

单词 of —— worth

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of —— worth
a. of —— worth: having a specified value, merit, usefulness, or importance. Frequently with a quantifier, as of great worth, of little worth, of no worth, etc. Cf. of —— value at value n. Phrases 2.
c1330 (?a1300) Arthour & Merlin (Auch.) (1973) l. 6758 (MED) Þer comen vp fer bi norþ Ten riche soudans of gret worþ.
c1400 (?a1300) Kyng Alisaunder (Laud) (1952) l. 1651 Hij weren kniȝttes of grete werþe.
1548 A. Scoloker tr. H. Sachs Goodly Dysputacion (new ed.) sig. bviiv Thynke ye then that our syngyng and Readyng is of no worth?
1575 G. W. in G. Gascoigne Poesies sig. ¶¶¶¶ Now weedes of little worth, are culde from out the rest.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene ii. iii. sig. Pv A goodly Ladie..That seemd to be a woman of great worth.
1597 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie v. lxii. 146 As the sacrament it selfe is a gift of no meane woorth.
a1616 W. Shakespeare As you like It (1623) v. iv. 153 Euerie day Men of great worth resorted to this forrest. View more context for this quotation
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 70 Seeing resistance of no worth, [they] fled.
1725 M. Davys Lady's Tale in Wks. II. 129 He was..a Person not only of great worth, but Master of a finer Estate than some Noblemen cou'd boast.
1785 W. Cowper Task vi. 952 Forgive him, then, thou bustler in concerns Of little worth.
a1822 P. B. Shelley Homer's Hymn to Mercury xxx, in Posthumous Poems (1824) 305 Caldrons and tripods of great worth.
1843 W. S. Landor Imaginary Conversat. in Heath's Bk. Beauty 194 A man of highest worth.
1847 Ld. Tennyson Princess ii. 44 And two dear things are one of double worth.
1870 W. Morris Earthly Paradise: Pt. IV 41 Of little worth Was all the gear that hall did hold.
1913 C. Pettman Africanderisms 278 It is hard and wiry and of little worth as food for stock.
1944 Sci. Monthly June 424/2 There are already more than a dozen basic plastic materials of proven worth.
2006 B. Watson tr. Tales of Heike ix. 87 A mere retainer, a person of no worth at all!
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