

单词 nothing daunted

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nothing daunted
2. Qualifying a verb. Now chiefly in certain phrases, as nothing daunted, to avail (a person) nothing.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) (Peterborough interpolation) anno 1070 Þa munecas..beaden heom grið, ac hi na rohten na þing.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 11002 No bið he for þan watere naððing idracched.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 12245 (MED) Na thinc can i him discreue, For sagh i neuer nan suilk mi liue.
?a1425 (?a1350) T. Castleford Chron. (1940) 21494 (MED) Dedeing me þink anens þin dedes, Þe to amende na þink þou spedes.
1508 Golagros & Gawane (Chepman & Myllar) sig. aii*v To prise hym forthir to pray It helpis na thing.
1567 in J. H. Burton Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1877) 1st Ser. I. 573 The proffeitt quhilk na thing belangit to thame.
1572 (a1500) Taill of Rauf Coilȝear (1882) 563 Thow trowis nathing thir taillis that I am telland.
1597 A. Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae 275 Quhilk profeittis nathing at the lenth.
c1600 in G. Stevenson Poems A. Montgomerie (1910) 84 Thair wickitt lawes..To thame attend na thing at all.
β. c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) 61 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 108 (MED) Heo ne couþe no-þing conteini hire ne speken no-þe-mo.c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 982 (MED) Þing þat woneþ & noþing wexþ, sone it worþ ido.c1450 Alphabet of Tales (1905) II. 455 All way þai war nothyng lukid after.1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) xxiv. 43 Hir lord her husbond was no thyng plesid that she went so gladly.a1533 Ld. Berners tr. A. de Guevara Golden Bk. M. Aurelius (1546) sig. B.ij I praise nothyng the knowlege of myne auncesters.1551 R. Robinson tr. T. More Vtopia sig. Qiiiiv Citiziens, whoes lawes & ordenaunces if it were not for feare he wold nothing at al esteme.1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke 95 You blamed my beginning, yet haue you altred it nothing.1631 Foxe's Actes & Monuments (ed. 7) II. 425/2 It did nothing at all abhorre from Nature.1691 Case of Exeter-Coll. Pref. sig. A ijv Insignificant suggestions that trench nothing at all on the merits of the Cause.1702 Eng. Theophrastus 164 Naked lessons and precepts have nothing the force that Images and Parables have upon our minds.1788 J. Priestley Lect. Hist. v. lxii. 307 An aristocracy however differs nothing from a despotism.1846 W. S. Landor Imaginary Conversat. in Wks. II. 107/1 They often infect those who ailed nothing.1866 Duke of Argyll Reign of Law ii. 57 It helps us nothing in such a difficulty, to say that [etc.].1922 M. Allen in B. C. Williams O. Henry Prize Stories of 1921 47 This protest availed her nothing, for the neighbour hurriedly departed, having been unwilling from the first.1947 M. E. Boylan This Tremendous Lover (new ed.) ii. 15 Her part would avail nothing without the merits of her Son.1992 R. Black Orkney (BNC) 67 Nothing daunted, the committee members set to.
extracted from nothingpron.n.adv.int.
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