

单词 malabar coast

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Malabar Coast
C1. General attributive, as Malabar Coast, Malabar language, etc.
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 184 We espied a Mallabar Iuncke of seuentie Tunnes.
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 296 Wee found thirty or forty Frigads of Mallabar men of warre.
1696 J. Ovington Voy. Suratt 213 Many of their Women by their usual Custom in these cases..have gain'd the Name of Malabar Quills.
1778 (title) A Grammar for learning the Principles of the Malabar Language.
1794 Guthrie's New Geogr. Gram. (ed. 14) II. 696 Malabar language.
1794 Guthrie's New Geogr. Gram. (ed. 14) II. 696 Malabar coast.
1818 Asiatic Jrnl. & Monthly Reg. Aug. 227/2 The Cobra Manilla is known on the Malabar coast as the bangle snake.
1872 tr. St. Francis Xavier's Lett. in H. J. Coleridge Life & Lett. St. Francis Xavier II. 73 Enrico Enriquez..writes and speaks the Malabar tongue.
1900 T. K. Gopal Pannikar Malabar & its Folk v. 74 (heading) Malabar drama.
1946 Mariner's Mirror 32 209 The ordinary Malabar dug-out, called toni in Bombay.
1964 G. Durrell Menagerie Manor iv. 87 Millicent, the Malabar squirrel.
1967 Times 9 Feb. 2 (advt.) Chinese Carpets and plain deep pile off-white ‘Malabar’ Carpets.
1989 Guardian 21 July 23/4 Romantics..suppose the Jews fetched up on the Malabar coast as part of King Solomon's expeditionary force.
extracted from Malabarn.
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