

单词 paschal


Brit. /ˈpask(ə)l/, U.S. /ˈpæsk(ə)l/, /ˈpæʃ(ə)l/
Forms: late Middle English pascale, late Middle English pascalle, late Middle English paschale, late Middle English–1500s pascall, late Middle English–1500s paschalle, late Middle English–1500s paskal, late Middle English–1500s paskall, late Middle English–1600s paschall, late Middle English–1600s 1800s– pascal, late Middle English– paschal, 1500s paschull, 1500s pascquall, 1500s pascuall, 1700s pasqual; Scottish pre-1700 paschale, pre-1700 paschall, pre-1700 1700s– paschal.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French pascal; Latin paschalis.
Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman pascal, paschal and Middle French pascal of or relating to Easter (first quarter of the 12th cent. in Anglo-Norman), of or relating to Passover (13th cent.), and its etymon (ii) post-classical Latin paschalis of or relating to Easter, of or relating to Passover (4th cent.), also as noun, paschalia (neuter plural) Eastertide (6th cent.) < pascha pasch n. + classical Latin -ālis -al suffix1. With use as noun in sense A. 1 compare post-classical Latin paschale (neuter) paschal candle (1368 in a British source).With paschal candle n. at Compounds, paschal taper n. at Compounds compare post-classical Latin candela paschalis, cereus paschalis (a1190, 1267 respectively in British sources).
A. n.
1. Christian Church. = paschal candle n. at Compounds. Also: a candlestick for holding such a candle (cf. Judas n. 1b).
society > faith > artefacts > implement (general) > candleholder > [noun]
society > faith > artefacts > consumables > candle or light > [noun] > for Easter
Easter taper1443
paschal taperc1443
1426–7 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 64 For a pece of tymbre to þe newe Paschall, ij s..for a dysch of peuter of þe Paskall, viij.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 86 (MED) Onone as þe pascall was blissid, sodanlie it was away.
1519 in W. L. Nash Churchwardens' Acct. Bk. St. Giles, Reading (1851) 5 For wax and making of the Pascall.
1593 in Rites & Mon. Church Durh. (1903) 11 On the height of the sd candlestick or pascall of lattine was a fair large flower..wherein did stand a long peece of wood..wheron stood a great long square tap of wax called the pascall.
1787 J. Woodforde Diary 3 Jan. (1926) II. 294 Incurations and Pascals for 2 Years, 0.19.3.
1825 W. Hone Every-day Bk. (1826) I. 436 The paschal or great Easter taper at Westminster Abbey was three hundred pounds' weight.
1825 W. Hone Every-day Bk. (1826) I. 436 The paschal in Durham cathedral was square wax, and reached to within a man's length of the roof.
1996 R. B. Hutton Stations of Sun xviii. 194 The new flames were blessed and censed, and from them was lit the largest candle to burn in any medieval church, the paschal.
2. The Passover celebration. Also: Passover supper; Passover lamb. Obsolete.
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > Jewish seasons and feasts > Passover > [noun]
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > Jewish seasons and feasts > Passover > [noun] > supper on
society > faith > worship > sacrifice or a sacrifice > kinds of sacrifice > [noun] > of animal > lamb
Easter offeringa1387
paschal lamba1500
Passover lamb1538
a1535 T. More Treat. Passion in Wks. (1557) 1307/2 The feast of the vnleuened loues was called the Paschall.
1579 W. Fulke Heskins Parl. Repealed in D. Heskins Ouerthrowne 46 He did desire to eat the Pascall of the lawe.
1581 R. Goade in Confer. (1584) iii. T iij There was some distance of time betweene the Pascall and the Supper.
1656 R. Vines Treat. Inst. Lords-Supper i. 4 The Levites killed the Paschals.
1670 G. Havers tr. G. Leti Il Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa i. ii. 34 To suffer them [sc. Jews]..to Celebrate their Paschal with all possible Solemnity.
1799 P. Spindleshanks Battle Two Taylors 8 Thou whip'd thy wife each day, And acted so like a dam'd raskel, The Church forbid you eat the paschal.
B. adj.
1. Christian Church. Of or relating to Easter; used in Easter celebrations.
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > specific Christian festivals > Holy Week > [adjective] > Easter
1442 Acct. in Berks, Bucks & Oxon Archæol. Jrnl. (1901) 7 114 (MED) For Pascal & Trendill lights x d. ob.
1506 in J. L. Glasscock Rec. St. Michael's, Bishop's Stortford (1882) 31 For the paskal sylver at Ester eve.
1519 in W. L. Nash Churchwardens' Acct. Bk. St. Giles, Reading (1851) 6 For mending and scouring of the Pascall cansticke.
1552 King Edward VI Chron. & Polit. Papers (1966) (modernized text) 125 The payment of £26,000 which the fuggers required to be paid at the Paschal Mart [Easter Fair].
1637 G. Gillespie Dispute against Eng.-Popish Ceremonies iv. vi. 26 Many societies conveened to the eating of the Paschall Supper by Twenties.
1670 T. Blount Νομο-λεξικον: Law-dict. at Paschal Rents Rents or yearly tributes paid by the inferior Clergy to the Bishop or Arch-Deacon at their Easter-Visitation.
1772 T. Nugent tr. J. F. de Isla Hist. Friar Gerund I. 61 At the time of confession and pasqual communion.
1837 Penny Cycl. IX. 253/1 If the paschal moon fall on a Sunday, the next Sunday is Easter Sunday.
1875 J. B. Lightfoot St. Paul's Epist. Colossians 56 Polycarp..visited Rome, hoping to adjust the Paschal controversy.
1910 ‘O. Henry’ Strictly Business 47 Danny..struck northwards into the heart of the district where Easter—modern Easter, in new, bright raiment—leads the pascal march.
1998 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 11 June 6/1 They would have recognized the hunted stage on Correggio's ceiling as a chivalric image of Christ: royal prey symbolizing the most kingly of paschal victims.
2. Of or relating to the Passover. Now chiefly in paschal lamb n. at Compounds.
society > faith > worship > liturgical year > feast, festival > Jewish seasons and feasts > Passover > [adjective]
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. lxxi. 197 There is no Iewish pascall solemnitie nor abstinence from sower bread now required at our hands.
1683 J. Evans Case of Kneeling: Pt. I 21 At the beginning of the Paschal Feast the Jews did put themselves into this Discumbing or Leaning posture..while they Eat and Drank the two first Cups of Wine.
1684 J. Strype tr. J. Lightfoot Horæ Hebraicæ in Wks. II. 252 That Judas after the Paschal-Supper..could make his agreement with the Priests, and get his blades together ready to apprehend our Saviour.
a1714 J. Sharp Wks. (1754) VII. Serm. xii. 223 The paschal-feast, from whence our Saviour took his sacrament of the Lord's supper.
1876 E. Mellor Priesthood 208 The Lord's Supper, while a new institution, was in its forms grafted upon the Paschal meal.
1908 Daily Chron. 18 Apr. 7/5 Chester still clings to its Tansy pudding, symbolical of the bitter herb commanded at the paschal feast.
2003 Florida Today (Nexis) 16 Apr. (People section) 1 A roasted lamb shank bone represents the paschal sacrifice of the lamb.


paschal candle n. Christian Church a large candle blessed and lit during the Easter vigil of Holy Saturday and placed on or near the altar until Pentecost.
1545 W. Turner Rescuynge of Romishe Fox sig. Diiv It is good to take Christis cup from the laymen,..to hallow the font and the pascal and litle candelles.
1849 Southern Literary Messenger 15 530/2 The lofty candelabrum for the Paschal candle.
1999 R. E. Guiley Encycl. Witches & Witchcraft (ed. 2) 53/2 The most common charm was the agnus dei, a small wax cake, originally made out of paschal candles, bearing images of the lamb and the flag.
paschal lamb n. (also Paschal Lamb) [after post-classical Latin agnus paschalis (5th cent.); compare Middle French aignel pascal (beginning of the 14th cent.; French agneau pascal (1765))] (a) the lamb slain and eaten at the Passover; (b) Christ; one of various symbolic representations of Christ (cf. Agnus Dei n. 2a).
society > faith > worship > sacrifice or a sacrifice > kinds of sacrifice > [noun] > of animal > lamb
Easter offeringa1387
paschal lamba1500
Passover lamb1538
a1500 (?c1440) J. Lydgate Horse, Goose & Sheep (Lansd.) 316 in Minor Poems (1934) ii. 552 (MED) This Paschale Lamb..yaff His bodi to man in forme of bred On Sheerthursday be-forn ar He was ded.
1596 A. Copley Fig for Fortune 50 Was not he the holie Paschall-lambe That di'd repinelesse for the sinnes of man?
1735 Gentleman's Mag. July 366/1 The Paschal Lamb being not the real Passover but a Memorial.
1845 H. J. Rose in Encycl. Metrop. (1847) II. 891/1 The paschal lamb they called the body of the Passover.
1858 ‘G. Eliot’ Amos Barton ii. 63 He talked of Israel and its sins, of chosen vessels, of the Paschal lamb.
1995 L. Jacobs Jewish Relig. 374/1 After the destruction of the Temple the Paschal lamb could not be offered and the Passover rituals centred entirely on the avoidance of leaven and the celebration of the Seder.
paschal money n. Obsolete alms distributed at Easter.
1478 in E. Hobhouse Church-wardens' Accts. (1890) 6 Comes Hill and Harper and presents in of pascal money, that they gadered on Ester Day vijs ixd.
1553 Stanford Churchwardens' Accts. in Antiquary (1888) 17 117 It. of ye parisheoners for crowche monay or paschull monay iiijs. vijd.
paschal taper n. Obsolete = paschal candle n.
society > faith > artefacts > consumables > candle or light > [noun] > for Easter
Easter taper1443
paschal taperc1443
c1443 R. Pecock Reule of Crysten Religioun (1927) 313 Þe chirche makiþ þe paschal tapir forto represente þe persoon of crist.
1477–9 in H. Littlehales Medieval Rec. London City Church (1905) 92 For makyng of the paschall tapre..weyng xxx lb.
1520–1 in J. Nichols Illustr. Antient Times Eng. (1797) 166 Item, payde for strykynge of the Paskall-tapers into betynge light for the tapers 0 0 1.
1653 Bp. J. Taylor 25 Serm. Golden Grove 39 They then thought that when the Paschall taper burn'd, the flames of hell could not burn, till the holy wax was spent.
1871 Ladies' Repository Apr. 288/1 Each house in the parish [sc. Chiswick] was then [sc. in 1458] liable to a tax of one half-penny to provide ‘paschal tapers’ for the church.
Paschal term n. now chiefly historical the fourteenth day of the first lunar month of spring, as used in calendrical calculations (Easter Day being the first Sunday following this day).In quot. ?a1475: a Dionysian period of 532 years.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl.) (1874) V. 377 The grete cicle of the terme Paschalle [a1387 J. Trevisa tr. Ester terme; L. termini Paschalis] is finischede or complete in this vthe yere of Iustinus, whiche is of v c yere and xxxijti from the passion of Criste.]
1599 R. Pont Newe Treat. Right Reckoning of Yeares 62 The variety of the course of the Moone, can not so formally bee counted thereby, as by the Golden number, which conteineth lesse space: besides that, the Paschal tearms aggree not oftimes thereto.
1702 V. Mandey tr. J. J. Hainlin Synopsis Mathematica: Astron. iii. 515 Given the Dominical Letter, likewise the Cycle of the Moon, or the Golden Number; to find the Paschal Term or Easter.
1737 W. Jackling Paschal Solemnity Rectified 8 The Paschal Term is fix'd in the Table on the first of April, when the Golden Number is 15.
1817 A. Clarke in Holy Bible from Authorized Version Acts xii. 4 (note on verse iv.) The earliest Paschal term, being the 21st of March; the 22d of March is the earliest Easter possible: and the 18th of April being the latest Paschal term, the seventh day after, that is the 25th of April, is the latest Easter possible.
1898 Eng. Hist. Rev. 13 695 Opposite each year are the cycle of Dionysius, the indiction, the epact, the concurrent, the lunar cycle, the paschal term, and the Sunday letter.
2005 L. Holford-Strevens Hist. Time iv. 62 For the same reason, the Golden Numbers, which previously had been written against the year's new moons, were now made to mark directly the Paschal term or ‘Ecclesiastical Full Moon’.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2005; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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