

单词 autumn crocus

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autumn crocus
autumn crocus n. (a) any of several crocuses (genus Crocus, family Iridaceae) that flower in the autumn; esp. C. nudiflorus, native to south-west Europe; (b) any of several crocus-like plants of the genus Colchicum (family Colchicaceae) that flower in the autumn; esp. meadow saffron or naked ladies, C. autumnale.Cf. spring crocus n. at spring n.1 Compounds 3e(c)(i).
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > iris and related flowers > crocus
autumn crocus1629
Scotch crocus1731
vernal crocus1778
saffron crocus1857
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > lily and allied flowers > bluebell and allied flowers > autumn crocus
saffron of the spring1548
meadow saffron1551
Mercury's finger1589
autumn crocus1629
naked ladies1668
naked boysa1697
1629 J. Parkinson Paradisi in Sole 168 Crocus Byzantinus argenteus. The siluer coloured Autumne Crocus. This Saffron flower springeth vp in October, and seldome before.
1726 B. Townsend Compl. Seedsman 46 There is one Sort with a Yellow Flower, that blows in the Autumn, which is called the Autumn Crocus, but the green Leaf is a Colchicum Leaf.
1822 J. C. Loudon Encycl. Gardening iii. ii. 954 Many botanists..consider that there is only two species [1824 reckon only two species], the C[rocus] vernus, or spring-blowing crocus; and the C[rocus] sativus, the saffron, or autumn crocus.
1854 S. Thomson Wanderings among Wild Flowers iii. 261 We..turn to..the pretty autumn crocus, or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale).
1960 S. Ary & M. Gregory Oxf. Bk. Wild Flowers 162/1 Autumn Crocus (Crocus nudiflorus, family Iridaceae). Like Meadow Saffron, this species also flowers in the autumn after the leaves have died down.
2015 J. Warren Nature of Crops v. 91 Even more poisonous is the autumn crocus or meadow saffron, which has sometimes been confused with true saffron.
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