

单词 atmosphere


Brit. /ˈatməsfɪə/, U.S. /ˈætməˌsfɪ(ə)r/
Forms: Also 1600s -sphære, -sphear.
Etymology: < modern Latin atmosphæra, < Greek ἀτμός vapour + σϕαῖρα ball, sphere.
a. The spheroidal gaseous envelope surrounding any of the heavenly bodies.
1638 Bp. J. Wilkins Discov. World in Moone x. 138 There is an Atmo-sphæra, or an orbe of grosse vaporous aire, immediately encompassing the body of the Moone.
1693 R. Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. 13 The Sun and Planets and their Atmospheres.
1881 Stokes in Nature No. 625. 597 In the solar atmosphere there is a cooling from above.
b. esp. The mass of aeriform fluid surrounding the earth; the whole body of terrestrial air.The name was invented for the ring or orb of vapour or ‘vaporous air’ supposed to be exhaled from the body of a planet, and so to be part of it, which the air itself was not considered to be; it was extended to the portion of surrounding air occupied by this, or supposed to be in any way ‘within the sphere of the activity’ of the planet (Phillips 1696); and finally, with the progress of science, to the supposed limited aeriform environment of the earth or other planetary or stellar body. (It is curious that the first mention of an atmosphere is in connection with the Moon, now believed to have none.)
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > [noun]
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > [noun] > of earth
inner space1958
1677 R. Plot Nat. Hist. Oxford-shire 4 That subtile Body that immediately incompasses the Earth, and is filled with all manner of exhalations, and from thence commonly known by the name of the Atmosphere.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) Among the more accurate Writers, the Atmosphere is restrain'd to that Part of the Air next the Earth, which receives Vapours and Exhalations; and is terminated by the Refraction of the Sun's Light.
1867 E. B. Denison Astron. without Math. (ed. 3) 56 The earth's atmosphere decreases so rapidly in density, that half its mass is within 3½ miles above the sea; and at 80 miles high there can be practically no atmosphere.
2. transferred. A gaseous envelope surrounding any substance.
the world > matter > gas > [noun] > surrounding any substance
1863 H. Watts Dict. Chem. I. 431 Thus we speak of the atmosphere of oxygen which spongy platinum attracts to its surface, or of the reduction of a metal in an atmosphere of hydrogen.
1876 P. G. Tait Lect. Recent Adv. in Physical Sci. xiii. 321 I shall simply put this atmosphere of coal gas..outside the bulb.
a. A supposed outer envelope of effective influence surrounding various bodies; esp. electrical atmosphere, that surrounding electrified bodies. Obsolete.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > area of influence > [noun] > electrical atmosphere
electrical atmosphere1668
electric atmosphere1745
the world > space > relative position > condition of being external > covering > wrapping > [noun] > enfolding or enveloping > that which or one who > supposed envelope of influence
1668 Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 3 851 Notes and Trials about the Atmospheres of Consistent Bodies.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) Atmosphere of solid, or consistent Bodies, is a kind of Sphere form'd by the Effluvia, or minute Corpuscles emitted from them.
1750 B. Franklin Exper. & Observ. Electr. (1751) 53 The additional quantity [of electrical fluid] does not enter, but forms an electrical atmosphere.
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b. magnetic atmosphere, the sphere within which the attractive force of the magnet acts.
a. figurative. Surrounding mental or moral element, environment. Also, prevailing psychological climate; pervading tone or mood; characteristic mental or moral environment; fascinating or beguiling associations or effects.
the mind > emotion > aspects of emotion > state of feeling or mood > [noun] > pervading
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > branch of knowledge > humanistic studies > [noun] > polite learning, culture > cultural surroundings
cultural landscape1919
1797–1803 J. Foster Jrnl. in Life & Corr. J. Foster (1846) I. 163 An extensive atmosphere of consciousness.
1817 S. T. Coleridge Biographia Literaria I. iv. 84 The original gift of spreading the tone, the atmosphere, and with it the depth and height of the ideal world around forms, incidents.
1828 W. Scott Fair Maid of Perth ii, in Chron. Canongate 2nd Ser. I. 64 He lives in a perfect atmosphere of strife, blood, and quarrels.
1854 W. C. Roscoe in Prospective Rev. 10 398 [Shakespeare] leaves his meaning to rest in great measure on the atmosphere that hangs about his language, rather than on its dictionary meaning and grammatical construction.
1859 J. S. Mill On Liberty 116 Genius can only breathe freely in an atmosphere of freedom.
1869 M. Arnold in Cornhill Mag. Nov. 600 Being in love changes for the time a man's spiritual atmosphere.
1884 ‘V. Lee’ Euphorion I. 27 Their intellectual atmosphere was as clear as our own.
1884 J. Ruskin Art of Eng. 222 The old water-colour men were wont to obtain their effects of atmosphere by, etc.
a1902 S. Butler Way of All Flesh (1903) vi. 27 Genial mental atmosphere.
1922 G. Santayana Solil. in England ix. 30 What governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul.
1923 H. G. Baynes tr. C. G. Jung Psychol. Types v. 230 The religion of the last two thousand years..has, thereby, created an atmosphere which remains wholly uninfluenced by any intellectual disavowal.
1923 P. G. Wodehouse Inimitable Jeeves xii. 130 I never know, when I'm telling a story, whether to cut the thing down to plain facts or whether to..shove in a lot of atmosphere.
1934 L. Sieveking Stuff of Radio i. ix. 90 Together the music of the orchestra, the aeroplane and sea sounds, and the dialogue of the three men, created genuine ‘atmosphere’, evoked emotion.
1948 J. R. Sutherland Pref. 18th Cent. Poetry i. 1 Hobbes and Locke..were subjecting the intellectual atmosphere to a sort of air-conditioning process.
b. Characteristic environment; surroundings or setting of a character appropriate or peculiar to the thing in question.
1886 Harper's Mag. Nov. 831/2 The constituent parts of literary society..are obliged to house themselves transiently in the most incongruous spots, with little, if any, ‘atmosphere’ about them.
1916 ‘B. M. Bower’ Phantom Herd i. 1 Such wanted several rehearsals of ‘atmosphere’ scenes before turning the camera on them.
c. spec. Applied to the background sounds that evoke a particular mood, impression, setting, etc., in a broadcast programme, etc. Also attributive.
society > communication > broadcasting > putting on or producing broadcast > [noun] > background sound or effects
spot effect1941
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > thing heard > [noun] > sound > sound for listening to > background sounds setting mood
1941 B.B.C. Gloss. Broadcasting Terms 4 Atmosphere, sounds forming the acoustic background incidental to an event such as a race meeting, procession, etc. Hence atmosphere microphone, microphone specially placed to pick up such sounds.
1961 K. Reisz Technique Film Editing (ed. 9) ii. 186 The sound editor can do little more than choose a piece of accompanying atmosphere music from his library.
1962 A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio ii. 42 A record of courtroom ‘atmosphere’ completed the picture by providing an occasional cough or shuffling noise.
1962 A. Nisbett Technique Sound Studio viii. 141 At this point, in order to maintain the fullest continuity, we can do a crossfade which keeps the atmosphere running throughout the pause.
5. The air in any particular place, esp. as affected in its condition by heat, cold, purifying or contaminating influences, etc.; = air n.1 4.
the world > matter > gas > air > [noun] > air in any specific place or at specific time
1766 J. Fordyce Serm. Young Women I. vi. 239 The suffocating atmosphere of..a small apartment.
1858 N. Hawthorne Fr. & Ital. Jrnls. I. 126 No amount of blaze would raise the atmosphere of the room ten degrees.
6. A pressure of 15 lbs. on the square inch, which is that exerted by the atmosphere on the earth's surface.
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > movements and pressure conditions > [noun] > atmospheric pressure > units of atmospheric pressure
standard atmosphere1842
1830 C. Lyell Princ. Geol. I. 396 Congealed under the pressure of many hundred, or many thousand atmospheres.
1881 J. Lubbock in Nature No. 618. 411 Hydrogen was liquefied by Pictet under a pressure of 650 atmospheres.


atmosphereful n. (cf. bucketful n.).
1879 W. Black Macleod of Dare xxiii A whole atmosphereful of pheasants.
atmosphereless adj. without an atmosphere.
the world > the earth > weather and the atmosphere > [adjective] > having no
1858 J. H. Bennet Nutrition iii. 75 Our cold satellite, the atmosphereless moon.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1885; most recently modified version published online December 2021).


Etymology: < atmosphere n.Previous versions of the OED give the stress as: ˈatmosphere.
To surround like, or as with, an atmosphere.
the world > space > relative position > condition of being external > covering > wrapping > wrap [verb (transitive)] > enfold or envelop > in a surrounding medium
1881 F. T. Palgrave Visions of Eng. 197 The deep uneasy lurid gloom That atmosphered usurping sway.
1882 W. C. Smith in Good Words 103 Hunter's religious convictions..were atmosphered in a fine spirit of reverence.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1885; most recently modified version published online June 2019).




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