

单词 maintain one's own

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to maintain one's own
4. transitive. To hold, keep, defend (a place, position, or possession) against hostility or attack, actual or threatened. to maintain one's ground (often figurative). Also reflexive: to make a stand, defend one's position; similarly †to maintain one's own.
society > armed hostility > defence > holding out or making stand > hold out or make stand [verb (intransitive)]
to maintain one's owna1375
to hold or keep (one's) stalec1450
to hold out1769
society > armed hostility > defence > holding out or making stand > hold [verb (transitive)] > hold (a position, etc.)
the mind > will > decision > constancy or steadfastness > be constant or steadfast [verb (intransitive)]
to stand stiffa1290
to stand or stick to one's tackling1529
to stand in this1538
to set down (the or one's) staff1584
to stand one's ground1600
to stand to one's pan pudding1647
to maintain one's ground1736
to nail one's colours (also flag) to the mast (also masthead)1808
to stay put1843
to stand firm1856
to sit tight1890
to keep the flag flying1914
to dig in one's toes1933
to hold the line1956
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 3642 (MED) His men miȝt nouȝt meyntene here owne.
a1400 Siege Jerusalem (Laud) (1932) 927 (MED) Othis..Þat four monþes & mor hadde mayntened þe croune.
c1450 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Ashm.) 1972 (MED) Miȝt þou þe marches of Messedoyne mayntene þi-selfe.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1957) iv. v. 81 And now that secund Paris,..By reif mantemys hir suld ouris be.
1595 S. Daniel First Fowre Bks. Ciuile Warres iv. xlvi. sig. V3v Bedford who our onely hold maintaind.
1615 G. Sandys Relation of Journey 217 A fort maintained by a small garrison of Moores.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) iii. vi. 92 Flu. The Duke of Exeter ha's very gallantly maintain'd the Pridge. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare King John (1623) iii. iv. 136 A Scepter snatch'd with an vnruly hand, Must be as boysterously maintain'd as gain'd. View more context for this quotation
a1625 J. Fletcher Rule a Wife (1640) iii. 37 I stand upon the ground of mine own honour And will maintaine it.
1660 F. Brooke tr. V. Le Blanc World Surveyed 15 There are four avenues cut through the Mountain, easie to be maintained.
1736 Bp. J. Butler Analogy of Relig. i. iii. 59 In this Case then, brute Force might more than maintain its Ground against Reason.
a1771 T. Gray Ess. I in W. Mason Mem. Life & Writings (1775) 199 An Iron-race the mountain-cliffs maintain.
1792 J. Almon Anecd. Life W. Pitt (octavo ed.) I. xviii. 283 The King of Prussia, though surrounded by his numerous enemies, maintained himself with astonishing skill and valour.
1849 G. P. R. James Woodman I. iv. 77 She maintained her ground, although the Moor rode close up to her with his companions.
1854 J. H. Newman Lect. Hist. Turks iv. i. 218 Venice..by a system of jealous and odious tyranny,..continued to maintain its ground.
1893 Sir L. Griffin in 19th Cent. Nov. 684 Our subsidies and open support have enabled Abdur Rahman Khan to maintain himself against his many enemies.
1956 W. S. Churchill Hist. Eng.-speaking Peoples II. iv. i. 6 The Church in Rome..proved able to maintain itself through a long series of religious wars.
extracted from maintainv.
to hold (also †maintain) one's own
2. to hold (also †maintain) one's own: to maintain one's position against opposition or attack; not to lose strength or suffer defeat.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 3642 (MED) His men miȝt nouȝt meyntene here owne.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. FFviiiv Be neuer ouercome in any mater, but holde thyne owne.
1601 P. Holland tr. Pliny Hist. World I. 482 There is not a better Reed growing for to make shafts,..it will hold the owne and stand in the weather.
1751 D. Garrick Let. July (1963) I. 169 I flatter'd ye Aunt much upon her holding her own, as they say in ye Country.
1846 A. Young Naut. Dict. 151 A vessel is said to ‘hold her own’ when she makes no progress, but yet does not lose ground.
1885 T. Mozley Reminisc. I. xii. 63 The new spelling now holds its own and wonts no changing.
1952 M. Kennedy Troy Chimneys 56 A young man so gifted may hold his own very well, even though he is poor and of no family.
1993 H. Gardner Creating Minds ix. 316 He..had managed to break bread and hold his own in conversation with individuals from diverse lands and backgrounds.
extracted from ownadj.pron.
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