

单词 at task

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at task
a. at task: (a) at so much for a specified amount or piece of work, by the piece; (b) ? taken to task, blamed (a doubtful sense, the reading being uncertain).
society > occupation and work > work > [adverb] > by the piece
to task1476
at task1477
by task1601–2
1477–8 in H. J. F. Swayne Churchwardens' Accts. Sarum (1896) 364 Helyng and poyntyng in dyvers places atte Taske.
a1616 W. Shakespeare King Lear (1623) i. iv. 323 Yet vnder pardon You [printed Your] are much more at task [1619 attaskt] for want of wisedome, Then prai'sd for harmefull mildnesse.
extracted from taskn.
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