

单词 no questions asked

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no questions asked
d. no questions asked: with no need to give an account of oneself or one's conduct.Originally with reference to claiming a reward.
society > morality > duty or obligation > moral or legal constraint > immunity or exemption from liability > [phrase] > no need to be accountable
no questions asked1725
1725 Life & Glorious Actions J. Wilde 54 If the Goods are stoln..and the Reward sufficient, they are convey'd to the place assign'd, where, upon Payment..the Hamper-Cask, &c. is deliver'd, and no Questions asked.
1796 R. Bage Hermsprong II. xxiv. 228 I wish, however, we knew something of his birth, parentage, and education; or are you willing to take him, as they advertize for stolen goods, and no questions asked?
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby xxxviii. 375 When you die you'll go right slap to Heaven and be asked no questions.
1871 Hearth & Home (N.Y.) Feb. 11 $1000 reward and no questions asked.
1921 P. G. Wodehouse Indiscretions of Archie xxv. 303 Nine out of ten of them had views on Art which would have admitted them to any looney-bin, and no questions asked.
1948 M. Laski Tory Heaven ix. 121 Under the old system, I could have had the pair of them and no questions asked.
1989 New Musical Express 25 Feb. 25 Gino is ‘Mr Brown from Chicago’ and receives no-questions-asked treatment from all and sundry.
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