

单词 marsh rose

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marsh rose
marsh rose n. any of various rose-like plants associated with damp areas, spec.: (a) a rare red-flowered shrub, Orothamnus zeyheri, of the family Proteaceae, native to mountains in South Africa; (b) the swamp rose, Rosa palustris (rare).
1835 N. P. Willis Pencillings I. xvi. 197 The avenue..from the gate is lined with high bushes of the marsh-rose in the most luxuriant bloom.
1949 L. G. Green In Land of Afternoon v. 74 Some of the Cape flowers are almost extinct... Among the rarest of all is the Marsh Rose.
1954 R. L. Taylor Plants Colonial Days (ed. 3) 81 In 1837, Peter Collinson asked John Bartram to ‘send a specimen or two of the Upland Rose and the Marsh Rose’.. The reference may have been to R. palustris.
1972 Standard Encycl. Southern Afr. 5 439/1 In the reserve..are many beautiful and interesting endemic species such as Mimetes integra, Mimetes capitulata, Orothamnus zeyheri (marsh rose)..and Retzia capensis.
1990 H. le Rougetel Chelsea Gardener (BNC) 122 Among the plants received by the Royal Society..Rosa sempervirens and R. centifolia muscosa were despatched in 1735, R. pimpinellifolia and R. palustria (from America and also known as the Marsh or Swamp Rose) in 1739.
1992 D. M. Richardson & B. W. Van Wilgen in Afr. Wildlife 46 No. 4. 160 Fire was necessary to prevent the extinction of certain species, e.g. the endangered blushing bride (Serruria florida) and the marsh rose (Orothamnus zeyheri).
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