

单词 at best

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at best
c. elliptical (adv.phr.) = taken at best, at most, at least, etc.
a1661 T. Fuller Life H. Smith in H. Smith Serm. (1675) sig. A4 Wholly concealed, or at the best uncertain.
1775 R. B. Sheridan in London Rev. Eng. & Foreign Lit. Feb. 141 At least double the length of any acting comedy.
1819 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto I cxvi. 61 You..have been, At best, no better than a go-between.
1882 Proctor in Knowledge No. 41. 178 Two, or at the outside, three miles.
extracted from atprep.
at (the) best
(a) at (the) best. Cf. at the worst at worst adj. and n. Phrases 2b.
(i) In the best way, manner, or condition; as best one can; at one's best. Obsolete. to get one's money at the best: to live dishonestly or without working.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > quality of being the best > [adverb]
at (the) bestc1275
in the besta1450
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 3636 Nu ich wulle sende..to iwiten at þon bezste. ȝif heo me wulleð buȝen.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 4089 A ful loueli lady lettered at þe best, corteys & couenabul.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 11 After so noble spekers þat sownede at þe beste; and of hem faire facounde and resonable speche, folowed and streynede all her lyf tyme.
c1400 J. Gower Eng. Wks. (1901) II. 483 [Sustene] pes oghte every man alyve..For so this world mai stonden ate beste.
1482 W. Caxton tr. Higden's Prolicionycion i. xxx. f. xl Of whiche cleye men make erthen vessel at beste.
1532 G. Hervet tr. Xenophon Treat. House Holde f. 60v The ground that is wel tylled and dight, wyl coste moche more money, and yet hit is than euen at the beste.
1584 T. Cogan Hauen of Health clxxxviii. 148 Shell fishes be at the best when the moone increaseth as the Poet Horace noteth.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) i. iii. 172 Good Brabantio, take vp this mangled matter at the best . View more context for this quotation
1819 J. H. Vaux New Vocab. Flash Lang. in Memoirs II. 155 To get your money at the best, signifies to live by dishonest or fraudulent practices, without labour or industry.
(ii) (Even) in the best conditions or circumstances; taking the most favourable or optimistic view; at most.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > quality of being the best > [adverb] > in the best circumstances
at (the) best1556
1556 J. Heywood Spider & Flie lix. sig. Ccv Prouing you: (at best) nought to win by this war.
1629 H. Burton Truth's Triumph 133 Our inherent righteousnesse, call it Christs merits, or what you will, is at the best but as Piscis in arido.
a1644 F. Quarles Solomons Recantation (1645) Sol. iii. 16 Thy days are ev'll at best.
1723 D. Defoe Hist. Col. Jack (ed. 2) 338 Man is a short sighted Creature at best.
1797 E. Burke Third Let. Peace Regicide Directory France 99 'Tis a random shot at best.
1841–8 F. Myers Catholic Thoughts II. iv. §19. 276 External Evidence must at the very best be but partial and secondary.
1884 W. S. Gilbert Princess Ida ii. 26 Darwinian Man... However well-behaved, At best is only a monkey shaved!
1903 Edinb. Rev. Apr. 325 Impostors or at best self-deluders.
1943 National Geographic Mag. Dec. 652/1 Violent up-and-down drafts of thunderstorms give a plane a terrific bouncing around at best and at worst can cause disaster.
1975 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 22 Jan. 9/1 In inner-city schools, basic communication between teacher and student is difficult at best.
2010 C. Seife Proofiness viii. 218 The case for deterrence was at best ambiguous.
(iii) Finance. At the best possible price.
society > trade and finance > monetary value > price > [adverb] > at specific type of price
at the best hand1552
at (the) best1865
1865 Scotsman 12 Apr. 3/2 At best 7s. 6d.
1938 Times 29 Sept. 19/1 Numerous orders to sell ‘at best’ have been given recently in respect of small amounts of rubber.
1958 Jrnl. Royal Soc. Antiquaries Ireland 88 171 Buying at best on a cash basis, these merchants were in turn forced to demand prompt payment from the exporting merchants.
2000 Observer 18 June (Cash section) 22/4 You placed your order ‘at best’ on the Monday, but the price had jumped by the time Schwab executed the order the following morning.
extracted from bestadj.n.1adv.
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