

单词 long home

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long home
3. figurative. With reference to the grave or one's state after death. Frequently with preceding adjective, esp. in long home. Also in extended use.
the world > life > death > [noun] > state or condition of
iron sleep1573
another country1597
iron slumber1604
OE Cynewulf Fates of Apostles 92 Ic freonda beþearf liðra on lade, þonne ic sceal langne ham, eardwic uncuð, ana gesece læt [read gesecean, lætan] me on laste lic, eorðan dæl, wælreaf wunigean weormum to hroðre.
OE Homily (Corpus Cambr. 421) in A. S. Napier Wulfstan (1883) 265 We wæron þider gehatene and gelaðede to ðam halgan ham and to ðam cynelican friðstole, þær drihten Crist wunað.
OE Vision of Leofric in Rev. Eng. Stud. (2012) 63 550 Feowertyne nihton ær his forðsiðe he foresæde þonne [read þone] dæg þe he sceolde cuman to Cofantreo to his langan hame þær he on restet.
c1225 (?c1200) Sawles Warde (Bodl.) (1938) 16 (MED) O helle, deaðes hus..heatel ham & heard wan of all wontreaðes.
c1300 St. Mary Magdalen (Laud) l. 38 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 463 (MED) Deiden fader and Moder..Men..to heore longue home brouȝten heom ful sone.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) l. 9195 To þy long home, sone shalt þou wende.
c1480 (a1400) Prol. 32 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 2 Quhen he sal cume til his lang ham.
a1500 Liber Pluscardensis (Marchm.) (1877) I. 386 To graith thaire gait on to thair langest hame.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Eccl. xii. 5 Man goeth to his longe home.
1594 W. Shakespeare Titus Andronicus i. i. 83 These that I bring vnto their latest home . View more context for this quotation
1638 T. Herbert Some Yeares Trav. (rev. ed.) 204 A deadly flux..brought that religious Gentleman..in the vigour of his age, to an immortall home.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost x. 1085 Till we end In dust, our final rest and native home . View more context for this quotation
1713 Bp. G. Burnet Royal Martyr 175 The last Agonies, the fixed Eyes, and the dismal Ruttle,..tell all those about the Dying-Bed, that he..is now going to his Home.
1793 A. Seward Lett. (1811) III. 330 You would be sorryish to hear, that poor Moll Cobb..is gone to her long home.
1833 I. Taylor Fanaticism iii. 70 Whatever is spurious is marked already for oblivion, and moves on to its home.
1861 C. Reade Cloister & Hearth II. xiii. 266 Here's a venomous old toad! he knows a kick from this foot would send him to his last home.
1932 B. Devoto Mark Twain's Amer. viii. 194 Man had always been infinitely less important than man's eternal home.
1999 Hist. Today Dec. 54/1 At 1.45pm the scuttling charges were fired..but it was almost three hours before she went to her long home.
extracted from homen.1adj.
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