

单词 party per pale

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(party) per pale
in pale: (of a charge or row of charges) in the position of a pale; arranged vertically. (party) per pale: (of a shield) divided by a vertical line through the middle.extracted from palen.1
party per pale
a. Heraldry. Of a shield or coat of arms: divided into parts of different tinctures, usually separated by a line in the direction of an ordinary (indicated by per). party per pale: divided by a vertical line through the middle (see also sense 2b). party per fess: divided by a horizontal line through the middle. Cf. pale n.1 6b, fesse n.1, and parted adj.1 2.In blazoning now usually omitted, per pale, etc., being used instead of party per pale, etc.
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > lines or edges > [adjective] > divided in two
society > communication > indication > insignia > heraldic devices collective > lines or edges > [adjective] > divided in two > by vertical line
part per palec1460
party per pale1562
c1460 Bk. Arms in Ancestor (1902) Oct. 202 (MED) Gold and wert party, [sc. a lion gules].
1486 Blasyng of Armys sig. fii, in Bk. St. Albans (MED) He berith party after the longe way of ij colouris, golde and goules.
a1500 Eng. Conquest Ireland (Rawl.) (1896) 11 (MED) A knygh with Party armys shall formyst breke the clos of Irland.
1562 G. Legh Accedens of Armory 43 b Party per Fesse, Argent, and Vert.
1614 W. Camden Remaines (rev. ed.) 191 Iohn Beauford..bare party per pale Argent and Azure a bend of England with a labell of France.
a1637 B. Jonson Kings Entertainm. at Welbeck sig. Oo1 in Wks. (1640) III A costly Cassock of black Buckram girt unto him, whereon was painted Party-per pale: On the one side..declined. On the other side..Undeclined.
1725 J. Coats New Dict. Heraldry (rev. ed.) Partie, or Party, signifies in French divided, but their Heralds use it only to denote what we call Party, or Parted per pale.
1866 J. E. Cussans Gram. Heraldry 19 A shield, however, is never party..of any of the diminutives of the ordinaries.
1896 J. Woodward Heraldry I. 478 Mi-parti—said of dimidiated arms, and of an ordinary parti per pale.
1950 C. W. Scott-Giles Boutell's Heraldry (rev. ed.) iv. 31 A shield divided by a horizontal central line is party per fess.
2002 Hist. Today (Nexis) 1 May 11 Thomas Chaucer chose his maternal Roet arms over his paternal Chaucer arms, these being parti per pale, a bend over all.
extracted from partyadj.
party per pale
b. figurative. party per pale: having two different, esp. opposite or contrasted, qualities; of mixed or composite character. Cf. sense 1b. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > mutual relation of parts to whole > condition or state of being mixed or blended > [adjective] > of mixed composition or character
party per pale1607
ambigenal hyperbola1710
1607 J. Marston What you Will ii. i. sig. B4 You Chamblet youth, Symplicius Faber that Hermaphrodite, Party par pale, that bastard Moungerell soule.
1647 J. Cleveland Char. London-diurnall 31 Water & earth make but one Globe, a Roundhead Is Clergy-Lay Party-per-pale compounded.
1672 T. Shadwell Miser i. i. 2 This young Lady, is Mrs Cheatly, party per pale Match-maker, and Baud.
1717 T. Hearne in Reliquiae Hearnianae (1857) I. 376 It was, as I hear, a party per pale sermon, viz. both for the whiggs and for the tories.
1781 H. Walpole Let. 18 Dec. in Corr. (1965) XXXIII. 315 A grandee hopping with one foot on the haut du pavé, and t'other in the kennel, partie per pale, ermine and mud!
1818 S. T. Coleridge Misc. Crit. i. Lect. xi A fancy shar'd party per pale between Death's heads and skeletons and Aretine!
extracted from partyadj.
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