

单词 mohr


Brit. /mɔː/, /mʊə/, U.S. /mɔr/
Origin: From a proper name. Etymon: proper name Mohr.
Etymology: < the name of Karl Friedrich Mohr (1806–79), German chemist and pharmacist.
1. attributive and in the genitive. Designating instruments, techniques, etc., used or introduced by K. F. Mohr in his work on volumetric analysis.
the world > animals > mammals > group Ungulata (hoofed) > group Ruminantia (sheep, goats, cows, etc.) > antelope > [noun] > subfamily Antilopinae > genus Gazella (gazelle) > Gazella dama (mhorr)
1852 Sci. Amer. 31 July 362 The vessel is..tightly covered over with a sheet of porous paper, as in Mohr's process, whilst above is placed a stout paper cap which exactly fits the sides of the vessel.
1863 H. Watts Dict. Chem. I. 427 Mohr's aspirator has the form of an ordinary gasometer.
1909 Webster's New Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. at Pinchcock Two well known forms are the Mohr pinchcock.., operating by a spring, and the Hoffmann pinchcock.., controlled by a screw.
1964 Oceanogr. & Marine Biol. 2 98 The application of the Mohr titration which emerged as the most reliable method of chlorinity determination is credited to Otto Petterson..and Martin Knudsen.
1989 R. Dryer & G. Lata Exper. Biochem. i. i. 4 Serologic pipets and Mohr pipets..are commonly calibrated in partial volumes.
2. Mohr's salt n. hydrated ferrous ammonium sulphate, Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2·6H2O, a stable, light green, deliquescent crystalline salt used in volumetric analysis as a source of ferrous iron.
the world > matter > chemistry > chemical substances > salts > [noun] > specific types
perfixed salt1601
triple salt1800
Mohr's salt1905
1905 F. A. Gooch & C. F. Walker Outl. Inorg. Chem. xviii. 464 With other sulphates ferrous sulphate forms double salts, such as Mohr's salt.
1957 Encycl. Brit. XII. 648/2 It [sc. ferrous ammonium sulphate] is very stable and is used in volumetric analysis. It is often called Mohr's salt.
1983 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Chem. 363/1 Mohr's salt or ferrous ammonium sulfate..crystallizes as light-green crystals from solutions containing ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate.
1999 Jrnl. Solid State Chem. 142 288/2 The structure, valence state of Fe ions, and nonstoichiometric composition of the compounds are characterized using XRD, Mohr salt titration, and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
3. Mohr cubic centimetre n. a unit of volume (approx. 1.00238 cm3) equal to the volume of one gram of water at a particular temperature, usually 17.5°C. Similarly Mohr (also Mohr's) litre.
1923 R. Glazebrook Dict. Appl. Physics III. 725/2 The ‘Mohr cubic centimetre’ has been much used in the past in sugar analysis. The volume of a ‘Mohr cubic centimetre’ varies according to the temperature at which it is defined.
1934 Webster's New Internat. Dict. Eng. Lang. Mohr liter.
1940 Chambers's Techn. Dict. 553/2 Mohr's litre, the volume occupied by one kilogram of distilled water when weighed in air against brass weights; it is approximately equal to 1.002 true litres.
1994 M. Darton & J. O. E. Clark Dent Dict. Measurem. 285 Mohr cubic centimetre... This unusual unit was once used in determining the concentrations of sugar solutions.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, September 2002; most recently modified version published online March 2022).


Brit. /mɔː/, /mʊə/, U.S. /mɔr/
Origin: From a proper name. Etymon: proper name Mohr.
Etymology: < the name of Christian Otto Mohr (1835–1918), German engineer.
1. Mohr diagram n. (also Mohr's diagram) a diagram representing the stresses on a body, from which the stress in any direction may be found given a particular applied stress.
the world > matter > physics > mechanics > force > stress or force exerted and tending to deform > [noun] > diagram or graph
stress diagram1869
influence line1902
Mohr diagram1927
1927 Engineer 26 Aug. 227/1 In his recent Thomas Hawksley Lecture Professor E. G. Coker called attention to a graphical construction known as the Mohr diagram, which shows in a remarkably simple way the components of stress on the various planes through a point.
1927 Engineer 26 Aug. 228/2 Mohr's diagram may be employed to show graphically the components of strain at any point in an elastic material.
1952 Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 62 361/2 Upon the τσ-plane of Mohr's diagram.., equation (10) represents a straight line of slope ϕ passing through the origin.
1966 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. (rev. ed.) V. 193/1 (caption) Mohr's diagram showing the curve τ = fn) and the angle β.
1993 P. Kearey Encycl. Solid Earth Sci. 403/2 Mohr diagrams can be constructed to show stress and strain (infinitesimal or finite) in both two and three dimensions.
2. Mohr circle n. (also Mohr's circle) a circle plotted on a Mohr diagram of a body under stress, each point of which has coordinates representing the stresses parallel and normal to a particular plane in the body. Also Mohr (also Mohr's) stress circle.
1927 Engineer 16 Sept. 318/2 (heading) The Mohr circle.
1930 Engineering 28 Feb. 277/2 The principal inclined stresses, and the angles which their directions make with the horizontal, were computed analytically, and also graphically by means of Mohr's circle of stress.
1931 E. H. Salmon Materials & Structures I. 503 It will be evident..that the Mohr stress circles are a development of the construction given by Rankine in his theory of earth pressure.
1956 W. Merchant & A. Bolton Introd. Theory Structures vi. 88 Two points on Mohr's Circle can be determined immediately; the points A and B corresponding to faces a and b.
1966 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. (rev. ed.) XIII. 183/2 Line ED is the diameter of Mohr's stress circle with center at C.
1987 Nature 3 Dec. 467/2 The locus of shear (τ) and normal (σn) stress components on a suite of faults of various orientations is a circle (the Mohr circle) whose centre is the average between the maximum (σ1) and minimum (σ3) principal stresses and whose radius is (σ1−σ3)/2.
1993 P. Kearey Encycl. Solid Earth Sci. 404/1 This [sc. Mohr's hypothesis] predicts that failure will occur when the Mohr circle just touches the Mohr envelope.
3. Mohr envelope n. the bounding line of a series of Mohr circles drawn at different containing pressures for the stress on a body at the level at which it slips or fractures, the point at which a circle touches the line giving the plane along which slippage or fracturing occurs at a particular containing pressure.
1959 Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 70 124/1 For the more plastic rocks such as marble or rock salt, the Mohr envelopes at higher stresses tend to become parallel to the σ-axis.
1969 Jrnl. Geophysical Res. 74 1712/2 Figure 1 also shows that the Mohr envelope for the Westerly granite tests is nearly a straight line for normal stresses less than 10 kb.
1993 P. Kearey Encycl. Solid Earth Sci. 403/2 The Mohr envelope is obtained experimentally by plotting Mohr circles representing the state of stress at failure for various confining pressures, and constructing the bounding surface.
This is a new entry (OED Third Edition, September 2002; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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