

单词 on or upon the lees

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(to settle) on or upon the lees
d. In various phrases, chiefly figurative, esp. to drain, drink the lees, (to drain, drink, etc.) to the lees, i.e. to the last drop, to the very end, (to settle) on or upon the lees.
the world > action or operation > completing > complete (an action or piece of work) [verb (transitive)] > perform or experience completely
to play out1598
(to drain, drink, etc.) to the lees1611
to drain, drink the lees1611
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase] > to the end
to the lasta1393
(to drain, drink, etc.) to the lees1611
to the end of the chapter1692
1611 Bible (King James) Isa. xxv. 6 A feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees . View more context for this quotation
1611 Bible (King James) Jer. xlviii. 11 Moab hath bene at ease from his youth, and hee hath setled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessell to vessell. View more context for this quotation
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus i. 7 They may not part till they have drunk..the cup of the wrath of God to the very lees.
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus ii. 6 Settle the soule vpon his lees of sinnefull lusts.
a1639 H. Wotton Parallel betweene Earle of Essex & Duke of Buckingham (1641) 3 His humours grew Tart, as being now in the Lees of favour.
1667 M. Poole Dialogue between Popish Priest & Protestant (1735) 75 You are an obstinate Heretick, and settled upon the Lees.
1696 N. Tate & N. Brady New Version Psalms of David lxxv. 8 To drink the very Lees.
1780 W. Cowper Progress of Error 260 Are sweet philosophy's enjoyments run Quite to the lees?
1820 J. Keats Lamia i, in Lamia & Other Poems 11 She felt the warmth..And, like new flowers at morning song of bees, Bloom'd, and gave up her honey to the lees.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Ulysses in Poems (new ed.) II. 88 I will drink Life to the lees.
1847 B. Disraeli Tancred I. ii. i. 90 This Parliament will last; it will go on to the lees.
1854 H. H. Milman Hist. Lat. Christianity II. iv. ii. 38 They were doomed to drink the lees of humiliation.
1856 G. H. Boker Poems (1857) II. 80 I'll drain the bitter to the very lees.
1868 J. H. Blunt Reformation Church of Eng. I. 41 The people at large were content to settle down on their lees.
1871 E. B. Pusey Lenten Serm. (1883) vii. 141 We reverse the Apostle's rule, rest on our lees, remember ‘the things which are behind’, and forget ‘those which are before’.
extracted from leen.2
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