

单词 or more

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or more
d. or more: at least, not less than, at the minimum.
(a) Indicating that an approximate expression of size, volume, period, quantity, etc., is intended as a conservative estimate or lowest approximation. Cf. sense A. 4b.
OE tr. Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarium (Vitell.) (1984) xli. 86 Seoð on wætere þearle to healfan dæle, & ðæs wæteres sy sester ful oððe mare.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough contin.) anno 1128 He wolde þurh his micele wiles ðær beon wær it tweolf monð oððe mare.
a1300 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 1 (MED) Slep me hað mi lif forstole richt half oðer more.
c1395 G. Chaucer Summoner's Tale 1783 I saw yow noght this fourtenyght or moore.
a1425 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1869) I. 87 (MED) Þere were..sixe water pottis sett, and ech of hem held a galoun or more.
c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1904) I. 249 A damysell of þe age of x yere or mor.
c1475 ( Surg. Treat. in MS Wellcome 564 f. 111 (MED) As whanne þe festre is antiquate or old as a ȝeer or two or ellis more.
1522–3 in J. Imrie et al. Burgh Court Bk. Selkirk (1960) 67 The quey..was tua ȝer ald and ane halff or mar.
1576 Kirkcudbright Town Council Rec. (1939) I. 1 Thay remanit thairefter vpoun xx dayis or mair.
1607 B. Jonson Volpone i. v. sig. C4v Bastards, Some dozen, or more, that he begot on beggers. View more context for this quotation
1688 J. Barker Poet. Recreations i. 68 My dearest Brother, who is gone before, Half way will meet me in the Air, or more.
1765 Bartram's Jrnl. 5 in W. Stork Acct. E. Florida (ed. 2) A perch or more of palmetto-ground.
1800 W. Wordsworth Michael 473 Three years, or little more, did Isabel Survive her Husband.
1840 T. Hood Up Rhine 5 For a mile or more the doctor took the lead and kept it.
1906 J. Conrad Mirror of Sea ii. 4 Some pet vice, that must be left behind for a year or more.
1955 F. G. Ashbrook Butchering xii. 242 Fish must be cold-smoked from a few days to a week or more.
1985 W. Sheed Frank & Maisie vii. 153 Polio tethered me to my family's respective lives for the next year or more.
(b) Indicating that an exact expression of quantity, number, etc., is a minimum amount.
1526 Grete Herball sig. Ccivv/2 The vrynes be deuyded in .xx. partes or more.
1543 R. Record Ground of Artes i. sig. C Addition is the reduction and bryngynge of two numbers or more into one.
1649 Acts Interregnum (1911) II. 108 Three or more of the Justices of the upper Bench.
1795 E. Fenwick Secresy III. xxiii. 222 As eyes and noses are the common lot of all mankind, it may happen now and then that two or more may be greatly alike.
1835 R. Willis Remarks Archit. Middle Ages v. 41 At the same time there came in the practice of Foiling arches; that is, of uniting a series of three or more by their bases, so as to form one.
1925 Glasgow Herald 31 July 5 The most important is the Works Council Law of 1920, which requires a works council to be set up in each establishment employing 20 persons or more.
1984 S. Abraham & D. Llewellyn-Jones Eating Disorders ix. 110 Obesity is defined in several ways, one being when the Quetelet Index is 30 or more.
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