

单词 attesting or subscribing witness

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attesting or subscribing witness
a. One who is called on, selected, or appointed to be present at a transaction, so as to be able to testify to its having taken place: spec. one who is present at the execution of a document and subscribes it in attestation thereof; more definitely, attesting or subscribing witness.Often in formulæ corresponding to medieval Latin teste me ipso, teste rege, his testibus, etc., Anglo-Norman tesmoin
society > law > legal document > [noun] > attestation of document > one who
instrumentary witnessc1600
a995 in Thorpe Charters (1865) 288 Her cyþ on þysum gewrite hu Wynflæd gelædde hyre gewitnesse.]
a1122 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) ann. 656 Ic bidde þe broðer Æðelred & mine swustre Cyneburh & Cynesuuith..þet ge beon witnesse & þæt geo hit write mid iure fingre.
a1122 Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) ann. 675 Ic Theodorus ærcebiscop of Cantwarbyrig am witnesse of þas gewrite.
1258 Proclam. Henry III in Trans. Philol. Soc. (1868–9) 21 Witnesse vs seluen [Fr. Tesmoin Meimeismes] æt Lunden' þane Eȝtetenþe day on þe Monþe of Octobr'.
c1290 Beket 836 in S. Eng. Leg. 130 Ich was with him er wel inov..Þare ne tok ich no witnesse of þat us was bitweone.
a1450 Knt. de la Tour xxxiv Ye are suoren to God and to youre husbonde atte the chirche dore afore witnesse that ye shalle neuer breke it.
c1450 Godstow Reg. 51 These beyng witnesse, Robert of Wytham, Sire walter, [etc.].
1463 Irish Act 3 Edw. IV c. 32 We have done to be made these oure lettres patentes Oureself beying witnesse.
1494 in T. Dickson Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1877) I. 239 Item, the foure witnes [of the execution] expensis in Edinburgh,.. xl s.
1525 in J. W. Clay Testamenta Eboracensia (1902) VI. 13 Thies wittenesses, Thomas Beamont, [etc.].
1609 W. Shakespeare Troilus & Cressida iii. ii. 194 Go to a bargaine made, seale it,..ile bee the witnes . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) iv. iv. 388 But come-on, Contract vs fore these Witnesses . View more context for this quotation
1629 W. Prynne Church of Englands Old Antithesis 89 Seuerall witnesses..auerre it vnder their hands and seales.
1631 B. Jonson Staple of Newes v. ii. 9 in Wks. II I haue your Deed... Is't not A perfect Act? and absolute in Law? Seal'd and deliuer'd before witnesses?
1664 in Extracts State Papers (Friends' Hist. Soc.) (1912) 3rd Ser. 228 This..wee haue made bold to Certefie Witnesse our hands this First day of December.
1710 O. Sansom Acct. Life 73 He..threatned me before Witness, That if I did not pay him, I must expect to go to Prison.
1729 T. Innes Crit. Ess. Anc. Inhabitants Scotl. I. 177 As 'tis clear by many ancient charters, and chiefly by the donors and witnesses in the chartularies of our monasteries.
1754 in Minutes of Evid. Nairne Peerage (1873) 53 in Sessional Papers House of Lords (H.L. A) XII. 65 James Fullarton merchant in Edinburgh and the sd John Strathie who also subscribe as witnesses.
1754 in Vesey Reports (1793) I. 11 Whether Testator's declaration before three witnesses, that it is his will, is equivalent to signing it before them.
1759 J. Lauder Decisions Lords of Council & Session 1678–1712 I. 722 The communers and witnesses present, who fortify and adminiculate the same.
1836 C. Dickens Pickwick Papers (1837) xvii. 178 We find his name in the parish register, as a witness to the marriage of Maria Lobbs to her cousin.
1839 E. W. Lane tr. Thousand & One Nights I. i. 76 (note) These words, ‘I give myself to thee’, uttered by a woman to a man, even without the presence of witnesses,..render her his lawful wife if [etc.].
1856 Rep. Court Queen's Bench 4 452 The execution of the will by the testator and by the other two subscribing witnesses.
1858 Ld. St. Leonards Handy Bk. Prop. Law xviii. 141 The statute requires the witnesses to attest and subscribe the will.
extracted from witnessn.
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