

单词 foreign plea

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foreign plea
c. Law. Of a plea, defence, etc.: tried in a different place from where the action was originally brought or the matter originally occurred; as in foreign plea. Now only in historical contexts.
1437 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1437 §26. m. 5 Eche of þese .xiij. plees and answeres, triable out of þe shire in which þe action and writ of atteint is sued, shal cause þe delay..unto the tyme that eche of þe seid foreins severals answers be tried.
1437 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Jan. 1437 §26. m. 5 If eny of the seid foreins answers and plees, be tried and founden ageyn eny of þe seid defendantz, [etc.].
a1472 in Archaeologia Cantiana (1931) 43 206 The same besecher is like to be condempned in the said citee by colour of the said foreyn accion, ageyns reson & conscience.
1512 Act 4 Henry VIII c. 2 in Statutes of Realm (1963) III. 49 Of feyned and untrew Foreyn pleyes triable in foreyn Countes.
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Gg1v/2 Forein mater..mater triable in another countie.
1986 Law & Hist. Rev. 4 74 The record of the case states that it was adjourned to the Staffordshire Eyre, but there is no reference to it amongst the foreign pleas on the roll of that eyre.
extracted from foreignadj.n.2adv.
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