

单词 light-avoiding

> as lemmas

b. As a modifier, with the sense ‘by means of light; by light; with light’, and with verbal nouns, agent nouns, and participles, forming compounds in which light expresses the object of the underlying verb, as in light-actuated adj., light-avoiding adj., light-bearer n., light-bringer n., light-creating adj., light-filled adj., light-gilded adj., light-giver n., light-giving adj., light-hating adj., light-maker n., light-producing adj., light-reflecting adj., light-reflective adj., light-refracting adj., light-sensing adj., etc.
the world > matter > light > illumination > [noun] > one who or that which illuminates
OE Ælfric Old Eng. Hexateuch: Gen. (Claud.) xv. 17 Ða sloh ðær mycel mist, & ferde swylce an ofen eal smociende, & leohtberende fyr [L. lampas ignis] ferde ofer ða lac.
OE Hymns (Julius A.vi) lxi. 3 in H. Gneuss Hymnar u. Hymnen im englischen Mittelalter (1968) 340 Laudabatur libens, largus, lucifluus in meritis : he wæs gehyrod lustbære cystig leohtflowend on geearnungum.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) Gen. i. 16 & god made two grete liȝt ȝeuers [L. luminaria].
a1425 (c1384) Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Corpus Oxf.) (1850) Ezek. xxxii. 8 Y shal make alle liȝtmakers [L. luminaria] of heuen for to mourne vpon thee.
1427 Petition in Rotuli Parl. (1767–77) IV. 364/2 A redy Bekyn, wheryn shall be light gevyng by nyght, to alle the Vesselx that comyn into the seid Ryver.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection ii. sig. Siiiiv The sterre called lucifer: that is to say, the lyght berar.
1647 H. More Philos. Poems iii. App. xxxvii Light-hating ghosts.
?1695 H. Waring Court Convert 11 We must..Leave the fair Train, and the light-guilded Room.
1781 W. Cowper Truth 390 The light-creating God.
1834 T. Carlyle Sartor Resartus ii. v. 52/2 By this fairest of Orient Light-bringers must our Friend be blandished.
1834 Young Gentleman's Bk. (ed. 3) 65 The moon is the only light-reflecting body which the earth has near it.
1841 R. Hare Let. 1 Jan. in London, Edinb. & Dublin Philos. Mag. 18 469 The Newtonian theory, which ascribes radiation to the projection of heat or light-producing particles.
1847 Brit. Q. Rev. Aug. 32 It is, indeed, conceivable, that the physical organisation of the orb [sc. Neptune] may be such, as shall give to its surface a light-reflective power very far beyond all we have experience of.
1889 E. Carpenter Civilisation 88 It [sc. modern science] takes the emerald, and breaks it up; treats of its color and light-refracting qualities.
a1924 J. Conrad Suspense (1925) iii. i. 176 Coming out of his light-filled room Cosmo found the corridors cold and dark.
1924 J. A. Thomson Sci. Old & New xxvi. 142 The Fierasfer..is a light-avoiding fish, related to the sand-eel.
1993 J. L. Hood Art of Linear Electronics i. 11/2 The wide family of light sensitive or light actuated components such as the photo diode, photo transistor, photo resistor.
2007 New Scientist 6 Jan. 38/3 At the centre of the eye, light-sensing tubes called rhabdoms absorb the incoming photons and perform the function of both rods and cones in vertebrates.
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