

单词 love par amours

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to love par amour(s)
to love par amour(s): see paramour adv. 1a.extracted from lovev.1
to love par amour (also amours)
a. to love par amour (also amours): to be in love with; to love or desire passionately or sexually. Also: to have a clandestine or illicit affair with.In some later instances, paramours may have been taken as a noun and treated as the object of the verb; cf. paramour n. 2.
the mind > emotion > love > amorous love > fall in love [verb] > love sexually
to love par amour (also amours)a1300
a1300 (c1250) Floris & Blauncheflur (Vitell.) (1966) 65 (MED) Þar lay suete Blancheflur, [þat] Floyres louede par amur.
a1350 in G. L. Brook Harley Lyrics (1968) 63 (MED) Y louede a clerk al par amours.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 52 For now is halden non in curs, Bot qua þat luue can paramurs [a1400 Fairf. paramours, a1400 Trin. Cambr. paramouris].
a1450 Generides (Pierpont Morgan) (1865) 1305 (MED) Wax he is so noble and proude That he me prayd stil and loude Paramoures him forto loue.
a1500 (a1400) Sir Cleges (Adv.) (1930) 501 Sir Cleges..That i lovyd paramore.
1531 T. Elyot Bk. named Gouernour iii. xxi. sig. fv The same lady [sc. Cleopatra] Antoni..loued also peramours, abandonynge his wyfe.
1568 A. Scott Poems (1896) xxix. 6 For mony men ar evill to ken, Þat luvis paramour, Wt fenȝeit mynd, fals and vnkynd, Bringis ȝow to dishonour.
c1600 in G. Stevenson Poems A. Montgomerie (1910) 195 My awin trew luif sche is, That luifis hir paramouris.
1652 Liber Patris Sapientiæ in E. Ashmole Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum 200 Sche loveth him peramore and no other.
extracted from paramouradv.
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