

单词 navigation


Brit. /ˌnavᵻˈɡeɪʃn/, U.S. /ˌnævəˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/
Forms: 1500s nauigacion, 1500s navygacion, 1500s navygacyon, 1500s–1600s nauigation, 1500s– navigation.
Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French navigation; Latin nāvigātiōn-, nāvigātiō.
Etymology: < Middle French, French navigation voyage (late 13th cent. in Old French), action of travelling by water (mid 16th cent.), art or science of travelling by sea (mid 16th cent.), action or art of travelling through the air by means of an aircraft (1742) and its etymon classical Latin nāvigātiōn-, nāvigātiō the action of travelling by ship, sailing, a voyage < nāvigāt- , past participial stem of nāvigāre navigate v. + -iō -ion suffix1. Compare Italian navigazione (1304–8), Spanish navegación (c1440; 1519 in sense 3 as nauegacion in passage translated in quot. a1544 at sense 3).
a. A voyage; an expedition or journey by sea or water. Obsolete.
society > travel > travel by water > [noun] > a voyage
a1527 R. Thorne in R. Hakluyt Divers Voy. (1582) sig. B4 In this nauigation..was discouered, that these Ilands nothing set by golde.
1553 R. Eden in tr. S. Münster Treat. Newe India Pref. sig. aavj Such thinges as are spoken of in the nauigacions wherof this boke entreateth.
1579 T. Stevens Let. 10 Nov. in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (1589) i. 162 Our nauigation growing so long that it drewe neere to seuen moneths.
1632 J. Hayward tr. G. F. Biondi Eromena 160 Their Navigation was short, and favoured with gentle windes.
1673 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 8 6114 Those Countreys that are addicted to long Navigations.
a1715 Bp. G. Burnet Hist. Own Time (1724) I. 629 The other was a long navigation, and subject to great accidents.
1752 T. Carte Gen. Hist. Eng. III. 560 The Queen..encouraged her subjects to the like adventures and navigations.
1807 R. Southey Lett. from Eng. II. 172 Our last navigation had ended by transferring us to a coach.
1820 W. Scoresby Acct. Arctic Regions I. 43 At the distance of eighteen to thirty years, from the time when the several navigations were performed.
1860 R. W. Emerson Wealth in Conduct of Life (London ed.) 88 This accumulated skill in arts, cultures, harvestings, curings, manufactures, navigations, exchanges, constitutes the worth of our world to-day.
b. In extended use, with reference to a fish, bird, or other animal.
1792 G. Shaw Vivarium Naturæ, or Naturalist's Misc. III. pl. 101 A pair of membranes of an oral form, which, during its [sc. the Paper-Nautilus'] occasional navigations on the surface of a calm sea, it raises upright.
1822 J. M. Good Study Med. IV. 9 Many other marine fishes, seek out a fresh-water stream for this purpose: and their navigations are often of very considerable length.
1992 D. G. Campbell Crystal Desert i. 29 What cerebral wiring..they must possess in that pea of a brain..to enable them to accomplish these shuttlecock navigations.
1997 J. Kinsella Poems 330 Cockatoos..darken the road With the intensity Of their navigations.
a. The action or practice of travelling on water in a ship or other vessel; sailing; †rowing (obsolete).
society > travel > travel by water > [noun]
1539 T. Elyot Castel of Helthe (new ed.) 52 Navigation or rowyng nigh to the lande, in a calme water is expedient for them that haue dropsies.
1547 A. Borde Breuiary of Helthe xxii I can not away with water, nor waters by nauigacion.
1589 G. Puttenham Arte Eng. Poesie i. xii. 23 The Gentiles prayed..for safe nauigation to Neptune.
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus iii. 3 The Earth was made for man and beast to liue vpon, the sea for fish and nauigation.
1673 A. Marvell Rehearsal Transpros'd ii, in Wks. (1776) II. 368 If there were a dead calm always..there would be no navigation.
1724 London Gaz. No. 6300/1 The Wind proving contrary.., [she] was forced to return..after about an Hour's Navigation.
1744 J. Thomson Summer in Seasons (new ed.) 127 The Heaven-conducted Prow Of Navigation bold, that fearless braves The burning Line.
1779 T. Jefferson Let. 27 Mar. in Papers (1950) II. 241 The mills on the waters of James river above the falls open to canoe navigation are very many.
1813 Duke of Wellington Dispatches (1838) XI. 3 From what I have heard of the navigation of the river.
1861 C. Dickens Great Expectations III. xv. 238 The navigation of the river between bridges..was a much easier and commoner matter in those days.
1898 E. N. Westcott David Harum xxv. 230 Once the cap'n o' the boat got mad at somethin' an' pitched me..into the canal. It was about the close of navigation an' the' was a scum of ice.
1916 E. R. Burroughs Beasts of Tarzan xvii. 268 It was thought safer to wait for daylight before attempting the navigation of the winding channel to the sea.
1992 Ashmolean Spring–Summer 12/1 Indian Ocean navigation held together a network of social, economic, and religious links.
b. The action or practice of travelling through the air by means of an aircraft or balloon; flying. Cf. aerial navigation at aerial adj. 9b, air navigation at air n.1 Compounds 1b(a). Now rare.The more specific sense 4c is now predominant.
society > travel > air or space travel > action of flying (in) aircraft > [noun]
1783 Scots Mag. Dec. 652/1 They are thought to have soared to an elevation of about 3000 feet. The history of this navigation..is, in fact, the history of the alarms of the Marquis D'Arlandes.
1804 G. Cayley Aeronaut. & Misc. Note-bk. (1933) 80 I am well convinced that Aerial Navigation will form a most prominent feature in the progress of civilization.
1827 G. Pocock (title) The Æropleustic Art, or navigation in the air by the use of kites or buoyant sails.
1870 tr. F. Marion Wonderful Balloon Ascents ii. ix. 163 The idea of aerial navigation by means of an apparatus heavier than the atmosphere.
1910 Blackwood's Mag. July 12/2 The safe navigation of the air.
1920 Act 10 & 11 George V c. 80 §2 Limited to aircraft of any special description, or engaged in any special kind of navigation.
c. Computing. The action or process of moving around a file, file system, website, etc.
1984 S.-K. Chang & O. Clarisse in IEEE Workshop Langs. for Automation 38/2 We discuss how to apply the methodology outlined in this paper to image database navigation and design.
1994 Internet World July 5/1 (advt.) A graphical interface that uses pull-down menus and point-and-click functionality for easy Internet navigation.
2001 Contact May 47/2 Beneath the screen is the backlit keypad, including the butterfly-shaped navigation buttons.
3. A course along which one may sail. Obsolete.
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > [noun] > sailing route
trade way1589
ocean lane1864
a1544 R. Barlow tr. M. Fernández de Enciso Brief Summe Geogr. (1932) 136 Unto this ilond goeth verie fewe shippes for it stondeth out of the waie of the navigation [Sp. nauegacion], and also because thei be evil people.
1633 G. Herbert Man in Temple vii Waters united are our navigation; Distinguished, our habitation.
1654 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. Bentivoglio Compl. Hist. Warrs Flanders 312 The divulging of a memorable Navigation..which the Hollanders and Zealanders had that year found out.
1775 B. Romans Conc. Nat. Hist. E. & W. Florida App. 62 Providing so facile a navigation for the regions of the west, by means of a velocious current.
a. The art or science of directing the movements of a vessel on the sea or other open water; the process of determining and planning a vessel's position and course, by means of geometry, nautical astronomy, instruments, etc. Also gen.: seamanship (now rare).
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > [noun] > art or science of
1559 W. Cuningham Cosmogr. Glasse 3 They be wryters of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie, or Nauigation.
1592 R. Greene Pandosto (new ed.) sig. Bij Franion..hauing some small skill in Nauigation, was well acquainted with the Portes.
1642 J. Howell Instr. Forreine Travell xix. 233 The most materiall and usefull parts of the Mathematiques, as the Art of Navigation and Fortification.
1696 W. Whiston New Theory of Earth iii. 192 'Tis evident, and will be allow'd by Persons skill'd in Navigation.
1726 J. Swift Gulliver I. i. i. 2 My Father now and then sending me small Sums of Money, I laid them out in learning Navigation.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine (at cited word) Every sea-officer is presumed to be furnished with books of navigation.
1836 F. Marryat Mr. Midshipman Easy I. xiv. 253 A cruise at sea without a knowledge of navigation was a more nervous thing than he had contemplated.
1875 B. Jowett tr. Plato Dialogues (ed. 2) III. 215 Safety at sea is the good of navigation.
1924 ‘Nauticus’ Sea Ways & Wangles viii. 48 You will then be sent to the Navigation School or ‘Nav. House’ as it is more familiarly called.
1964 F. Chichester Lonely Sea & Sky (1967) xxvi. 303 If I were 400 yards out in my navigation, we could come slap up against the rocks at the entrance to Plymouth Sound.
1988 Antiquity 62 644/1 Sharp argued..that methods of sailing and navigation in ancient times..had never been good enough to enable anyone to discover a new island.
b. A piece of seamanship. Obsolete. rare.
society > travel > travel by water > directing or managing a ship > [noun] > art or science of > a piece of
1817 J. Mill Hist. Brit. India II. iv. iii. 101 He returned..by a very able navigation against a contrary monsoon.
c. The art or science of directing the movements of an aircraft or spacecraft, esp. with regard to the determining of position and course by the use of instruments, electronic aids, etc. Cf. aerial navigation at aerial adj. 9b, air navigation at air n.1 Compounds 1b(a).
society > travel > air or space travel > action of flying (in) aircraft > navigation of course of aircraft > [noun]
1917 H. T. A. Bosanquet & G. R. C. Campbell Navigation, Magn. & Deviation of Compass i. 4 In aerial navigation..Dead Reckoning is the position arrived at as calculated from the estimated track and the estimated speed made good over the ground.
1931 Times 19 Feb. 17/1 A haze..limited visibility to two miles. Navigation was undoubtedly difficult.
1951 Oxf. Junior Encycl. IV. 291/1 Some methods of navigation employ both radar and radio at the same time.
1962 F. I. Ordway et al. Basic Astronautics ix. 385 The platform of a celestial navigation system includes an automatic sextant.
1973 Internat. & Compar. Law Q. 22 668 There will be freedom of navigation and overflight for the ships and aircraft of all nations.
1993 New Scientist 30 Oct. 36/1 NASA is drawing up plans to use a defence department spacecraft..to provide propulsion, guidance, navigation and control for the Alpha space station.
d. The action or practice of directing the course of a motor vehicle; map-reading for, or the giving of directions to, the driver of a motor vehicle.
society > travel > transport > transport or conveyance in a vehicle > driving or operating a vehicle > [noun] > driving or operating a motor vehicle
1944 Return to Attack (Army Board, N.Z.) 9/1 Battalions and regiments entered the wilderness in battle order and exercised in desert navigation.
1950 M. Laski in Contact May–June 26/1 It is..possible to take an extended motor-trip abroad without ever coming into contact with the Art of Navigation.
1973 H. Miller Open City xiii. 148 I'm relying on you for navigation..just keep me on the road.
1990 Sci. Amer. May 64/1 Smart car in London's Autoguide navigation system lets a motorist enter a destination on a hand-held remote unit.
a. concrete. In later use U.S. Shipping; vessels collectively. Obsolete.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > [noun] > collectively
water carriage1612
?1589 Fox Mr. H. Cavendish his Journey Constantinople 13 in Camden Misc. (1940) XVII The Arceanall whyche ys the storhouse for ther navygacyon.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) iv. i. 70 Though the yesty Waues Confound and swallow Nauigation vp. View more context for this quotation
1705 Boston News-let. 25 June 2/1 Unless effectual care be taken in that matter..our Navigation will be entirely ruined.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson iii. vii. 361 The Centurion alone was capable of destroying the whole navigation of the port of Canton.
1772 C. Hutton Princ. Bridges 86 This will leave more free passage for the water and navigation.
1809 E. A. Kendall Trav. Northern Parts U.S. I. xxxiii. 321 The word navigation is used in New England for shipping.
1850 H. T. Cheever Whale & his Captors i. 28 Nearly one tenth of the navigation of the Union.
b. Shipping business; trade or commerce conducted by water. Now rare.
society > travel > travel by water > transportation by water > [noun] > shipping business or trade
carriage trade1720
carrying trade1728
1593 in T. S. Willan Stud. Elizabethan Foreign Trade (1959) 318 Decaye of the navygacion of thys realme.
1617 F. Moryson Itinerary i. 21 This Navigation is very necessary that the lower Oestreich being fertill, may supply the upper..with wine and corne.
1679 Established Test 50 Nor will they make any Scruple..to..weaken us..in our Trade and Navigation.
1720 J. Strype Stow's Surv. of London (rev. ed.) I. i. xxvii. 215/2 The Trade, Navigation, and Naval Strength of this Realm.
1788 A. Hamilton in Federalist Papers xi. 66 They would in all probability combine to embarrass our navigation in such a manner, as would in effect destroy it.
1810 T. Jefferson Let. 19 Jan. in Writings (1984) 1214 The outrages of Great Britain on our navigation and commerce, have kept us in perpetual bickerings with her.
1958 Connecticut Hist. Soc. Apr. 40 Milbert stated that North America should rely upon agriculture and navigation rather than attempt to compete on an industrial plane with England.
c. spec. Export. Obsolete. rare.
society > trade and finance > importing and exporting > [noun] > exporting
a1640 T. Risdon Chorogr. Surv. Devon (1811) (modernized text) 7 Corn we have plentiful.., as well for navigation as for..sustenance.
6. A canal, an artificial waterway; a river or channel that has been dredged, straightened, etc., to make it navigable; (rare) a naturally navigable channel.
the world > the earth > water > body of water > channel of water > [noun] > navigable waterway
navigation branch1778
silent highway1841
the world > the earth > water > body of water > channel of water > [noun] > navigable waterway > canal
cut river1677
the world > the earth > water > body of water > channel of water > [noun] > natural inland channel
1720 London Gaz. No. 5885/3 A Stock of Money..in the Navigation of Wakefield.
1725 De Foe's Tour Great Brit. III. Scot. 81 How easy a Work it would be to form a Navigation, I mean a Navigation of Art from the Forth to the Clyde.
1762 Ann. Reg. 1761 i. 146 A navigation being compleated from Lynn to Northampton.
1782 T. Pennant Journey Chester to London 78 After leaving the town [sc. Stafford] I crossed the Wolverhampton Navigation at Radford Bridge.
1794 R. Whitworth & R. Mylne Rep. London Canal 6 It is by far the best part of the navigation between London and Lechlade.
1821 R. Southey Exped. Orsua 89 (note) There is some obscurity here in Pedro Simon's narrative, as if he were taking Aguirre by some cross navigation.
1842 Civil Engineer & Architect's Jrnl. 5 75/2 It was concluded that the time had arrived for changing the navigation of the Lehigh into a slackwater navigation.
1861 Chambers's Encycl. II. 551/2 (note) These combinations of drain and canal are commonly called navigations.
1916 A. Bennett Lion's Share i. 7 Probably the largest yacht that had ever threaded that ticklish navigation.
1982 Foxton: Locks & Barge Life (BNC) 30 He was making enquiries about the possibilities of opening up the canal routes to the south and was put in touch with a syndicate..proposing to improve and develop these navigations.
1989 P. Lawless Britain's Inner Cities (BNC) 82 These [sc. Urban Development Corporations] were located near Temple Meads Station in Bristol, along the Aire-Calder navigation and south of the city centre in Leeds.
1991 Motorboat & Yachting June 86/2 Throughout England and Wales, the WRG [sc. Waterway Recovery Group] has played a vital part in putting disused canal and river navigations back on the map.


navigation aid n.
1943 Science 13 Aug. 9 (advt.) Navigation aids, rules of the road, tides and currents.
1968 Economist 18 May 69/1 Big aircraft are shoe-horned on to small landing strips with only elementary navigation aids.
1992 Transair Pilot Shop June–Aug. 24/1 The Global Positioning System is the most accurate navigation aid the world has ever seen.
navigation branch n.
the world > the earth > water > body of water > channel of water > [noun] > navigable waterway
navigation branch1778
silent highway1841
1778 S. Whatley England's Gazetteer (ed. 2) at Avon The river forms an island, the navigation branch going on one side.
2002 Strange Navigation Issue in macromedia.coldfusion.advanced_techniques (Usenet newsgroup) 23 Sept. In those cases where a product is part of a Sub Category, the Sub Category navigation branch should be displayed even if a user clicked on the product from the Main Category view.
navigation channel n.
1889–90 Proc. Royal Soc. 47 143 The main navigation channel below the ‘narrows’ became very shallow for some distance.
1945 Ecology 26 332/2 Main river reservoirs are located on the main Tennessee River and..they provide a nine-foot navigation channel from the mouth of the river to Knoxville, Tennessee.
1993 New Scientist 2 Jan. 27/1 Dredgings from harbours and navigation channels..are currently mostly dumped out to sea, where they may damage the marine environment.
navigation deck n.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > parts of vessels > part of vessel above water > [noun] > deck > navigation deck
navigation deck1899
1899 Westm. Gaz. 5 Sept. 8/1 She has a navigation deck placed above the promenade deck.
2001 Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch (Nexis) 3 July a11 In front of the windscreen on the navigation deck hang a pair of fuzzy dice.
navigation instrument n.
society > travel > air or space travel > a means of conveyance through the air > aeroplane > parts of aircraft > controls and instruments > [noun] > navigational instrument
navigation instrument1897
black box1945
1897 Science 27 Aug. 319 An exhibition of navigation instruments was opened in London on August 5th.
1959 F. D. Adams Aeronaut. Dict. 117/1 Navigation instrument, an aircraft instrument that indicates, or that is used to ascertain, information relating to the position of an aircraft in flight, or to the direction in which it is flying.
1990 Yachting Feb. 34/2 In areas with strong signals, a reliable loran, especially one with a remote display for the helmsman, can be an ideal navigation and piloting instrument.
navigation limit n.
1906 N.E.D. at Navigation Navigation limit.
navigation season n.
1848 Commerc. Rev. South & West Jan. 106 The tolls received at Buffalo, for the navigation season to the 1st inst., amount to the sum of $1,216,900 96.
1968 E. S. Russenholt Heart of Continent iii. ix. 162 A sudden freeze-up ends the navigation season, catching many vessels in the ice.
2001 Ottawa Citizen (Nexis) 10 Oct. b3 The river connects to 46 lakes surrounded by cottages and funnels water into the Rideau Canal during the navigation season.
navigation act n. now historical any one of a number of legal enactments regulating navigation, shipping, or seaborne trade, esp. that of 1651 intended to restrict imports from the Netherlands (the U.K. acts were abolished in 1849).
1680–3 S. Pepys Naval Minutes (1926) 165 When was the Act of Navigation first passed?]
1720 A. B. (title) A Letter to a Member of Parliament, in relation to the Bill now depending, for the Repeal of a Clause in the Navigation Act.
1729 J. Swift Let. to Archbishop of Dublin conc. Weavers in Wks. (1765) xvi. 13 It will be enough to mention the entire want of trade, the navigation-act executed with the utmost rigor, the..discouragement of agriculture.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. Navigation Acts, various statutes by which the legislature of Great Britain has in a certain degree restricted the intercourse of foreign vessels with her own ports.
1991 Parl. Hist. 10 145 On the second reading of the repeal of the Navigation Acts, 356 peers either voted in person or proxied or paired.
navigation beacon n. a beacon marked by a light or emitting a radio signal for use in aircraft navigation.
1941 J. Masefield Nine Days Wonder 3 In war-time, when the navigation-beacons are extinguished.
1990 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) B. 328 612 The DC-3 flew over the Fredericton VOR (VHF omni-range navigation beacon).
navigation coal n. rare = steam-coal n. at steam n. Compounds 7.
society > occupation and work > materials > fuel > coal or types of coal > [noun]
earth coala1552
horse coal1552
Newcastle coal1552
cannel coal1587
stony coal1617
Welsh coala1618
foot coal1665
peacock coal1686
rough coal1686
white coal1686
slipper coal1712
black coal1713
rock coal1750
board coal1761
Bovey coal1761
house coal1784
mineral coal1785
splint coal1789
jet coal1794
black diamond1803
Welsh stone-coal1808
spout coals1821
brown coal1833
paper coal1833
sinter coal1854
oil coal1856
Kilkenny coal1861
Pottery coal1867
block coal1871
bunker coal1885
trolley coal1890
sack coal1898
navigation coal1900
1900 Daily Express 3 Aug. 5/4 A splendid seam of smokeless navigation coal.
navigation law n. now historical = navigation act n.
1769 E. Burke Observ. Late State Nation 65 What does he mean by talking of an adherence to the old navigation laws?
1863 Jrnl. Statist. Soc. 26 1 (title) On the statistics of tonnage during the first decade under the Navigation Law of 1849.
1989 A. Marsh Seaman (BNC) 11 An Act of 1849 repealed the Navigation Laws.
navigation light n. a light shown by a ship or aircraft at night to make it visible.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > other equipment of vessel > [noun] > external lanterns lights
poop lantern1651
riding lamp1825
pilot light1846
riding light1861
running light1863
position light1889
navigation light1909
steaming light1909
spreader light1939
society > travel > air or space travel > a means of conveyance through the air > aeroplane > parts of aircraft > [noun] > lights
navigation light1909
landing light1917
identification lamp1932
1909 Man. Seamanship (Admiralty) II. i. 29 Navigation lights,..oil ones..consist of steaming light, in charge of 2nd captain of forecastle, who is responsible for placing it.
1951 Oxf. Junior Encycl. IV. 4/1 Small lights attached to the wing tips are navigation lights, similar to those used by ships.
1990 Small Boat Jrnl. Jan. 28/1 Battery bank size should be sufficient not only to start the engine but to run navigation lights and electronics.
navigation log n. an aircraft log recording details of the route taken.
1937 D. C. T. Bennett Compl. Air Navigator v. 165 The following abbreviations are acceptable for use in Navigation Logs..A/S = Air Speed.
navigation satellite n. a satellite that transmits signals for use in navigation.
society > travel > air or space travel > a means of conveyance through the air > spacecraft > [noun] > satellite > used for specific purpose
balloon satellite1958
navigation satellite1960
weather satellite1960
1960 Science 22 Apr. 1198 The United States has launched two more space vehicles—the Navy's Transit I-B, a ‘navigation’ satellite..and the Air Force's Discoverer XI.
1994 Sci. Amer. May 78/1 Together the GPS and GLONASS could become a basis for an international navigation network, or a global navigation satellite system.
navigation spade n. English regional Obsolete a spade of a type used in the construction of canals (cf. navigator n. 2b).
1829 J. Yule in Prize-ess. & Trans. Highland Soc. Scotl. 7 395 [Netherby, Cumberland] The round-mouthed spades used in forming canals, &c., called here Navigation Spades.
navigation system n. a device to assist or automate navigation.
society > travel > air or space travel > action of flying (in) aircraft > navigation of course of aircraft > [noun] > navigational systems
navigation system1959
1959 Observer 8 Feb. 4/5 A..flying aid invented in America and developed here..is a ‘high accuracy hyperbolic navigation system’.
1991 Pop. Sci. Mar. 23/1 Unmanned subs with their own navigation systems..are becoming an important tool for oceanographers.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, June 2003; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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