

单词 mr speaker

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Mr. Speaker
a. The member of the House of Commons who is chosen by the House itself to act as its representative and to preside over its debates. Also called Mr. Speaker and †Speaker-forth.In 1376–7 Sir Thomas de Hungerford, apparently the first person formally mentioned as holding the office, ‘avoit les paroles pur les Communes d'Engleterre en cest Parlement’ ( Rolls of Parl. II. 374/1).
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > governing or legislative body of a nation or community > English or British parliament > [noun] > Member of Parliament > speaker of Commons
procurator of parliament1399
Speaker of (the) Parliamenta1464
First Commoner1759
c1400 Brut 330 Þis same Piers was chosen to be speker for the communes in þe parlement.
1414 Rolls of Parl. IV. 22 The sentence & the entente axked by the Speker mouthe.
c1435 in C. L. Kingsford Chron. London (1905) 50 Sir John Cheyne excusid him ffor the Speker fforth ffor the Comvnes, ffor dyuers Infirmites..that he hadde.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) II. f. cxxiiv Wherfore the sayde Commons prayed the mouth of theyr speker..that the sayde persones with other myght be remoued from the kyng.
1583 Sir T. Smith's De Republica Anglorum ii. ii. 40 The speakers office is as brieflie and as plainely as he may to declare the effect thereof to the house.
1641 King's Speech to Parl. 2 Dec. It is no ways in Answer to Master Speakers learned Speech.
a1675 B. Whitelocke Memorials Eng. Affairs (1682) anno 1641 50/1 [The king] himself entred into the House; at which the Speaker rose out of his Chair, and stood below.
1707 J. Chamberlayne Present State Great Brit. (1708) i. ii. 114 Before the choice of a Speaker, all the Members of the House of Commons take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy.
1787 Johnson's Deb. Parl. II. i. 4 The new House of Commons being met, the Usher came from the House of Lords, with His Majesty's commands for their immediate attendance, when they were ordered to chuse a Speaker.
1818 Parl. Deb. 1st Ser. 16 On a message from the lords, Mr. Speaker and several members attended to hear the speech of the lords commissioners read by the Lord Chancellor.
1840 Penny Cycl. XVII. 274/2 As yet he is only Speaker elect, and as such presents himself on the following day, in the house of lords.
1901 L. H. Courtney Working Constit. U.K. 90 If any vacancy occurs whilst Parliament is in existence, a writ is issued by Mr. Speaker.
figurative.1590 R. Harvey Plaine Percevall sig. B The chiefe actor in the pageant of my braine, and high speaker in the Parlament of my deuise.1600 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 2 iv. i. 243 The Speaker in his parliament,..th'imagine voice of God himselfe. View more context for this quotation
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