

单词 out of commission

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out of commission


letter of commission n. (frequently in plural) an (official) document authorizing a person to perform a certain task or assume a specified role; spec. a letter of introduction presented to a foreign government by a High Commissioner or other envoy; also in figurative context.
1442 T. Bekington Let. in G. Williams Mem. Reign Henry VI (1872) II. 182 The pouaire whiche ye have yeven unto us by your lettres of commission..is..plainly expired.
1572 J. Bridges tr. R. Gwalther Hundred, Threescore & Fiftene Homelyes vppon Actes Apostles i. 9 Princes make for their Ambassadours letters of commission.., in the which not onely is contayned..thinges, they haue to doe, but also the credite and authoritie they be put in.
1604 J. Fraser Offer maid to Gentilman of Qualitie 73 The kirk is Gods Ambassadour sent to declaire his will, hauing the scriptures for lettres of commission and credet.
1750 King of Prussia's Plan for reforming Admin. of Justice 43 A Clause in all the Letters of Commission.., importing, that the Commissaries shall acquit themselves, in a limited Time, of the Commission which they have in Charge.
1852 Democratic Rev. Feb. 160/1 The Marine Committee gave him unlimited authority..in a letter of commission.
1876 Glasgow Herald 18 Oct. 5/2 Mr Watson, appeared within the bar, and presented his letters of commission as Her Majesty's Advocate.
1969 A. B. Cobban King's Hall iii. 103 In the letters of commission Arundel is expressly forbidden to exercise any authority in this matter.
2014 Eastern Eye 28 Mar. 9 The Queen..gave an audience last week at Buckingham Palace to Ranjan Mathai, who formally presented his letters of commission as Indian high commissioner to the UK.
commission of (the) peace n. British Law (a) the authority invested in a Justice of the Peace by the Lord Chancellor; the condition of holding this authority (cf. sense 6a); (b) the Justices of the Peace in a particular jurisdiction considered as a body. Now chiefly historical.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > commission > types of commission
commission of oyer and terminer1414
Commission of Sewers1444
commission of the peace?1457
oyer and terminer1469
commission of rebellion1589
commission of lunacy1679
commission of bankruptcy1684
?1457 T. Playter in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 174 I spake to my lord Chaunceler how my maister and ye and your frendes were put owte of the comyssyon of pees.
1592 R. Greene Thirde Pt. Conny-catching sig. Bv Knowne to be within commission of the peace.
?c1663 B. Whitelocke Diary (1990) 89 The Lord Keeper Coventry putt him into the Commissions of the peace for Bucks, & for Oxfordshire, his house standing in the confines of both Countyes.
1700 P. B. Help to Magistrates vii. 15 Six Justices in Commission of the Peace, with the Justices of Assize.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield II. xi. 179 As I am in the commission of the peace, I undertake to secure you.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering II. x. 135 I am still in the commission of the peace there, though I have ceased to be sheriff.
1886 P. A. Ashworth tr. R. Gneist Hist. Eng. Constit. II. xliii. 321 The commission of peace included, as its chief constituents, the great landed proprietors of the county.
1911 Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 319/2 Each of the ridings of Yorkshire has its own lord lieutenant and commission of the peace.
1959 D. Knowles Relig. Orders Eng. III. ix. 122 The prior..was for many years on the commission of peace.
2003 J. Baker Oxf. Hist. Laws Eng. VI. xiv. 257 The commission of the peace included an oyer and terminer jurisdiction,..but it did not extend to treason.
P3. to have it in (one's) commission: to be charged or authorized to do the specified thing. Obsolete.
society > authority > delegated authority > [verb (intransitive)] > have authoritatively committed to one to do
to have it in (one's) commissiona1500
a1500 (c1425) Andrew of Wyntoun Oryg. Cron. Scotl. (Nero) vii. l. 2688 Þar bad þai; And þar gaf absolucioun, As þai had in commyssioun.
1550 J. Hooper Ouersight Jonas v. f. cix Therfore let suche as be of God do as they haue in commission from hym.
1635 J. Swan Speculum Mundi vii. 351 Neither can the devil every day have it in his commission to go and blow down houses upon the heads of Jobs children.
1684 J. Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress 2nd Pt. ii. 144 I have it in Commission, to comfort the feeble minded, and to support the weak. View more context for this quotation
1745 H. Winder Crit. & Chronol. Hist. Rise Knowl. I. xvi. 230 He [sc. the Ambassador] might have it in Commission to transact the Affair of sending this Copy.
1775 S. Palmer Calamy's Nonconformist's Memorial I. 240 The officers not having it in their commission to break open doors, [he] did not actually get his goods.
a1827 R. Hawker Poor Man's Morning & Evening Portions 24 July in Wks. (1829) VIII. 588 The apostle had it in commission to tell the church, ‘not to be forgetful to entertain strangers’.
P4. out of commission. Cf. sense 6.In all senses frequently in to put (also take) out of commission.
a. Of a person: no longer having or exercising authority in a particular role or office. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > inaction > in a state of inactivity [phrase] > out of action
out of order1530
out of commission1533
on the shelfa1577
out of action1703
out of blast1832
society > travel > travel by water > launching a vessel > [phrase] > laid up or out of commission
out of commission1533
in ordinary1754
high and dry1851
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > useless [phrase] > unserviceable
out of order1530
out of commission1533
out of tune1638
on the blink1901
on the fritz1924
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > non-use > not in use [phrase]
out of commission1533
at libertya1690
1533 T. More Apologye xl. f. 225v My selfe whan I was chauncellour, vppon such secrete enformacyon haue put some out of commyssyon and offyce of iustyce of the peace.
1651 J. Musgrave Musgraves Musle Broken 10 They could fawn, flatter and dissemble with me; professing they knew I was glad to be out of Commission with them, and how prejudicial the same was to my other business.
1700 P. B. Help to Magistrates xii. 18 Where a Justice fails to do Justice, he may be put out of Commission, and Punished.
1803 Morning Post & Gazetteer 29 Jan. The collection of the internal taxes having been completed in some of the States, the officers employed in it are of course out of commission.
b. Of a ship: not in use or active service.
1740 Gentleman's Mag. Dec. 592/1 If large Ships, even out of Commission, require so large an Expense, why do we build or maintain so many to impoverish the Nation?
1768 S. Neville Diary 20 Sept. (1950) ii. 42 The harbour is full of ships in & out of commission.
1890 Globe 13 Sept. 7/2 The cruiser Forth..pays out of commission to-day.
1926 Motor Boating Dec. 45/1 The owners will find their craft in as good condition when spring comes, as when the boats were taken out of commission in the fall.
1997 S. Antal Wampum Denied iii. xii. 288 These riddled ships remained out of commission for the duration of the war.
c. In extended use: not in service or working order; out of use; unable to function.
1828 W. E. Parry Narr. Attempt to reach N. Pole 112 It was almost calm,..the thermometer within the boats rising as high as 66º, which put our fur dresses nearly ‘out of commission’.
1860 Daily News 13 Nov. 4/6 Neither is the smooth bore likely to be put altogether out of commission by the rifled gun.
1900 R. Kipling in Daily Mail 1 May 4/5 A whispering Guardsman, half of whose larynx had been put out of commission by a down-dropping bullet.
1954 R. P. Bissell High Water iii. 33 By the time we get to Dubuque the locks will be out of commission.
1977 C. Maclean St Kilda (ed. 2) xi. 154 The Selfridges radio had been put permanently out of commission.
2004 N.Y. Mag. 22 Nov. 103/2 Because of the scars the procedure leaves, I was out of commission for weeks on end.
commission of rebellion n. English Law (now historical) a writ empowering a person to apprehend as a rebel (rebel n.1 3) someone who has not appeared before a court on being summoned.Commissions of rebellion were abolished in 1841.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > commission > types of commission
commission of oyer and terminer1414
Commission of Sewers1444
commission of the peace?1457
oyer and terminer1469
commission of rebellion1589
commission of lunacy1679
commission of bankruptcy1684
1589 Sir T. Smith's Common-welth (rev. ed.) iii. iv. 122 The processe is a subpena, an attachment, a proclamation of rebellion, and a commission of rebellion.
1622 T. Powell Direct. Search of Rec. in Chancerie 5 The third sort of Records of Chancerie, are called Bundles: In which are contayned..4. All Attachments, Proclamations, and Commissions of Rebellion.
1684 P. Brunskell Vindic. Case Greenwax Fines 10 Vexatious Plaintiffs are..keeping Defendants from an Equitable Relief two or three years with Contempts, until they swell to Commissions of Rebellion.
1721 G. Jacob Treat. Laws i. 206 If he stands further out in Contempt, then a Commission of Rebellion may be issued forth directed to the Sheriff, &c. for apprehending him.
1796 C. Barton Hist. Treat. Suit in Equity 86 On moving for a Serjeant at Arms, the Commission of Rebellion is always produced, and shewn to the Court.
1837 F. Palgrave Merchant & Friar (1844) ii. 60 A commission of rebellion will bring you to your senses.
1902 A. T. Carter Hist. Eng. Legal Inst. xv. 167 The Chancellors..invented..the commission of rebellion, on which their officers proceeded to break open houses in execution of the decree and arrest the party as a rebel.
2013 S. Wade Jane Austen's Aunt behind Bars i. 27 He was served with a subpoena and then, after failing to appear in court, with a commission of rebellion.
commission of lunacy n. Law (now historical) a commission issued by a court, authorizing an inquiry as to the soundness of a person's mind; (also) an inquiry held as a result of such a commission.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > commission > types of commission
commission of oyer and terminer1414
Commission of Sewers1444
commission of the peace?1457
oyer and terminer1469
commission of rebellion1589
commission of lunacy1679
commission of bankruptcy1684
1679 Tryals Sir G. Wakeman, W. Marshall, W. Rumley, & J. Corker 32 I should think a Commission of Lunacy could not be taken out against him.
1731 Grub-St. Jrnl. 2 Sept. On Sunday last a Commission of Lunacy was sealed against a noble Peer of this realm.
1803 J. Mackintosh Def. Peltier in Wks. (1846) III. 268 Whether a commission of lunacy be not..more fitted to the author's case.
1893 Times 22 June 10/5 After a commission of lunacy had been held, he was declared to be sane, and was liberated by order of the Court.
1919 Rep. Supreme Court Georgia 148 627 Though there was an existing commission of lunacy, the wife was as a matter of fact sane.
1999 Albion 31 506 Marsden..was denied the dubious legal remedy offered by a commission of lunacy, really designed for the preservation of the property rather than the care of the person.
commission of bankruptcy (also bankrupt) n. Law (now historical) an order appointing commissioners to administer a bankrupt's estate on behalf of the creditors.Under English law, a commission of bankruptcy was issued by the Lord Chancellor; the practice was abolished in 1831, by the statute 2 & 3 Will. IV, c.56, §12.
society > law > administration of justice > process, writ, warrant, or order > [noun] > commission > types of commission
commission of oyer and terminer1414
Commission of Sewers1444
commission of the peace?1457
oyer and terminer1469
commission of rebellion1589
commission of lunacy1679
commission of bankruptcy1684
1684 London Gaz. No. 1975/4 The Commissioners executing a Commission of Bankrupt against John and Thomas Temple..have appointed to make a Dividence upon the 20th of November next.
1695 Case Creditors R. Vyner (single sheet) If the Commission of Bankruptcy can be renewed and proceeded upon..Then was Sr. Roberts Will of no effect.
1713 London Gaz. No. 5107/3 A Commission of Bankrupt is awarded against Samuel Stable.
1752 Gen. Advertiser 2 June 1/2 To be sold..a large Parcel of fine well finished Kid Gloves, purchased under a Commission of Bankruptcy.
1806 W. Cranch Rep. Supreme Court U.S. 2 359 To say then that the commission of bankruptcy, should prevent the United States from attaching the effects of the bankrupt, is in direct repugnance to the section.
1853 T. I. Wharton Digest Cases Pennsylvania (ed. 6) 221 The effect of a supersedeas lawfully ordered is to annihilate a commission of bankruptcy.
1915 G. H. Boker Cases in Equity ii. 117 [Case heard in Chancery, 1824.] The plaintiffs having purchased and taken assignments of certain debts which had been proved under two Commissions of Bankrupt, agreed to sell them to the defendant for 2s. 6d. in the pound.
1996 R. L. Van Tuyl & J. N. A. Groenendijk Van Tuyl Chron. xi. 207 A commission of bankruptcy was issued against him, and his creditors descended.
P6. on commission: according to the principle of commission (sense 7); (of an agent or salesperson) paid a percentage of the value involved in each transaction he or she completes; working under this system of payment.
a1790 B. Franklin Autobiogr. (1981) 39 He..intended to establish a Correspondence, & obtain Goods to sell on Commission.
1821 Sat. Evening Post (Philadelphia) 18 Aug. 1/1 He will sell all kinds of Leather on Commission for Country Tanners and others.
1840 W. H. Dawson Irish Facts & Eng. Fictions 7 Absenteeism works worst when the land agent is paid on commission, and when is at the same time legal adviser to the landlord.
1887 Pall Mall Gaz. 3 Mar. 11/2 The method of publication on commission, by which the publisher professed simply to charge 15 per cent. on all sales.
1952 W. Plomer Museum Pieces (1961) xi. 83 Mrs Y. made a good living by exploiting her social connexions in Europe and America to sell works of art privately on commission.
1990 Which? Oct. 546/2 Many sales staff are ‘on commission’; in a big store they might get..0.4 per cent of what they sell.
2009 New Yorker 29 June 50/1 He feared that a salesperson working on commission might say or do anything to make a sale.
extracted from commissionn.1
as lemmas




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