

单词 lead apes in hell

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to lead apes in hell
6. to lead apes in hell: the fancied consequence of dying an old maid. to say an ape's paternoster: to chatter with cold.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > coldness > be cold [verb (intransitive)] > be cold or have sensation of cold > chatter with cold (of teeth)
to say an ape's paternoster1578
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > unmarried person(s) > unmarried woman > [verb (intransitive)] > remain unmarried or be old maid
to lead apes in hell1578
to dance barefoota1616
1578 J. Lyly Euphues f. 28 Rather thou shouldest leade a lyfe to thine owne lykeinge in earthe, then..leade Apes in Hell.
1605 London Prodigall i. 2 'Tis an old proverb, and you know it well, That women dying maids lead apes in hell.
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues Grelotter, To shake, tremble..say an Apes Pater-noster.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) ii. i. 34 She is your treasure..I must..for your loue to her, leade Apes in hell . View more context for this quotation
1653 T. Urquhart tr. F. Rabelais 1st Bk. Wks. xi. 54 He would flay the Fox, say the Apes Paternoster.
1718 S. Centlivre Bold Stroke for Wife ii. i. 14 Poor Girl,—she must certainly lead Apes, as the Saying is.
1830 T. P. Thompson in Westm. Rev. Jan. 146 Joining with other old women, in leading their apes in Tartarus.
extracted from apen.
to lead apes (in hell)
a. To go before or alongside and guide by direct or indirect contact; to conduct (a person) by holding the hand or some part of the body or clothing, (an animal) by means of a cord, halter, bridle, etc. Const. by (the hand, etc.). Also with adverbs away, in, off, on, out, up and down, etc. to lead apes (in hell): see ape n. 6.
society > travel > aspects of travel > guidance in travel > show (the way) [verb (transitive)] > guide, lead, or show one the way > by contact
971 Blickl. Hom. 71 His þegnas..læddon him to þone eosol.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xv. 14 Se blinda gyf he blindne læt hig feallað begen on ænne pytt.
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 111 Þet mon..sarine frefrað oðer blindne let.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 446 Tristrem hunters seiȝe ride, Les of houndes þai ledde.
c1420 Anturs of Arth. 447 His stede was sone stabillede, and lede to þe stalle.
1470–85 T. Malory Morte d'Arthur i. xlix The brachet was mine that the Knight lad away.
c1480 (a1400) St. George 274 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) II. 184 Ta þi belt, & hyme [sc. a dragon] lede, & about his hals knyt it sone.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 137 That ane blynde man is led furth be ane vther.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 39 His fa sum be the oxtar ledis.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 604/2 Lede my horse, I praye you, up and downe.
1590 E. Spenser Faerie Queene i. i. sig. A3v A milkewhite lambe she lad.
1614 A. Gorges tr. Lucan Pharsalia i. 37 Then doth he take a faire large bull..And him vnto the Altar leades.
1766 O. Goldsmith Vicar of Wakefield II. iv. 69 The captive soldier was led forth.
1813 Sketches of Character (ed. 2) I. 29 [She] returned, leading in a lovely little girl.
1830 Ld. Tennyson Ode to Memory iii, in Poems 60 In sweet dreams..Thou leddest by the hand thine infant Hope.
1862 Temple Bar 4 252 The chestnut..was led off to the stable.
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