231 in Parl. Papers 1961–2 (Cmnd. 1753) X. 259 The form of organisation envisaged by the BBC—that is, of local stations providing their own programmes, and filling in with centrally provided material.
1992 Buying Cameras July 99/1 (advt.) Provided accessories include AC power adaptor, battery charger, battery pack, [etc.].
4. Prearranged, agreed upon beforehand. Obsolete.
1562 Burgh Rec. Peebles 4 Oct. (Rec. Soc.) 280 The greit providit slauchteris oppresiones and skaithis done to ws.


provided school n. (in the United Kingdom) a public elementary school provided by the local education authority, under the Education Act of 1902; cf. board-school n. 2; opposed to voluntary school (see voluntary adj. 9a).Originally the funding for provided or board schools fell wholly upon the rates, whereas the funding for voluntary schools fell upon the managers of the schools with the assistance of a Parliamentary grant. In provided schools no religious catechism of any particular denomination might be taught, whereas in voluntary schools any religious instruction might be given. Although the funding of provided and voluntary schools is now essentially the same, the distinction as to religious instruction continues.
society > education > place of education > school > [noun] > publicly maintained school
free school1500
common school1503
public school1636
state school1806
national school1814
provided school1902
council school1908
direct-grant school1945
1870 Times 20 Apr. 6/5 This clause relates to new rate-provided schools only, and the amendments proposed are most important.
1902 Act 2 Edward VII c. 42 §8 Where the local education authority or any other persons propose to provide a new public elementary school.]
1902 Westm. Gaz. 29 July 2/2 The House stopped at..the management of provided schools; the whole question of the Voluntary (or unprovided) schools has still to come.
1921 Act 11 & 12 Geo. V c. 51 §28 (margin) Conditions to be observed in conduct of provided schools.
1970 Amer. Jrnl. Compar. Law 18 567 The Council refused to pay salaries to teachers in non-provided schools at the same rate as it paid to teachers in provided schools.
2002 Oxf. Rev. Educ. 28 165 In addition, under the financial settlement of the Act, the destructive rivalry between church and provided schools was limited.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2007; most recently modified version published online June 2022).




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