

单词 no penny, no paternoster

> as lemmas

no penny, no paternoster
a. no penny, no paternoster: you get nothing for nothing; if you want a thing you must pay for it (originally with allusion to priests who insist on being paid for performing services). Hence no paternoster, no penny: no work, no pay. Also penny nor paternoster: neither pay nor prayers; neither love nor money. Now rare.
the world > existence and causation > existence > non-existence > [phrase] > nothing, no one, not any
never onec1175
never ac1300
never kinsc1300
no kinsc1350
for odd or evenc1425
never anyc1522
penny nor paternoster1528
never a one1534
not a soul1568
neither top nor toe1610
no flesh1663
neither horn nor hoof1664
no sort of‥1736
no nothing1815
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for labour or service > [phrase] > no work, no pay
no paternoster, no penny1528
1528 W. Tyndale Obed. Christen Man f. lxxxijv Yet thes two taught and prayed for the people as moch as oure prelates doo, with whom it goeth after the commune sayenge, no peny no Pater noster [printed uoster].
1546 Supplic. Poor Commons sig. c.iii Theyr couetouse is growne into thys prouerbe no peny no pater noster.
1573 G. Gascoigne tr. Ariosto Supposes i. i, in Hundreth Sundrie Flowres 2 Pitie nor pencion, peny nor pater noster shoulde euer haue made Nurse once to open hir mouth in the cause.
1640 W. Prynne Lord Bishops vi. sig. Eivv No penny, no Pater noster; they looke more to their tithes, then to their taske.
?1706 E. Hickeringill Priest-craft: 2nd Pt. ii. 22 Once was—No Pater Noster, No Penny; now—No Sermons, not a Penny, not a Farthing.
1845 Biblical Repertory July 376 An instance is given in which the clergy are charged in the newspapers with omitting the festival, for lack of fees: ‘no pence, no paternoster.’
1925 J. I. C. Clarke My Life & Memories ix. 74 If, of old, the churchly motto ‘No penny, no Paternoster’ was true, how could a church be expected to stay downtown when its congregation was moving north?
2001 Spectator (Nexis) 21 Apr. 13 No penny no Pater noster. No longer pipe, no longer dance.
extracted from pennyn.
as lemmas




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