

单词 letter requisitory

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letter requisitory
a. Of an official document: that expresses or conveys a request or demand. Frequently as postmodifier, esp. in letter requisitory.
the mind > language > speech > request > [adjective]
1447 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Feb. 1447 §16. m. 3 Youre suppliauntes have been in Britaigne, havyng the king oure soveraigne lordes gracious letters of prive seal requisitorie unto the duc.
1449–50 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Nov. 1449 §57. m. 18 Ye oure soverain lord..do write your lettres requisitorie..for due reformation to have be hadde.
1652 J. Wadsworth tr. P. de Sandoval Civil Wars Spain iv. i. 207 They wrote..a kinde of requisitorie letter for the Cities and Towns where their Embassadors were to pass, and therein they inclosed their Letters to the Emperor, with the Articles and Ordinances, which..they desired his Majestie to confirm.
a1691 T. Barlowe Several Cases of Conscience (1692) iv. 116 The Judge of the Cause may direct a Commission requisitory to the Judges of the Places or Countreys where the Witnesses dwell, to intreat them to examine the Witnesses remaining there.
1773 F. Grose Antiq. Eng.& Wales I. 52 The bishop thought it necessary to send letters requisitory, commanding them..to pay canonical obedience to the sub-prior.
1855 J. L. Motley Rise Dutch Republic II. iii. v. 305 Upon the 18th March, 1570, the Duke addressed a requisitory letter to the alcades, corregidors, and other judges of Castile, empowering them to carry the sentence into execution.
1891 Amer. Law Reg. 39 808/2 The prohibition of execution of commissions in several countries to examine witnesses has led to the adoption of letters rogatory or requisitory.
1944 Amer. Polit. Sci. Rev. 38 812 An informative and timely legal analysis of French and Italian requisitory legislation and the safeguards provided by it for the protection of private interests against the abuse of the power involved.
2006 Africa News (Nexis) 5 Jan. It can be recalled that government lawyers requested Criminal Court ‘A’ on December 29, 2005 to confirm and admit into evidence requisitory documents in the extradition case in order to form a cogent part of the proceedings.
extracted from requisitoryadj.
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