

单词 beltane fire

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Beltane fire
General attributive (chiefly in sense 3), as Beltane celebration, Beltane fire, etc.
society > leisure > social event > festive occasion > specific festivities > [noun] > festivities associated with May-day > fire
Beltane fire1883
1457 in J. Stuart & G. Burnett Exchequer Rolls Scotl. (1883) VI. 372 Pro expensis domini cancellarii ibidem [sc. Newuarche] existentis in curia que vocatur Beltanecourt.
1542 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1908) VIII. 91 Remanyng upone the clipping of the scheip, and making of the beltane compts thairof.
1656 in W. Chambers Charters Burgh Peebles (1909) II. 34 The said fair called Beltane fair-day shalbe kept..this year upon the first Weddensday of Maii.
1801 W. Scott Glenfinlas in M. G. Lewis Tales of Wonder I. 123 How blazed Lord Ronald's beltane tree.
1810 W. Scott Lady of Lake ii. 64 When at Beltane game Thou ledst the dance with Malcolm Græme.
1832 W. Motherwell Poems 36 The fire that's blawn on Beltane e'en May weel be black gin Yule.
1883 Harper's Mag. Feb. 331 The time when the Beltane fires were lit near this well on Midsummer-eve.
1982 M. Z. Bradley Mists of Avalon ii. vi. 285 It would be amusing to see some of these stiff-necked Companions of Arthur lose their proper manners around a Beltane fire!
1995 J. I. Robertson Lady of Kynachan xvi. 105 After the peats had been cut and stacked to dry until autumn..came the Beltane celebrations on the first of May.
2002 S. Blackhall Fower Quarters 31 O Snake,..The Beltane dyew in yer forkit mou.
extracted from Beltanen.
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