

单词 life for life

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life for life
a. a life for a life: an expression of the ‘law of retaliation’ (chiefly in biblical allusion: see lex talionis n. and an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) at eye n.1 Phrases 4a(a)). Also life for life, † life with life.
the world > action or operation > behaviour > reciprocal treatment or return of an action > revenge > in revenge or retaliation (for) [phrase] > equal retaliation
an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)a1400
life for lifea1400
OE Old Eng. Hexateuch: Exod. (Claud.) xxi. 23 Gyf..heo æfter ðam [sc. the beating] dead byð, sylle lyf wið life [L. animam pro anima].
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 1970 Þar gas na ransun bot liue for lijf.
a1425 (a1382) Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Corpus Oxf.) (1850) Exod. xxi. 24 If..a man smyte a womman with child and..if..hir deeth folwe, he shal ȝeld lijf for lijf.
1570 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xii. 101 Possest in purpois, lyfe for lyfe to cose.
1660 Bp. J. Taylor Ductor Dubitantium II. vii. 140 Their lives were a commutation for the lives of those that offered them, as who should say a life for a life.
1748 A. A. Sykes Ess. Sacrifices 129 The slaying the Animal before God..would not be deemed, the giving Life for Life, but it was the pouring the Blood, which is the Life, upon the Altar, which made the Atonement.
1843 New Englander (New Haven, Connecticut) July 317/2 He lived under the great law of nature; life for life and limb for limb..which Pharisaic interpretation perverted into a Divine rule of private conduct.
1964 Life 25 Dec. 56/2 The original ethical intent of Mosaic law also has been badly mangled by misinterpretations of the so-called lex talionis—‘life for life, eye for eye.’
2000 B. W. Sinclair & J. Sinclair Life in Balance p. ii The Dixie Mafia had made good on its vow—a life for a life.
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