

单词 piece of service

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piece of service
piece of service n. (formerly also †parcel of service) now rare an action which is of service to one's master, sovereign, etc.In early use often specifically referring to military achievements or exploits; hence sometimes ironically to refer to cowardly or otherwise inappropriate behaviour in military contexts (see quot. a1616).
society > authority > subjection > service > [noun] > a service
piece of service1575
1575 U. Fulwell Flower of Fame f. 49 They seemed greatly to lament, that so noble a piece of seruyce as was done at Hadington, shoulde so sleyghtlye passe thorough the handes of Cronographers.
1582 W. Allen Briefe Hist. Glorious Martyrdom sig. D iij The Sherife..went to the court where he was made knight [printed kinght] for this notable peece of seruice.
1590 H. Barwick Breefe Disc. Weapons 7 And so dooth the matter fall out, if a parcell of seruice should be doon, where 500. [men] should be imployed therunto.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 2 (1623) v. i. 153 Oft haue I seene a hot ore-weening Curre..Who being suffer'd with the Beares fell paw, Hath clapt his taile, betweene his legges and cride, And such a peece of seruice will you do, If you oppose your selues to match Lord Warwicke. View more context for this quotation
1698 in J. Stevens tr. M. de Faria y Sousa Hist. Portugal 496 It was a desperate piece of Service, for such a handful of Men to attempt against such a multitude.
1813 La Belle Assemblée Sept. 100/2 The Duke of Lerma..had formerly rendered the Duchess of Feria an important piece of service.
1897 Brit. Med. Jrnl. 4 Sept. 582/2 His last piece of service was a glorious one, he being with our fleet that defeated the Spanish Armada.
1904 R. Leighton Hurrah! for Spanish Main xiii. 202 I charge you conceal for a time the piece of service which I require you to perform on board your own ship, the Swan.
1940 Essex Chron. 31 May 3/7 Members of the Council could do a good piece of service if, in going about their villages, they maintained and instilled a spirit of optimistic confidence, and did their best to allay rumours and fears.
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